Council Member Maritza Rivera, moments before insulting the community's intelligence. Seattle Channel Screenshot



The story could benefit from at least a sentence explaining how we got to this point that we have all these city council members who seem to be primarily working for a big business. You've said it before but a link to that would be informative


I'm confused as to why the additional $20 million of funding attributable to the Jump Start tax is characterized as "a small increase," when a $7.75 million decrease is a apparently a big enough deal to merit an entire SLOG post.


The article misses a key point about gun violence in schools: mental health services have no preventative correlation. A student who is going to bring a gun into school is not going to be a student who would utilize school based mental health services. There are community based intensive mental health services that could assist (because they can involve the parents). But if you talk to any mental health provider, they will tell you that school based services are very superficial. What can help? Schools enforcing rule. The Ingraham shooter had previously brought a bb gun to school. The school gave him a 2 day suspension but they could have taken more impactful steps, including having him do a diversion program through juvenile justice which would have possibly helped him. Instead they walked on eggshells and now his life is ruined and another kid is dead (the victim’s parents are suing the school district and rightfully so).

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