News Jul 9, 2024 at 4:09 pm

The Graffiti Reads: “Fuck Tanya Woo Get Her Out!” “Tanya Woo Hates Black People,” and Tanya Woo Is [indecipherable]

One of the pieces of graffiti that Northwest Asian Weekly declined to publish. The graffiti, scrawled in a white paint pen across five or six bricks in the center of this photo, reads, “Fuck Tanya Woo” and “Tanya Woo Hates Black People.” AN



Once again, The Stranger proves it does not understand the gravity of their ignorance of anti-Asian hate. In this case, you can't seem to get past your anti-Woo-the-official to even begin to think about how "get out" might be interpreted by a whole group of people who have heard "get out" since the first Asian set foot in the State of Washington.

You really need to spend some time evaluating your inherent bias, because this article is what Asian hate reads like.


TS writes “The Stranger texted, called, and emailed Woo for comment. Woo, who’s shown a preference for avoiding the press, did not respond to our questions”

Woo talked to the Seattle Asian News and the Seattle Times - seems like she’s just made the determination that speaking with TS isn’t worth the effort.

And to @1’s point, you would hope the gentrifiers at TS would bother to learn the racist dog whistles used against Asians given their move to the CID (I guess these white reporters can’t be bothered - how on brand).


Can we all just admit it’s not an easy time to be in public leadership? Progressive Councilmembers were also targets of harassment and unpleasant speech, and several of them cited that as a reason that factored into not seeking re-election. Let’s lay off the spray cans, kids.


How does Tammy Morales feel about these incidents? She obviously doesn't care about her district, and especially the ID (Just take a look at the intersection of 12th and Jackson) but she might take this opportunity to grandstand about one of her pet projects.



Can you provide a link to Woo discussing this incident with the Times? Or are you just making shit up again?


The last word in the Hing Hay graffiti might be ‘biast’ (biased)?
I hope that the CID improves in safety. It’s too important a neighborhood to be mired in decay and violence.


I feel pretty confident that Tanya Woo is lying. Check her hands for the paint.


Sawant complaining about poop was petty and this is even more so. Woo is a public official she needs to get used to constituents having strong opinions about her, and removable paint is not "property destruction." The Stranger should be embarrassed to further platform this nonsense.


I wish the Stranger would subject its own news stories to the same intensive level of scrutiny it applied to this one opinion piece. (At the very least, it might save some of us commenters some measure of the time and effort we spend in supplying facts to the dialogs here.)


Tanya Woo gives off Christopher Rufo vibes. Bullshit grievances can be lucrative. Beware.


@11 no need to be coy, please feel free to supply your alternative facts as to elucidate how this (admittedly vulgar) political speech targeted at a specific elected official actually represents rampant anti-Asian sentiment. This should be light work for you after months of arguing demands that a nation state cease bombing children's hospitals are somehow antisemitic.


@13: I was merely referring to the Stranger’s own habit of omitting relevant information, e.g.

When did I use the term, “antisemitic”?


@13 when those demands include using genocidal language, harassing and intimidating students and people based on their ethnicity and celebrating the rape and murder of women than some people construe that as antisemitic but you do you. As for anti Asian sentiment @1 lays it out pretty clearly.


So, who gets to determine if language is racist? Or is, like everything else these days, determined if we like the politics of the person(s) involved?


Is The Stranger some kind of Klu Klux Klan publication? Seriously

Why do Ashley and The Stranger curate and support Asian Hate?

The Stranger used to be really accepting of different cultures and people, now they spew hate to anyone they oppose.

It's sad to see. And, it's disgraceful.


It seems like the only group the Strangers hates on more than Asians is the SPD.

The only time TS is neutral or even remotely sympathetic to Asians is when it suits their anti-SPD narrative.

Other than that for some reason we are the enemy. It’s sad that the PS has simply become the flip side of the coin to the insane right wing outlets like OANN.

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