The Ethics Commission thinks her father-in-law's restaurant could directly benefit if the ordinance passes. Anthony Keo / Tanya Woo Campaign



Now the Stranger’s favored local office-holders and wanna-bees have departed, the Stranger can pretend to care about conflicts of interest by local office-holders.

It certainly sounds like CM Woo should recuse herself from this vote. Now imagine what could have happened if Cary Moon had been elected Mayor, per the Stranger’s endorsements in 2017. Moon was married to a Principal Engineer in one of Seattle’s largest civil engineering firms, and Seattle’s building boom was in full swing. From how many scores of public decisions would a Mayor Moon have had to recuse herself?

Good thing the Stranger never asked.


My parents in-law owns a restaurant in Japan. By the logic in this story (and I would love to debate) I should be forced to quit my principal level tech job because two of the companies I work with are in that area. You can take things too far.


Barnett told Woo, “If you believe my advice is an incorrect interpretation of the Ethics Code, you have the ability to ask for an opinion from the full Ethics and Elections Commission.” Barnett said she’s seeking a second opinion from the commission—“details to come.”

So maybe wait on the response from the full commission (but then there wouldn’t be a story)?

What has happened to this once mediocre weekly? It’s literally just a mouthpiece for DSA nowadays (I hope Sawant and crew pay Union scale).


I’m beyond disgusted that this corporate shill is even ON the council. She was rejected by voters and yet there she is. This city council is blatantly undemocratic.


@1 Taking grasping at straws to a new low

@2 you're not a public official and nothing you do in your job has anything to do with your in laws' business so you're comparing apples to sockeye salmon

Woo simps are in shambles


@1 The Stranger didn't ask. Tanya Woo asked the ethics commission herself. The ethics commission gave her the answer that they advise her to recuse herself. The Stranger reported on that because it is newsworthy.


I'm with @ 5 & 6. Tensor getting his panties in a bunch based on a speculative assumption of what might have transpired seven years ago had The Stranger's endorsed candidate won an election is pretty entertaining. Good times.



The revised bill would benefit all restaurants not member Woo’s specifically. I’m glad the Stranger admits the new revised bill will increase biz for restaurants. It will also improve worker pay because people will start ordering again. Gig workers have been crushed by the PayUp bill.


Also please stop lying about the revised bill lowering the min wage by $6. The vast majority of gig workers have had their actual pay devastated by the PayUp bill. Sara Nelson is trying to INCREASE our actual pay. Most people don’t know this because you continue to publish false and misleading information. The Stranger should attempt to publish the truth and not cherry pick info to support their political agenda. I used to trust The Stranger, this issue’s coverage has been so disappointing to me. Nobody cares about the truth anymore.


@5, @6, @7: I was merely recalling how the Stranger uncaringly endorsed & shilled for a candidate who had massive and ongoing conflicts of interest. That puts their intense focus on one potential conflict of interest by one CM in clear perspective. (And gee, they just do happen to oppose Woo’s very existence on the Council, as @4 reminds us.)

Selectively pretending to care about ethics is worse than just not actually caring at all, and we already know the latter is the Stranger’s actual position.

As @3 noted, we can wait for the city’s ethics process to play itself out.

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