News Aug 1, 2023 at 12:01 pm

Seattle City Council to Once Again Consider a Public Drug Use Ordinance

Harrell's self-described "war on health" is back on the menu. AN



Have any of the opponents of this measure advanced a competing plan? I hadn't seen anything, and was therefore under the impression critics simply planned to maintain the status quo (large numbers of unsheltered people suffering overdoses in public spaces).


“King County Public Defenders Union President Molly Gilbert wanted to empower Seattle Municipal Court judges to divert cases when cops arrest someone, but instead the bill leaves all the power to dismiss charges in the hands of the City Attorney.”

That’s because, as previous articles in the Stranger unintentionally revealed, persons were going through the diversionary program multiple times without changing behaviors. As the diversionary court itself failed to prevent recidivism, the City Attorney’s office will have the power to decide.

As @1 noted, critics of this bill seem to have no problem accepting a catastrophically failed status quo.


What’s the problem with the way things are?
Just let people pass out and lay in their own filth. When there is an event such as the MLB All Star game, simply scoop them up Soylent Green style and dump them someplace else for a bit.
Everyone can pretend Seattle is a great place for a little while.

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