
In my relatively small circle of friends, I know 3 straight couples who got married back in the 1990's/2000's for health insurance reasons. It's not a new thing.
The simple fact is poors and women are just too healthy in this country and its high time something was done about it.
"Don't worry. We'll all be dead from loose nukes way before any of that happens."

Grace & Frankie
Yeah, they really don't care. Neither about people losing their healthcare, nor gays getting married.

Gutting healthcare did only one important thing for them: Gave massive tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy. Those wealthy folks will, in turn, reward the republicans by increasing campaign donations, thereby increasing their chances of re-election.

Seriously, that's all they care about and the only reason they want this bill.

They talk about being anti-gay, but in reality, they don't care. They show up to vote against gays when an LGBT issue is on the table (in order to keep those campaign dollars from wealthy bigots flowing in) but otherwise they don't give a shit.
@4 There is this angle too:

They are all making deals with Trump because his ego really needs this notch - any notch - on his belt.

The House know the shitty bill won't get past the Senate - there will be no penalty for the House to go ahead and pass it.

...and now Trump will owe them. Except, he won't keep his part of the deal. He just doesn't do such things unless a lawyer forces him to do so. ...and that, hopefully, will be the last of the big deals he makes. All out of chits.

"Because of the job, I’d spent the previous two years reporting on the end of the world, and it was burning me out". Sounds a bit like a personal problem - especially as the world is like - I don't know - still around. LOL
@7 - You keep trying ever so hard to destroy it tho based on your comment history. Hopefully you'll fail as bad at that as you did at making it in Seattle

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