
Justice Yu is THE BEST! I think Hill should nominate her the the US Supreme Court, instead of that poor dude whom the vile pestilent pustule McDonnell put into limboville, since the great day of Scalia getting also dead on the outside!
*to the US Supreme Court
@3 Roy Moore got removed from the bench today... for the second time!!! How fucked up of a judge do you have to be to be removed once, voted back on, and then removed a second time. This is apparently a man incapable of learning from his mistakes.
Oh, and Judge Yu is 100 kinds of awesome.
That's a lot of white folk.
@6, and that's somehow Justice Yu's fault?
Judge Yu presided over a child custody case I was personally involved with ten years ago. She asked for a parenting evaluation, then when it was presented to her she completely ignored the protessional's advice. That decision was flawed over the test of time. The parenting evaluator was correct, and Yu was wrong. It broke my heart also. Further the order was written incorrectly and she and her clerk would not fix it. Had to go back to court to get it fixed. A judge that didn't have bias against men fixed it. While it's great she has progressed this far as openly gay she has major issues with men
She usually refers those cases to her cousin;
Fuk Yu.
@9 What an unusually childishly post. You tend to be more infantile.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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