News Nov 9, 2023 at 9:00 am

The Left Should Fight for the (Probable) Vacant Seat on City Council

Who shall be the One? COURTESY OF THE CAMPAIGN



“Establishment normies?” These are all talented, accomplished public servants of color who have put their time, shown their chops and deserve a shot at higher office! I’m particularly excited about Brianna or Vivian.


that Someone Else guy looks really interesting ...


lol, if the election results hold and a slate of centrists take over the council that would be a pretty firm rebuke of the progressive vision of the city so why should a new council go against the electorate and put one of those same progressive voices on the council? That is the height of arrogance. In any case it won't matter as the majority will certainly be able to place someone on the council who is not an activist whether TS likes it or not.

I would also challenge the notion that Kirsten Harris-Talley was an effective choice. She immediately aligned herself with Sawant and was one of the co-chairs of the ill-fated progressive revenue task force that came up with the Head Tax that was universally disliked. She went on to the state legislature but then refused to run for a second term but it was too "toxic" (e.g. people actually challenged her hair brained ideas)

Not really the win you think it is


Too funny. Having demonstrated only their ability to get unelectable losers past the Primary (Hi NTK! How's it shakin ChrisTiana?) the new Council will be a' quakin in their boots over lefty tantrums about this appointment.

Cluetrain kidz, you have to actually demonstrate electoral clout before you get taken seriously.


DOUG for Seattle Council!


Clarification: Vivian won a citywide election for school board by some huge margin.


At least Seattle Politics will be rid of Latina Tracy Flick. ÂĄAdios!


“Given the results on election night, when conservative council candidates blew the lukewarm progressive slate out of the water”

The fact that you can write this in all seriousness says more about you than the candidates.


@3, @5: “The Left Should Fight for the (Probable) Vacant Seat on City Council”

Yes, the election results we’ve so far seen definitely show an electorate wanting more far-left losers to get handed power they couldn’t achieve on their own.

“I would also challenge the notion that Kirsten Harris-Talley was an effective choice…”

Hey! Sure, her legislation was so bad the electorate revolted to remove it, but she always signaled THE correct amount of THE correct virtue, each and every time she was called upon to perform virtue-signaling. Go ahead, just try to find criteria more highly valued at the Stranger.


You’re suggesting that a bunch of Lefties - most of whom have lost primary elections, some more than once - should be considered by an incoming Centrist council to fill a vacant seat???

A more pragmatic idea is to convince Mosqueda to resign before the new Councilmembers take over and let the current left-leaning council make the appointment (and appoint a progressive who isn’t on Hanis’s list-o-losers).


I am thrilled Andrew (change my mind every two seconds) Lewis is gone. We don't need fence sitters or officials that cower to the small screaming minority that doesn't care about anything but chaos. I will vote for another moderate with brains. Lukewarm progressives =people who talk change but can't deliver it


@17: “…Stranger city council slate got its ass-kicked you're now going to claim they lost because they weren't real progressives?”

Oh yeah. If the current ballot trends hold, then by this weekend at the latest, the Stranger will tell us all of the candidates they’d endorsed were actually sleeper agents of revanchist capitalism, who have always been at war with Eastasia.


“…exposure could elevate such an appointee to new opportunities. Harris-Talley won a seat in the State Legislature following her stint on council.”

Careful - sometimes people die from exposure, and Harris-Talley is a perfect example.

They couldn’t hack more than a single term in the Legislature, even with the considerable political capital a ‘safe seat’ automatically confers. All she did was complain about how mean and unfair people are in the Legislature, then skulked away crying.

And where are they now?

No one knows, and fewer care.


Thanks for compiling this list of people who shouldn’t be considered.


Lol, so the Stranger is dabbling in fantasy politics now?


As Totoman said, these are by and large all talented people. Despite the cynical comments shown above, there’s no reason why a ‘moderate’ City Council wouldn’t want someone more progressive to give balance and expertise to the legislative body.


@22 for the same reason the last city council selected the aforementioned Harris-Talley. The majority is going to select someone politically aligned with them to make it easier to pass their agenda not someone who is going to undermine them. That's just politics whether you are left or center.


@24: That would be amazing. Watching the Stranger rail against its own logic would really make her appointment worthwhile. Oh, and yeah, Seattle would get Tanya Woo on payroll, too. (Of course, that may still happen anyway.)


Hannah acknowledges that we just had an election “when conservative council candidates blew the lukewarm progressive slate out of the water”. But still thinks the council should use procedural tricks to fight against the just-expressed will of the people. Hannah is a threat to democracy.

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