News Jun 11, 2024 at 9:00 am

The Office of Police Accountability Has Opened an Investigation into Sgt. Nathan Patterson

One of the officers captured on video repeatedly hitting a man with a baton has a history of complaints and lawsuits for excessive force. Lester Black



"One of the plaintiffs in the case described a moment when Patterson and other officers had the plaintiff handcuffed and continued hitting him 'with flashlights, batons, knees, or fists.' The City settled that lawsuit for $195,000."

a Small price to pay
for officers letting
off a little steam

nevermind the
suffering their
Victims suffer

some people're saying
take the $$$,$$$.00 out
of their Retirement Funds
but mightn't that make their
Golden Years a little Less golden?


@2 " But that's what the investigation will determine"

You mean the investigation they will be conducting into themselves?


and don't give me any OPA BS rainy. SPD is under no obligation to listen to anything OPA says. and OPA uses SPD cops for investigations anyway.


Good job with this one, Ashley. Wish I saw The Stranger doing more articles like this.


@5 Articles of this merit, I mean. Sergeant Fuckwad here deserves a three piece and a soda. But the way another writer here described the sting in Tukwila where the Navy vet went for a gun and got shot-- that was awful and gave the impression the video was never even watched, but just put through a "cop bad" machine learning printer.

Go after the bad apples, go after them hard. I wish I could help more directly in this journalistic pursuit. That includes the court systems too; the rot goes beyond just SPD. But not every single case, like that Tukwila sting, is "bad apple" policing and painting broadly is unhelpful.


2 the police do not determine guilt or punishment. That's the job of a judge and jury. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how law works.


How is he still employed, much less in a Sgt? No person given authority to use deadly force should ever be protected by a union.


@9 because police departments don't consider this type of behavior disqualifying, which tells you all you need to know about police as a whole


@7, It’s always the “small government conservatives” who think extrajudicial punishment by the police is a good thing.


Not sure what that’s supposed to mean. You said “he’s a violent guy who tried to set a house on fire” as though that is a valid reason for the cops to beat the shit out of him. Constitutional rights apply to everyone, even alleged criminals.


Such a man. Blue crime isn't crime, didn't you know?

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