News May 31, 2024 at 9:00 am

Protesters Call on Cauce to Retract Accusations of Antisemitism after Sending Faulty Evidence

"Never again means never again for anyone." HK



The supposition that protesters were engaging in eliminationist rhetoric against Israel and Israelis was well-founded. Here is SUPER UW, from the days after 10/7, celebrating the 10/7 attack with an image of a Hamas paraglider:

SUPER UW’s text references Students for Justice in Palestine. From New York Magazine:

‘The main national umbrella group for campus pro-Palestinian protests is Students for Justice in Palestine. SJP takes a violent eliminationist stance toward Israel. In the wake of the October 7 terrorist attacks, it issued a celebratory statement instructing its affiliates that all Jewish Israelis are legitimate targets:

‘Liberation is not an abstract concept. It is not a moment circumscribed to a revolutionary past as it is often characterized. Rather, liberating colonized land is a real process that requires confrontation by any means necessary. In essence, decolonization is a call to action, a commitment to the restoration of Indigenous sovereignty. It calls upon us to engage in meaningful actions that go beyond symbolism and rhetoric. Resistance comes in all forms — armed struggle, general strikes, and popular demonstrations. All of it is legitimate, and all of it is necessary.

‘SJP likewise directed its members to join the struggle directly: “This is a moment of mobilization for all Palestinians. We must act as part of this movement. All of our efforts continue the work and resistance of Palestinians on the ground.”’

Were SUPER UW or SJP involved with planning and executing the UW protest encampment?


"Either way, they wrote that Cauce’s accusations, still not substantiated to their standards, “tainted the reputation of activists and granted Zionists false legitimacy to berate any pro-Palestine people at the UW,” putting students in “physical, academic, and social danger.”

This is comedy gold Jerry! Cauce doesn't need to provide substantiation to the "protestor's standards", as if they even have standards. Anyone with two eyes in their head paying attention could plainly see the antisemitic tropes and actions taken by the "protestors" during their takeover of the quad. They tainted what little reputation they have by siding with genocidal terrorists and harassing Jewish students and now they need to live with whatever consequences that may bring.


"We resent this extremely accurate characterization of our beliefs."


“…end the repression of pro-Palestinian voices on campus.”

Has anyone ever supplied a single example of this “repression,” or does this claim simply function as a more socially-acceptable way of demanding, “stop criticizing my anti-Israel hate speech”?


here comes the pro-genocide squad spewing lies ...

1) saying that Israel is a colonial ethno-state that discriminate against non-Jews and it isn't viable in Palestine unless it gets rid of Palestinians is NOT antisemitism. Calling them "eliminationist" won't change anything, if anything Israel's action are eliminationist".

2) gratuitous affirmations of protestors wtong doing is not evidence of anything


@5: You really, really hate how protesters nationwide were caught chanting eliminationist slogans against Israel, don’t you? You’ve tried everything to deny it, and now you’re just lying about it.

If you want to give examples of Israel discriminating against non-Jews, go right ahead. Arab Israelis — persons who, until 1948, shared exactly the same identity as modern Palestinians — have full rights as citizens.

Maybe you know: were SUPER UW or SJP involved with planning and executing the UW protest encampment?


is no justify-
cation for terrorism. Ever.”

tensorna on December 8, 2023 at 8:44 AM

Is No Justifi-
cation for Terrorism,’
Says Man Justifying Genocide"

more disturbingly:

that’s a


@6 some of the protestors believe in a one-state solution, where Jews and Arabs would live in harmony as has been done for millennia in many places. I assume it implies an end to Israel as it exists in its present form given Israel is an ethno-state where non-Jews have almost no right to the land. This has been thoroughly documented by human rights organizations (one example among many of how Israel discriminates) BUT

the protests are about obtaining a permanent ceasefire and an end to the collaboration of university endowments with the killing of Palestinians, so many more people than just one-stater participate to them. In fact, I suspect that 2-staters are probably a majority but I don't know. Your attempt at discrediting protesters as "eliminationist" (a nasty word you or your like made up) is plain evil and stupid


@8: “…non-Jews have almost no right to the land. This has been thoroughly documented by human rights organizations (one example among many of how Israel discriminates)…”

Yeah, yeah, you keep giving us your opinion about how that’s totally happening, but requests for actual source citations never seem to produce anything — except your demand for the rest of us to do your research for you. (I’m guessing you know your claims originate in ‘sources’ like the SJP? Or maybe you’re doing what you accuse others here of doing, i.e. just making things up?)

‘Your attempt at discrediting protesters as "eliminationist" (a nasty word you or your like made up) is plain evil and stupid’

Published fifteen years ago, this month! By an award-winning Pacific NW journalist!

Do try to keep up.


It's odd how you can't find information that is readily available on the internet when you otherwise show the skill of a keyboard warrior who squats this comment section (get a life, loser). The following is from Human Rights Watch:

Israel: Discriminatory Land Policies Hem in Palestinians

(Jisr al-Zarqa) – The Israeli government’s policy of boxing in Palestinian communities extends beyond the West Bank and Gaza to Palestinian towns and villages inside Israel, Human Rights Watch said today. The policy discriminates against Palestinian citizens of Israel and in favor of Jewish citizens, sharply restricting Palestinians’ access to land for housing to accommodate natural population growth.

Decades of land confiscations and discriminatory planning policies have confined many Palestinian citizens to densely populated towns and villages that have little room to expand. Meanwhile, the Israeli government nurtures the growth and expansion of neighboring predominantly Jewish communities, many built on the ruins of Palestinian villages destroyed in 1948. Many small Jewish towns also have admissions committees that effectively bar Palestinians from living there.

“Israeli policy on both sides of the Green Line restricts Palestinians to dense population centers while maximizing the land available for Jewish communities,” said Eric Goldstein, acting Middle East executive director at Human Rights Watch. “These practices are well-known when it comes to the occupied West Bank, but Israeli authorities are also enforcing discriminatory land practices inside Israel.”

The Israeli state directly controls 93 percent of the land in the country, including occupied East Jerusalem. A government agency, the Israel Land Authority (ILA), manages and allocates these state lands. Almost half the members of its governing body belong to the Jewish National Fund (JNF), whose explicit mandate is to develop and lease land for Jews and not any other segment of the population. The fund owns 13 percent of Israel’s land, which the state is mandated to use “for the purpose of settling Jews.”

Palestinian citizens of Israel constitute 21 percent of the country’s population, but Israeli and Palestinian rights groups estimated in 2017 that less than 3 percent of all land in Israel falls under the jurisdiction of Palestinian municipalities. The majority of Palestinians in Israel live in these communities, although some live in “mixed cities” like Haifa and Acre.


the response @12 is for Tensor @9, if it needed to be said


@10 a large number of these protestors are Jews who do not want to be associated with genocide and /or colonization of Arab land via ethnic cleansing.

“It is so shameful, as a Jewish person,” says Goldin. “I was brought up believing that Jewish people, like me, were exceptional in our kindness and humanity. The genocide in Gaza has affected me so very deeply.” What is there to do, she asks, when Gaza will soon just be a golf course? “These are chilling times of McCarthyism and such effective propaganda by the western media. There is a whole generation of traumatised people in Palestine,” she says, “and of course they are being radicalised by what is happening.”


@12: Finally! An actual citation! It certainly sounds like Israel has it’s own case of “Jim Crow” housing policies going, although the report itself says by the time of the report’s publication, the government had already recognized the problem, and started to address it:

‘In December 2015, the authorities approved a 5-year, more than 10 billion NIS (US$2.93 billion) “economic development plan for the Arab sector.” Assessing progress in an “interim report” published in 2019, the Israeli group “Bimkom: Planners for Planning Rights” noted an increase in planning activity in Palestinian towns, including steps to allow for more housing construction, but observed that the housing shortage in Palestinian municipalities would continue without the state allocating them more state land.’

So, it sounds a bit more like an unfairly low level of government subsidies, rather than the classic “Jim Crow” prohibitions of our own shameful history — or the ongoing de facto housing discrimination some minorities still face in America today.

(The report also confusingly referred to Arab Israelis as “Palestinian citizens,” making me wonder how many immigrants Israel had received from the West Bank and Gaza.)


Go figure, our resident keyboard warrior decided that it was just a mild case Jim Crow that was already getting better as we spoke. Poor human rights report writers and UN experts, if only they asked Tensor they'd get it right, at last.


Would you rather:
-Be a parent
-Argue on SLOG all day and night
-Have no life


@17: No, discrimination is clearly wrong and should be remedied, and the very report you cited claimed that is now happening. Whether it happens fast enough or completely enough is another question.

As I clearly and repeatedly implied, we Americans really have little standing to lecture other countries on housing discrimination against minorities, as we had — and have — more than enough to remedy ourselves, right here at home.

It’s also unclear exactly how eliminationist sloganeering against Israel on the UW Quad was going to help remedy this issue; could you help us to understand that, please?


he's a real Joy
moved away ages ago

good luck

& left his
heart who
knows where


Extraordinary that Hannah cites Seattle SUPER as an authority on making distinctions between anti semitism and anti zionism. I'll leave it to the ADL and their PNW chapter to render judgement on UW protester conduct. They did. It wasn't pretty.

Not that it matters. First, like many universities, UW has marched down the "safetyism" track years ago, now codified by DEI orthodoxy. Under such a policy regime, speech, regardless of intent, can be sanctioned whenever members of a community find it threatening or problematic. Many (including myself, find this line of argument dubious). Nevertheless, it has been part of "the new way." Except, of course, for Jews. If universities were consistent here, Jewish student groups would be the arbiter, not SUPER.

Secondly, what moral refuge does anyone think is gained in making these distinctions? Oh, so you don't hate Jews, but simply desire the end of a nation of 10 million.

This protest movement has been an unmitigated disaster in thought, word, and deed, but at least some publicly expressed inspiration for the students this week - the mullahs of Iran. Congratulations!


21: "If universities were consistent here, Jewish student groups would be the arbiter, not SUPER."

This times 1000. If members of the Jewish community on campus feel offended and/or threatened, how can anyone else tell them, "No, you're wrong?"


2022 Amnesty International report
Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity

Amnesty International’s new investigation shows that Israel imposes a system of oppression and domination against Palestinians across all areas under its control: in Israel and the OPT, and against Palestinian refugees, in order to benefit Jewish Israelis. This amounts to apartheid as prohibited in international law.

Laws, policies and practices which are intended to maintain a cruel system of control over Palestinians, have left them fragmented geographically and politically, frequently impoverished, and in a constant state of fear and insecurity.


@19 "should be remedied, and the very report you cited claimed that is now happening"

You are a liar. The report says no such thing.


@22 who is going to tell students "feeling offended or threatened" by their very educational institutions making money off killing Palestinians that they are wrong?


he ain't
called Worm-
tongue for No reason.

a Heavy burden
but wormmy's Here to help.


I would offer AverageBob the "Thermopylae" award on this string, except that unlike like that battle, Hannah chose exceedingly poor ground for a battle.


“ by their very educational institutions making money off killing Palestinians”

Congrats on dumb comment of the day!


@25: I quoted the report saying that @16. (No need to get all snippy just because I quoted more from your citation than you did.)

Throwing around the word “genocide,” whilst gnashing your teeth over “eliminationist”? Now THERE’s a “tell” for ya!


Human Rights Watch
Israel: 50 Years of Occupation Abuses

(Jerusalem) – Fifty years after Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip, it controls these areas through repression, institutionalized discrimination, and systematic abuses of the Palestinian population’s rights, Human Rights Watch said today.

At least five categories of major violations of international human rights law and humanitarian law characterize the occupation: unlawful killings; forced displacement; abusive detention; the closure of the Gaza Strip and other unjustified restrictions on movement; and the development of settlements, along with the accompanying discriminatory policies that disadvantage Palestinians.


Israel: Violence, hate speech, discrimination against Palestinian minority must stop – UN expert

GENEVA (1 June 2021) – A UN human rights expert condemned attacks on Israel's Palestinian minority by extreme right-wing and vigilante groups, including settlers – at times with the reported backing of security forces - and urged Israel to fully and equally protect all of its citizens without discrimination.

Palestinians citizens of Israel, including the Bedouin, constitute an Arab minority representing about 1.5 million people or 20 percent of the population of Israel and face discrimination in many areas.

"Reports of extreme right-wing violence and disproportional use of force by law enforcement officials during protests in recent weeks, including in Sheikh Jarrah, Damascus Gate and the Al-Aqsa mosque, have led to some of the worst cases of violence against Palestinian citizens of Israel," said Fernand de Varennes, the Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues.

"These attacks have been shared on social media and such platforms appear to have been used by extreme right wing groups to advocate hatred that constitutes incitement to violence with impunity to gather people to bring their weapons and attack Palestinians."


@30 the report doesn't say or even implies that Palestinians have access to land to build needed housing. You are a liar.


It's getting rather obvious that our keyboard warriors don't care very much about the human rights of Palestinians don't you think? is it really consistent with their pretense to be motivated by anti-racism?


There is indeed anti-Semitic spray painting and vandalism on the campus. For example, on Mary Gates Hall, along with that concrete pillar, as shown in these pictures on X. The one on MGH says, "May God show you more mercy than the student intifada" - and the other one says, "Save a life, kill your local colonizer" - and with Jews in Israel considered "colonizers"- if you've been reading social media posts on this subject (where there is indeed tons of anti-Semitism expressed - to the point of wanting to vomit.) Plus they have on that "kill your local" graffiti the red triangle which, I've heard recently, is actually a fascist or Nazi emblem - and that there are at least some protesters who are aware of this. Plus I saw another photo which was definitely the UW campus that said, "Abolish Israel." Plus they rip down signs or posters about the hostages.


@37 Here's some photos including the one I mentioned at UW with "Abolish Israel," a video close-up of the gigantic spray-painting on the entrance to Mary Gates Hall, "Glory to the Martrys" with a red Nazi triangle - and I'll throw in a sample from Paris, France, "Fuck Israel," a swastika, and "Vive Hitler." Go ahead and see the evidence for yourselves.

The person who posts the video sample of MGH says that the encampment protesters aren't the ones leaving the graffiti, but obviously they don't care about it being there, either. So they don't care about a public university being trashed.

Last but not least, I included a picture of a employee having to wash off the buildings - once again.


Also, it's one thing asking to cut ties with weapons manufacturers like Boeing or Lockheed or RTX, but totally different demanding the university shut down exchange programs for other students with Israel, boycotting athletes or musicians because of their nationality. Why not your own artists and athletes from the U.S. - or what about Saudi Arabia? How come you never boycott them? Look' at how they starved people in Yemen and no protesters came out to shout about divestment. Isn't that interesting. And of course the people planning these protests know that the universities will NOT divest from weapons dealers. So of course, anti-Semitism is their next "best route." So they're not even serious about the weapons. It's just a way to manipulate people. Their real issue is Israel and a political ideology that centers around the idea that the source of all the world's problems is a Jewish homeland. Israel, to these racist conspiracy theorists , is the reason everything bad in the world is happening. And which is what a protest sign like, "A free Palestine will free us all" is really all about. It will free you all because there will no more Jewish homeland - the source of all problems throughout the world - if you're an anti-Semitic fraud. And this is what the American left has turned into. A political ideology that centers on the existence of Israel. Just total bullshit. And this is why I am no longer "left." You're all being funded by racist billionaires operating out of Qatar. Who don't care about their own people - - they want them, as sheep - to be "martyrs" for their oil and gas wars - which you are now fighting for, taking sides with one Big Oil company against the next. And Aaron Bushnell - this was horrific - yet you're glorifying it, just like these other fanatics. You've all gone cracked.


"May God show you more mercy than the student intifada" is a THREAT. Because the idea is that you meet God when you die - and then he will decide what to do with you. So this is what they are saying to you when they're about to strike you dead. This is religious fanaticism. It's like a bomb threat.


@41 This is a message being delivered to each and every person who walks through those doors. Students, faculty, workers, children ... they are the enemy. To be blown up - or slaughtered - as they slaughtered 1,200 people or thereabouts on 10/7 .. "May God have mercy on your soul as we strike you dead" -- and what they did in Israel, would be like slaughtering 30,000 people here in the United States. And how interesting that many of these people want you think the 9-11 either (a) never really happened or (b) it was really engineered by the Israelis or Jews.


@41 This is a message being delivered to each and every person who walks through those doors. Students, faculty, workers, children ... they are the enemy. To be blown up - or slaughtered - as they slaughtered 1,200 people or thereabouts on 10/7 .. "May God have mercy on your soul as we strike you dead" -- and what they did in Israel, would be like slaughtering 30,000 people here in the United States. And how interesting that many of these people want you think the 9-11 either (a) never really happened or (b) it was really engineered by the Israelis or Jews.


@41 "May God have mercy on your soul as we strike you dead/i.e. send you to God for judgement" - BOOM. The sword comes down in whatever form of weapon, and as the phrase is spoken.


@43 That is, this is what they say as they kill you. And why it's a threat to each person who enters the building.

It should be a bigger security, IMO. It doesn't look like it is.


@36: What's getting rather obvious here is that you didn't even bother to read the article you cited before you posted the URL. So, now you're reduced to lying about what it clearly says, after I quoted more from it than you did. Priceless!

Also, what is with your obsessive focus on every last little thing the Israelis might have done wrong for the last 75 years, along with your blithe acceptance of greater injustices, closer to home. Want to end housing discrimination? There continues to be plenty in the good ol' U.S. of A. for you to address. Worried about violent right-wing extremists? The Pacific Northwest has their own -- try reading Niewert's book on eliminationism, for an excellent start.

And your exhuming of the decades-old jab, "keyboard warriors," really gave me a chuckle. What, exactly, did the protesters at UW accomplish? Sat around on their butts in tents, inconvenienced their fellow students, hung out a sign which read, "Cauce Kills Babies", used or accepted eliminationist rhetoric, demanded the university blacklist academics who do not share the protesters' political views, and then whined about "repression" (!!). Were it not for the participants who celebrated the 10/7 attacks, the entire thing would have been an amusing farce, a silly parody of a protest movement, literally a Monty Python sketch re-enacted in earnest.

Their protest having failed miserably and completely, they're now bitterly attacking the tolerant UW administration, for daring to criticize the extremism and eliminationism the protesters' displayed. A university is for the free study and exchange of ideas. "Fire anyone who disagrees with us," and "eliminate anyone we declare to be a problem," are not ideas, they're hatefully intolerant calls for punishment of dissenters, and silencing of dissent. And that the UW administration cannot tolerate on its campus, and rightly criticizes the protesters for doing.


United Nations, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International: "over the last 75 years, Israel has been guilty of ethnic cleansing, apartheid, unlawful killings, forced displacement, abusive detention, restrictions on movement, development of settlements, genocide" (paraphrase)

Tensor the liar: "your obsessive focus on every last little thing the Israelis might have done wrong for the last 75 years"


@38 NA Jay Bird, antisemitism is real, like all forms of racism are real, and it does real damage to Jews and all of us for what it does to our humanity, so it should be fought with everything we have got but some of the graffiti you show aren't necessarily antisemitic. For example, given Israel's record of human rights abuses, painting "insert your favorite expletive here Israel" is hardly a classic case of Jew hating.

Also, I assume that you aren't suggesting that progressives protestors, Jews and otherwise, go around painting swastikas and other would be fascists symbols (I'll take your word that a red triangle is what you say it means). To be sure, I don't exclude that problematic behaviors/words toward Jews exist among critics of Israel but anybody can spray paint graffiti and the protestors themselves have been the target of violent neo-fascists (most famously on the UCLA campus). As you probably know, fascists are well versed in false flags schemes to create confusion (so are pro-Israel extremists btw).

Ambiguous behavior toward Israel such as when condemnation of colonialism with all that it entails goes over the line into demonizing Jews is precisely why unambiguously condemning Israel for the human right violations and war crimes it commits is important. Corrupting the meaning of antisemitism to demonize Israel critics threatens the security of all Jews, and the rest of us too.


@45: I like how you both put it in quotes, and then admitted it was a paraphrase, so you could throw the word “genocide” in there at the end. Are you ever honest?

As for the persons we now call Palestinians (there has never been an Arab country by that name), yes, choosing wars and then losing them has had some pretty bad consequences. Especially when their so-called ‘allies’ left them to rot afterwards. (Why didn’t Jordan ever create a Palestinian homeland, during the twenty years it controlled the West Bank? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? BUELLER?)


@46 No, i put it in quotes and called it a paraphrase because it is a paraphrase. These condemnations don't appear in a single sentence but across many reports. As for "genocide", all 3 organizations/experts have said that ground for genocide charges have been met. But hey, Tensor the liar questioning my honesty is proof that I must be doing something right.

You are finally acknowledging that Palestinian land was acquired by Israel at the tip of a gun. That's a first step, now you have to work on your humanity and ethics. I won't be waiting though because you'll probably remain the bloodthirsty monster and liar you have shown to be when systematically minimizing and providing cover for 75 years of human rights violations and war crimes by Israel.


@48 is for Tensor the liar's comment @47


he stated he'd like
to see tS either put an
End to its comments or
Death to the Stranger tho
I cannot remember Which

and no I'd subject
No one to a search
that much Cruelty'd
likely crush one's Soul.


speaking of
the Cruelty:

why did Israel
try so Hard to Sink
our Spyship the U.S. Liberty?
an Unarmed ally, blasted by Israel's
Mirage jets for over three hours in a failed
Atempt to Send her to the Bottom of the Seas?

was there ever
any Comeuppance
for that War Crime either?

*it Almost seems
like yet Another
shot at Geno-

tho The Experts here'll
Obviously Dispute &
Dimiss that little


@48: “You are finally acknowledging that Palestinian land was acquired by Israel at the tip of a gun.”

No, I’m trying to get you to acknowledge that several attempts by the Palestinian Arabs to seize land from first the Palestinian Jews (1948) and later Israel (1968, 1973), all failed, and that choosing to start offensive wars, and then losing them, had very bad consequences for the Palestinian Arabs. Some of which has been total abandonment by their so-called ‘allies,” and later, infliction of Hamas upon them by Iran and Qatar.



@45, @48: Well, obviously, we wouldn’t want to call the UN’s commitment to human rights into question.

“As Israeli women deal with the traumatic fall out of sexual violence, UN Women’s mission to protect women remains critically important. As the world just observed the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25th, UN Women cannot expect to be viewed as an honest advocate for women’s rights if it continues to ignore Israeli women and women of other nationalities brutalized by Hamas terrorists on October 7th in an attack that claimed the lives of 1200+ Israelis and injured thousands more,”



average Bob RE your position that "fk Israel" isn't anti-semitic. Look at the border crisis, for example. If you heard people, even journalists, saying or posting 10 million times per day, "Fk Mexico" "Fk Latin America" - I bet the progressives would be, like, "That's so racist." Or, how about "Fk Africa" ?

Israel, whether progressives want to look at this or not - is the Jewish homeland to many Jews. This is the reality for ordinary people, apart from the western imperialist project in the Middle East. The Jewish homeland, established at the end of the 2nd World War after the defeat of Nazi Germany and the end of Holocaust. Which is not just some "industry" for MIC marketing purposes.

And yeah, I know there are Jews out there protesting. They're probably the only people there preventing this protest movement from completely devolving into something far more sinister.

The thing is, this protest movement isn't just about opposition to the bombing of civilians who have nowhere to run and hide. It's taken on - or always had - a whole lot of other dimensions reflected in the symbolism and chants. And there's no room for any variation of opinion, either. Everyone has to be fanatically dedicated to the destruction of the nation of Israel, you're either a Zionist or an anti-Zionist, and often the words just masquerades for the anti-Semitic use of "Jew" as in "dirty Jew," and everything Israel has done to Palestinians over the last 80 years is pure unadulterated evil. They are the complete and total innocent victims in everything that has happened. And "fk Israel" is all about that. Stop rationalizing.


@55 Not "the only" people out there preventing it. But their group is a big part of the more positive elements keeping this movement afloat and from totally devolving into something a lot more sinister.


@55: “…this protest movement isn't just about opposition to the bombing of civilians who have nowhere to run and hide. It's taken on - or always had - a whole lot of other dimensions reflected in the symbolism and chants. And there's no room for any variation of opinion, either. Everyone has to be fanatically dedicated to the destruction of the nation of Israel, you're either a Zionist or an anti-Zionist,”

Exactly. From the start of these protests, the protesters’ behavior and attitudes have been just as you described. From the NYMag link @1:

‘Many students were attracted to these [protest] groups because of the horrendous human toll inflicted by Israel’s counterattack in Gaza. But the groups themselves are very clearly not advocating for “peace.” They are for war. Their objection is not to human suffering but that the wrong humans are suffering.‘

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