News Apr 3, 2024 at 6:32 pm

Mayor’s Office Won’t Say If He Will Sweep 300 Migrants Camping on Garfield Tennis Court

When asked if the City intended to sweep the refugee encampment that popped up at Garfield today, the Mayor’s Office said, “We are evaluating next steps in this emerging issue. We understand that housing and shelter is the most critical need for families to find safety and stability.” Alex Garland



I have read about this happening all over the country, and now it is at our doorstep.


Tennis courts are for people who are playing tennis. The taxpayers paid for their construction and maintenance.

I'm all for taking care of people; I really am. But letting people take over taxpayer-funded, programmed space is not a sustainable solution.


King 5 has a report up that says that someone paid anonymously for a ten day stay back at a Kent motel. No shortage of need, glad these folks are getting help, for now.


Respond to the
Refugee Crisis with
Housing or Handcuffs?

and fisticuffs
and nightsticks
and SOUND Cannons
firehoses attack dogs &
K-9 robots from Amazon
mass gassings incarcerations
some Holy terror and Perish the
Thought of Billionaires here Ever
Paying THEIR FAIR SHARE to keep
our Streets parks tennis courts and
sidewalks free from unsightly humans

down on their Luck

who isn't a little

hate the symptoms
and love the Rich?

they'll STILL
Live like Kings


When will the city sweep Hannah?


The Stranger’s love affair with encampments knows no end: “… the responsibility for the migrant families and Garfield residents’ immediate safety and well-being seems to fall on the City of Seattle.”

(Note who gets first priority.) Despite the Stranger simply assuming Seattle has responsibility for this situation, settling of international refugees is a federal responsibility. Why this group has bounced around one of the most expensive housing markets in the country for well over a year is the question the Stranger should have asked, but the Stranger would rather just assume Seattle always needs more campers to house, and then castigate politicians it already hates for their ‘failure’ to take responsibility the Stranger has assigned.


Let's look at some FACTS:

-There are 11 "Sanctuary" States in America
-An estimated 8.5 million illegal immigrants entered the country since 2020
-8,500,000 people / 11 State = 725,000 people per state
-Washington spends about $100K/homeless person
-If Washington received an equal share of illegal immigrants (725K people), it would cost Washington ~$72 Billion--basically double the current state budget.

So, Stranger readers: If Washington State struggles to house our 28,000 homeless citizens, how can we house 38,000 more--let alone 725,000 more???

Delusional Virtue Signaling won't solve this issue.


How and why did they end up coming from units in Kent/Tukwila to the tennis court at the Garfield Community Center in Seattle?

Seems a little out-of-the-way and random… unless it’s not-so-random and they had some guidance on the most media-op venue someone could think of.

Not much of a coincidence that protesters tried to shut down a Seattle City Council meeting to demand funds for refugees/migrants in Tukwila (which is inappropriate on many levels, not the least of which is those in neeed were outside city limits…) and now - POOF - here they are in Seattle!!!


think This
is BAD? Wait'll
EXXON's War on
OUR Biosphere brings
Millions here for Sanctuary

is but
a Drop
inna bucket.

so let's
Drill, baby.



"[T]he Mayor’s Office punted that responsibility. In an email to The Stranger, a spokesperson for the Mayor said, 'We look to the state for their leadership with regard to shelter, funding, and additional assistance' . . . ."

Isn't this the approach consistently recommended in every third-party review of the region's homelessness crisis? These studies always conclude that a regional response is required, and leaving it up to individual municipalities doesn't work. I mean, that's exactly why we have the King County Regional Homeless Authority.

This current situation is a great example of the need for a regional response. These individuals were previously housed in Kent. Due to a lack of resources, they moved to a much less appropriate location in Seattle, a community already overburdened with homelessness. I can't imagine anyone believes this is a desirable approach to finding long-term housing for these individuals.


8 Do grow up soon.


The US must seem extravagantly rich to these migrants. However they are moving from areas where rent is ~$300/mo to one where it is $3,000/mo. My father came as a farm laborer in the Yakima valley and only moved to Seattle once he learned enough English to work in a factory. Dropping hundreds straight into modern day Seattle is likely not the best strategy and it is wider than just a Seattle problem.


The dipshittery is strong with this one- Yoda


Bruce Harrell is impotent and weak.


I remember one of your early posts where you were complaining about getting up way too early in the morning to drag your ass into the stranger for low pay and little recognition. The comments to you at the time seemed to be “If you are making minimum wage, you’re overpaid". Your opinion pieces are always entertaining (but certainly not “journalism").

Please keep it up!


@4: Good job swallowing without question the false dichotomy the Stranger embedded into this post, starting with the headline. If you'd just read the comment immediately above yours, you'd have known the migrants were leaving Seattle without any action by the city at all, but why let a mere fact get in the way of your public wanking to your luridly violent fantasy of police violence against refugees?

(Bonus points for including some Amazon hate, even though Amazon has nothing of any kind whatsoever to do with this story. Sawant told you to hate Amazon, and so you'll just have to get your hate on Amazon, even long after she's gone to grift elsewhere. Nothing shouts 'freedom!' like blind obedience to the diktats of government officials!)

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