Ill take the best news ever for $1,000.
I'll take the best news ever for $1,000. KRIS CONNOR/GETTY IMAGES

BREAKING: A Boeing warehouse office building in Seattle was on fire from approximately 4:22 to 5 p.m. No injuries were reported, writes the Seattle Times. Not many details are currently available. UPDATE 8/30: The fire broke out on the roof of the building. The cause is being investigated.

Trump says a deal with the Taliban is close: The US plans to withdraw around 5,000 American troops from Afghanistan, Trump said Thursday. He also said a US envoy is in its ninth round of talks with the Taliban to find a resolution to the nearly twenty-year war. “Who knows if it’s going to happen,” Trump said, referring to a resolution. The Afghanistan War is the longest war in American history.

Another state joins Florida in declaring a state of emergency: As our president tweeted today, "Storm is building and will be BIG!"

An update from my aunt: "Esmeralda," as she prefers to be called on Slog.

"Aunt Esmeralda"

Confirmed Marshawn Lynch spotting: In my utopia, streets are only for pedestrians, buses, cyclists, trains, streetcars, monorails, and this...

For those of you alarmed by that Vanishing Seattle Instagram post: About Annapurna Cafe's building being redeveloped, the good news is that "redevelopment and, likely, demolition is still a long way off," reports Capitol Hill Seattle Blog. More info here.

Can the Washington State Republican Party kick out Matt Shea? The elected lawmaker, a man who has promoted a group that trains child soldiers for a holy war, has come under fire recently as an independent investigation looks into whether or not he “has engaged in, planned, or promoted political violence against groups or individuals." But no matter what the investigation digs up, how possible is it to force Shea's resignation? Crosscut's Melissa Santos looks into it.

The Trump 2020 Campaign has a new logo: What do you think it is? Hillary behind bars? Ilhan Omar with devil horns? Basically a white nationalist logo? It's one of those options.

Trump also unveiled the new flag for the US Space Command: I think this is his neutral stance. Those hands. That face.

Trump has been pushing for Space Wars for a while: The Pentagon confirmed today that the US will open the Space Command to protect American interests in space. What Trump really wants is a Space Force, but a new branch of the military would require congressional approval. I can't think of Space Force without thinking of an upcoming anime screening at The Beacon, Royal Space Force: The Wings of HonnĂŞamise (1987). I checked it out from Scarecrow Video last night. The characters talk about how everyone laughs at Space Force. Topical!!

Are you traveling this weekend? I'm not. I have to go to Bumbershoot. Then I'm staying home and watching movies because I'm in a self-imposed film grad school. If you're going somewhere, heavy traffic is expected to start on Friday. Seattle Times, a paper for drivers, has the T on the traffic here. Read Slog while you're stuck.

On Bumbershoot: "Did a gay..." is my favorite way to start a sentence.

A tree fell on the Pacific Crest Trail: And killed a tourist from Germany. The hiker, Finn Bastian, was 28. Officials said the tree was rotted at its base.

R.I.P. University Street Station: Sound Transit is planning on renaming the station, which confusingly sounds like it could be the station for the University of Washington. The University of Washington Station is also confusing, considering it's at the Husky Stadium, and the upcoming University District Station, opening in 2021, is closer to a lot of the UW than the University of Washington Station. Sheesh. Anyhow, they're still figuring out what they want to name it. You can't submit your own names.

He's not dead: Thank the Lords.

Porn studio buys porn doxing forum: So they can destroy it. Bang Bros announced today that it bought, a website dedicated to doxing and harassing the good saints who show their pussies online for a living. Why'd they buy it? So they could do this: