News May 30, 2024 at 2:26 pm


This is what happens when you cross a sex worker and then falsify business records to cover up a hush payment. GETTY



A unanimous jury of 12 individuals, screened by the defense, found him guilty on all 34 counts. That does not smell like a "joke" or "political" to this independent.


7/11. Sentencing and free Slurpees! Make mine an orange.


@1 - You're the one always getting so turgid about how much you love cops and punishing criminals. But it's surprising to absolutely no one that this is the case that makes you suggest that the outcomes of the justice system may be rooted in prejudice. But it's still funny watching you cry about it.


Raindrop dear, why do you hate America? Doesn't your tongue ever get tired from the constant rim jobs you give trump and his ilk?


@1 Sure, this is the least important of the criminal trials Trump is facing. If various judges and justices hadn't put their thumbs on the scale, this would be much later and a footnote to the 1/6 and classified documents trials. But they did and it isn't.

And this is the first time Trump has faced any real accountability for his actions. That's not a joke.


Hillary isn't going to tweet "Lock him up." She'll do something wry and subtle, like a picture of her having cocktails and lifting a manhattan for a toast.


Yay! Yippee!
Sic semper assholes!



I understand that Mr. Trump is raising money for his appeal. Go donate a few thousand dollars to help him fight this injustice.


Imagine being Trump and only being held accountable for his behavior for the first time in his life at the age of 77. And he still believes he is not guilty, that it is all other people who have done this to him and that if his brainless supporters vote for him in November that all of his problems will go away. Truly incomprehensible that The United States of America is going to allow a lifelong criminal and convicted felon and traitor to "run for president." What a fucking shit show.


@1, What do you think is political about this case? Is your stance that we shouldn’t prosecute crimes if the accused is a political figure? Or is there something about this case that distinguishes it from, say, John Edwards or Bob Menendez? If so, what is it?


@9: In 1920, Eugene V. Debs ran for President from a jail cell. Liberals have long argued he was railroaded under an unjust law, and should have been a free man. Obviously, I think TRUMP IS GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY (repeat 30 more times), but as @1 seemingly exists to prove, not everyone agrees on what is obvious.


@1 bringing the 1993 college student zingers

“That’s just your opinion, man”


I'm sure he is in fact rakish, but it's 538 analyst Nathaniel Rakich


tensorna dear, Our Raindrop just loves to be the tsk-tsker of this little community. I think he just loves the attention.


@1 If a "joke" means "something that makes me laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and LAUGH" then yes it is a joke and a darned good one.


Sucks to be you Donny boy.


Trump finally wins the popular vote.


I feel like the judge, in this case, would take issue with your saying their courtroom is a place for political drama, @raindrop. Being convicted isn't political; it's the justice we deserve.


Good ol' raindork.


What a maroon



@21. The wheel is turning but the hamster is having a stroke.



it'll be rotgut Fuel
to his Disciples who'll
Rally nuremburgly & see to it
his Donation coffers are overflowing
plus he Promised Big Oil BIG RETURNS

for a Meazly
then he'll be a Real
Billionaire! or he's not

the Eltrumpfster
we all know
and Love!

thank you.

not all
pain is Bad

the Pair:

kudos &
well Played!
by Gawd there Is
Justice on this Planet.

at thrice
the Price

you Would!


Like trying to explain the Electoral College to some people, telling them to educate themselves on pardons does about the same thing. So why isn't Trump bragging the same way he did about shooting someone on 5th Ave now? Because now he's learned that New York ain't a place to Fuck around and Find out.


Brain drop is unfortunately an idiot


No one cares about the affair. He was tried for falsifying business records and violating campaign finance law and he left a trail of evidence documenting his criminal intent.

It would be rank negligence to not prosecute these crimes when the details have been public knowledge for years. Our elected officials are not above the law, but if prosecutors avoided charging them out of concern for appearing political, they effectively would be. Lock him up.


fell offa da
Roof onct landed
on 'is head & bounced
right back up again. True story.


It was a perfect trial. Everyone says so.


@21: “A man paying hush money to cover up and covering up the payment of hush money is nothing new.”

Absolutely correct. But the crime was his taking monies solicited for one purpose, and using them for another purpose. That is illegal. All 34 times that he did it.

The funny part? He was nailed not for what he did, but for feloniously covering it up. And for what? We liberal voters, who do not care about the private lives of politicians, would not have voted for him anyway. Right-wingers, who loudly claim to care about the private lives of politicians, would just have habitually wallowed in their usual syphilitic hypocrisy, and voted for him anyway. He feloniously covered up something that would not have mattered in the slightest.

And in that abject failure of judgment — after he’d loudly and proudly praised himself for his great skill at judgment — was his downfall.


No law against a felon being President, and this will sway approximately zero voters either way.



FWIW, I'm pretty skeptical of any polling, particularly this early out, but this'll absolutely benefit Joe. The extent is TBD.

Fat fuck has a presser scheduled for tomorrow morning. I bet it'll be totally normal and sane.


Convicted felons are temporarily or indefinitely banned from even voting in 48 states, running for public office in many states, or even receiving government services, yet somehow are allowed to run for President. If Trump had been convicted in Florida or is serving a sentence, he wouldn't even be legally allowed to vote in his own home state of FL on a ballot which he is at the top of because of his crimes. Maybe we should have thrown in a couple of other qualifications other than being US born and at least 35.


Raindrop dear, as usual, you completely miss the point. This was a conspiracy to commit election interference by paying off people who had dirt on Trump. Simps like you can tsk-tsk and wring your hands and act like you understand the law, but that doesn't change the facts.


It seems like it was just a few years ago progressives were burning buildings down in support of a convicted felon.
A violent one at that.


Can we just take a moment and give Rich a thumbs up for correctly stating "throw their votes away on other candidates"?


It’s funny how the law & order types are the first to say the law shouldn’t apply to elected officials. I suppose if you think the police should be able to kill people with impunity you might also think the rest of the government should get a free pass, too.

@39, “The Jews are plotting to undermine western democracy” is straight out of the protocols of the elders of Zion. It doesn’t cease to be antisemitic when it’s applied to one specific Jewish family.


@44, The most infamous modern-day antisemitic conspiracy theory has nothing to do with religion or ethnicity and everything to do with wealth, social unrest, and progressive politics.

If you think antisemitism requires specific mention of religion or ethnicity you might just be an unsuspecting vehicle for some of the most insidious bigotry in contemporary society. “Soros is secretly funding all the political causes I hate” is “Jews will not replace us” dressed up in slightly less impolite language.


@39 George Soros is a liberal democrat, edge-funder and philantropist, i.e. he is a capitalist who believes in liberal democracy. Claiming that he is a leftist/socialist says more about your restricted world view than it says anything about Soros. He has been used as a boogeyman by the far right because he opposes autocrats and because he is a Jew. Attacking him for just about everything is an antisemitic dog whistle. Republican regurgitating far right antisemitic propaganda is a sure sign their party has been taken over by the far right.


I can criticize anti-Zionism and right-wing antisemitism at the same time. Sorry to hear you’re unwilling to do the same but considering your criticism of Soros even references brave new world (yikes!), you might not be capable of self-reflection. You are literally parroting plot points from the protocols.


I just told you I do. Even if I didn’t, it wouldn’t excuse your failure to criticize your own side or reflect on your own beliefs.

Brave New World is a book about a dystopian future where the world exists under a totalitarian government. The book itself is not antisemitic but referencing it in direct connection to Soros funding progressive causes certainly is. Jewish people using wealth and social unrest to undermine society and bring about a new world order is one of the most pernicious tropes in contemporary society and you can propagate it without even realizing what you’re doing. Critics of Israel often do the same thing and I am completely comfortable acknowledging this.


For all of you taking victory laps today congrats on winning the battle but potentially losing the war. You are all 100% correct that Trump is guilty and is a narcissitic a-hole but after the verdict was read yesterday he had a record day of fundraising so I would ask you all, what do you think you changed? He is not going to serve jail time and he isn't going to be removed from any ballots. People who were going to vote for him are now even more fired up about voting for him and based on reactions I have seen it seems like more undecided voters moved toward the Trump camp rather than Biden. There is still a long way to go before November but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Rich's post on Nov 6th begins with tears instead of laughter.


Not quite. I am saying that you are perpetuating antisemitism when you link the funding of benign progressive causes to a greater conspiracy to undermine western society.

For someone who calls people antisemitic for any/all criticism of the war in Gaza you should be aware of how this stuff works. Bigotry can manifest in many forms, and oftentimes people can perpetuate it without being aware of what they’re doing. But after this discussion it seems clear to me you don’t care about antisemitism outside of your ability to weaponize it to shut down debate.


@51: "...and based on reactions I have seen it seems like more undecided voters moved toward the Trump camp rather than Biden."

Care to share these "reactions" from "undecided voters"?


These are not my “conflations”, they are widely reported and discussed. You can read more about it in the link from Brandeis I shared above.

Wealthy people funding political causes and candidates is, unfortunately, how we do politics in this country. It’s one thing to level fact-based criticism about their funding a specific cause or candidate, but “brave new world bs” and “destructive force in society” is vague and sinister and plays directly into the language of antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Why don’t you tell me exactly what you meant when you said the Soros family is a destructive force on society? Perhaps there is something specific in there I’m missing beneath the blaring dog whistle, but it’s worth noting the entire reason we’re talking about Soros now is because Trump accused him of funding the Manhattan DA’s case against him, which is patently false and plays off the aforementioned conspiracy theory. Do you think Trump’s accusations are fair and accurate? If not, why were you so quick to defend them?


“Shortly after becoming the first U.S. president to be convicted of a felony, Trump called District Attorney Alvin Bragg 'Soros' DA' - invoking the Jewish billionaire Holocaust survivor whose name has been frequently used as an antisemitic dog whistle”

“Scapegoating Soros, who is Hungarian American and Jewish, also perpetuates deep-rooted false ideas about Jewish people and immigrants to underscore the conspiracy theory that he is a shadowy villain orchestrating world events.”

Again, not my “conflations.” Why do you think this is defensible?


Correct Haaretz link


@51, "based on reactions I have seen it seems like more undecided voters moved toward the Trump camp rather than Biden." Based on the content you typically post here, many of the reactions you see would seem to be FB memes shared by the 45+ auntie demographic. Politico and 538 have both done a good job of reviewing why people who voted for Biden but haven't been thrilled with him at the margins are more likely to come back to Biden after this, drawing fair comparisons to how even repeated investigations tarnished Clinton's brand with middle voters in 2016. Trump has already been bleeding suburban voters for years, particularly women, and those on the margins aren't going to come running back to him after a criminal conviction especially over playing around with money paid to hide an affair.

Democratic senate candidate are running substantially ahead of Biden currently, in some states like AZ and NV, with as much as 17 point spreads. That degree of ticket splitting is basically impossible in this day and age and the number of undecided presidential voters who say they're voting for a Democrat for Senate is significantly higher than the inverse in every senate race state except MD and FL. This will cause the die hard Trump loyalists to circle the wagons and beat their drums, but this isn't going to help him in the middle or to win back any of the voters he lost in 2020.

There are a lot of "law and order" types on here who seem to thing the law should only be applied aggressively to the homeless, poor, and drug users, who don't seem to agree if its white collar or regulatory law that can hurt rich people.


“…… after the verdict was read yesterday (trump) had a record day of fundraising”.

That’s according to a post on truth social and Tweet on Zombie Twitter. Everyone wet their pants and ran with it.

I’ll wait until the official campaign finance numbers are released.


@51: First, rule of law. Second, as @61 noted, don't be so sure this won't hurt his political ambitions. Third, I would not bet on his completely escaping punishment personally.

His felonious acts consisted of falsifying documents, so he could misappropriate funds, in the service of a cover-up. That's all directly relevant to his fitness for public office, and (as others have noted) could hurt him with some voters. Every little bit might help defeat him.

Finally, the Republicans love to posture as the party of Law and Order. Good luck with that now.

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