News Apr 7, 2023 at 9:00 am

The GOP Wants to Criminalize Trans Health Care, Bathroom Access, and Participation in Youth Sports

A country divided into trans sanctuaries and difficult-to-escape trans hells. Photo: Streetphotojournalism. Design: Anthony Keo.



Not to Worry!
its just a little
lite Fascism

you (likely) don't gotta
Worry for quite Some time

HOW much time
you may Wonder?

I dunno.
but They'll
let you Know
they're quite Thorough.

they'll even Make Sure
the Busses run On Time
no matter What the Cost


looks like you've
got some Fungus
in your Hungus yet
again carl. have you
tried Preparation "H"?


not a Half-
Bad effort. for
YOU. now see if
you can Do it with
Actual Words. Good

luck little Buddy!
we're all


"We wanna make it illegal for a kid to decide what happens with their own body through informed consent, with an exception for if someone ELSE wants to decide what happens with that kids body WITHOUT informed consent" - someone who's probably used the term Land of the Free in their campaign speeches, and who may or may not share a political party with a sex trafficker


Republicans are obsessed with children's genitals and are passing insane legislation that will allow them to molest ("inspect") children's genitals. It's fucking insane. Why do people vote for this people?

As for also vilifying drag, every single person in power against this shit show of stupidity needs to drag out the video of Rudy Giuliani in drag with Donald J. Trump hitting on him and "motorboating" his face in RG's fake boobs. That should shut down their stupidity permanently. If their fucking GOD is getting off with a drag queen, well then they can't say there is ANY reason drag is a problem (their fears about drag queens and children are unfounded, unsubstantiated, unsound, unbelievable, and untrue).

There are no drag queens shaking their asses in front of children.

You know who is endangering children? Molesting Children? Raping Children? Impregnating Children? Forcing Children to give birth to children?

-Men. Men. Men. Men. and more Men. (and yes I know women engage in some of these activities, but let's talk percentages - men are the problem, continue to be the problem, and are the majority of the legislators making the problem worse every single chance they get).

-Youth pastors
-Catholic priests

-Biological Fathers
-Male friends
-Male boyfriends

-Strangers (though it's rarely a stranger - it's typically someone who knows the child, knows them well, and uses their influence over the child to gain sexual access to their body).

Republicans are banning everything in the name of "protecting children" while they will never do anything to ban high capacity assault weapons (weapons of war that civilians are allowed to buy) or regulate guns, which would affect #1 cause of death of children in the United States (death by firearm). Republicans do not care about children or life in general (other than their own lives, of course).


They refused to keep in place the tax cuts that lifted 40 million children out of poverty during the pandemic.
They insist on starving as many children as possible - as they refuse to support free lunch programs and cut SNAP benefits to the bare minimum.
They insist that children who are raped and are impregnated during that rape be forced to carry the fetus to term and give birth to it (who cares if they are a 10 year old whose body can't withstand giving birth and who will probably die during child birth and who will likely give birth to a human being that requires extra medical care its entire life) OH YEAH DON'T FORGET THE RAPIST HAS PARENTAL RIGHTS, TOO!
They insist children can work dangerous and life threatening jobs with no corporate accountability or consequences if those children are severely injured, disabled, or killed.
They insist that children cannot learn anything about the history of this country that contains any truth and they ban books, criminalize schools, librarians, and teachers.
They insist children do not require food, health care, education, housing, help of any kind, protection, or safety.
They insist any person born with a vagina is not recognized as having human rights and can therefore have any and all rights taken from them.
They insist any person without white skin, especially in this country, is not recognized as having human rights and can therefore have any and all rights taken from them.
They insist any person who believes things they don't believe or who expresses opinions that are not their opinions, is not recognized as having human rights and can therefore have any and all rights taken from them (including elected officials).

The list is infinite. Truly. There is no too far or too much or too cruel or too sadistic or too hate filled or too (insert blank here) for Republicans. Once they put the most disgusting, stupid, and vile POS in the White House and then got away with their attempt at overthrowing the federal government, they've gone no holds barred. They will not stop.


xina for President.
fucking NOW.


Republicans are horrible people. Republican apologists are even worse.

Happy Easter, Raindrop, dear.....


"But I don't get your point."

a day keeps
the Republican at bay

what did the Daddy
tomato say to the
baby tomato?



'doktor' Nelson
cured me too!

of All my

now I've got
Stage Four Cancer!

see you in The Funnies

or in The Obits
whichever one
comes Firstest.



'Braylon'? why
have I Never
herd of

@21: "That's YOUR Seattle culture. 'Adult Baby Diaper Lovers', and perhaps people who like to get fucked by horses, as per your own film, 'Zoo'. Face up to it, Charles."

Braylon on April 7, 2023 at 11:36 AM Report this

ah. okay.
you do you
I'll stick with
your 'Delusional.'


sure Brays-on
and on

just another random
horse fuckin'

who Knows
xina'd be Vastly
Better at Presidenting
than the trumpfster'd EVER be.

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