

So Melania Trump is Montgomery Burns?


I'm sure we can all agree that "Be Best" might have some meaning, if it weren't being said by someone so completely devoid of worth.

I suggest that any future post focused on Melania should feature an image from her modeling days; presumably one of those is what secured her future place in the White House. Or Stormy, either way.


It's not empty; it's missing the qualifier for a reason: there's only one who can be The Best, and that's you-know-who (her husband, for those of you in the cheap seats).

That leaves the rest of us as second best, at best, or, just "best".


And i second @2: can we just have a day (week? Month?) of cheesecake and beefcake thumbnails?

I think we all deserve it, putting up with this crap for all this time.


@4: I'm not suggesting random cheesecake/beefcake images to help with getting through the day. Dan used to include those when doing the morning news, and it made them unsafe to open while at work.

I suggested it because it's the first lady's only real contribution to the world so far (who knows, Barron might turn out less awful than his half-siblings, there's still hope for him), and because it would irritate the shit out of the resident Trump apologists. It would also display the yawning gulf of character between our last first lady and our current one. And I figure it would appeal to Dan's proclivity toward sophomoric stunts of defiance too. After all, the Santorum treatment can only be used to great effect so many times.


It's amazing how incompetent the current White House staff is. They put out an ungrammatical slogan with really ugly graphics (Be Best, really?), and compounded this lame-ass mess by taking a pamphlet from the Obama administration and just sticking Melania's picture in front of it! They didn't even bothered to change any other content of the pamphlet - to at least pretend it was their work! What are these people spending their work days doing? Watching porn?

I'd feel really sorry for Melania if she hadn't peddled the Birther thing! Her poor son though, he's going to need a lot of therapy!


Hit this one out of the park, Charles.


Charles i


Charles is still being paid for this drivel? Anyone with talent (or who had already cashed in, like Savage) moved on from The Stranger long ago. Mudede will sadly die as a pitifully paid Slog scribbler.


My goodness, just look at all of these words about empty words!

But has the magic happened? Does meaning drift in and take root once the words are piled up high enough on top of each other?


Nailed it once again, Sir.

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