News Jun 30, 2023 at 5:40 pm

Marcel Long’s Sentence Means He Could Be in Prison Until He’s 34

A memorial for Lorenzo Anderson, the 19-year-old who was killed at a shooting at the CHOP in 2020. CB



@1 No surprise that the biggest white nationalist crank who comments here would get the first post. Keep on being your disgustingly ignorant self, Sir Toby!


The reason we had 2020 protests was because of blatant white supremacist cops brutally murdering an unarmed Black man who was guilty of nothing but being Black. Remember that? He was held down and choked to death.

You protectors of those murderers and blaming the protestors tells us al we need to know about you. White supremacists playing word games.l


@10: Was it too much to ask that riotously anarchic ‘protests’ in Seattle, ostensibly over the murder of a Black man in Minneapolis, not kill Black men in Seattle? Because the topic of this thread is the violent death of a young Black man in a Seattle ‘protest’ zone, and that topic seems not to interest you in the slightest. Where’s your tediously, tiresomely predictable outrage, when the topic is the killing of a Black man in Seattle? Is killing a Black man ok with you so long as the police are not involved? Or does the LACK of police presence in the ‘protest’ zone, which was directly a causal factor in this Black man’s murder, render it ideologically unavailable for your condemnation?

“You protectors of those murderers…”

Find one comment, anywhere at the Stranger, anytime, ever, which argued against the trials and sentences George Floyd’s assailants have received, are receiving, or will receive. (Then find another one, from someone else, because you used the plural.) The naked hatred and contempt you continually display here for your fellow citizens of Seattle is one of the vilest things ever published by the Stranger.


Argument above: there were murders during the tenure of CHOP/CHAZ/etc. The method of organizing is fully to blame for the occurrence of the murders, therefore it was good that it was disbanded.

Exact same argument: there were 52 murders in 2022, during the tenure of SPD. The method of organizing is fully to blame for the occurrence of the murders, therefore we should disband SPD.

To be clear, neither of the above arguments have any merit.


@14: First, are you seriously arguing that creating, maintaining, and advertising a lawless zone in the middle of a city was in no way to blame for the crimes then committed in said lawless zone?

Second, if you want a valid comparison, then take the two known murders committed in the CHAZ/CHOP during the brief period the CHAZ/CHOP existed, and scale them up to an entire year. Do the same thing with the small physical area the CHAZ/CHOP covered, and scale those two known murders up to the entire city. So, between those two large multiplicative factors, the two known murders in the CHAZ/CHOP would be the equivalent of how many hundreds of murders citywide for one year? Thousands? And the difference between those hundreds or thousands, and the 52 known murders, we need credit to the SPD.

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