News Nov 28, 2022 at 1:37 pm

Democrats Are Running Out of Time to Pass the SAFE Banking Act

These two power brokers have less than a month to pack in all the good policy they can before the GOP assumes control of the House in January. Tasos Katopodis | Getty



Good idea. Let's take that a few steps further. Get banks completely out of the business of being proxies for law enforcement. We have Fourth Amendment rights. If law enforcement doesn't have the justification for a warrant, they shouldn't be pressuring private businesses into doing their sniffing around on their behalf. Let's do away with civil forfeiture as well. If there is no proof of a crime, mere possession of cash should not imply the existence of one.

I suspect that the cops don't toss wealthy people's houses and cars asking them where they got those hedge fund shares.


The number one lame duck priority has to be the Electoral Count Act, and number two is raising the debt ceiling to a quadrillion dollars or so. But I agree this is a strong contender for number three.


@5 CKathes: +1 Agreed.


D’oh! Tricked into reading another article about weed. I mean, it seemed straight laced for several paragraphs. Well played!

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