This letter gives new meaning to the term capital punishment.
This letter gives new meaning to the term "capital punishment."

This story is a few days old, but its appeal is timeless. The White House sent former middle and high school English teacher Yvonne Mason a letter—signed by Donald J. Trump—about gun policy in the wake of 17 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students being shot and killed in Parkland, Florida, after she had written to the federal government about gun control.

Mason noticed how poorly written the letter was and how riddled it was with incorrectly capitalized words, so she returned the missive to the White House, with corrections and commentary in the margins. The ex-teacher deserves respect for calling out a so-called world leader whose command of the English language is as suspect as his understanding of American law. If you think the two deficiencies aren't connected, you're deluded.

"If I had received this from one of my students,” Mason told the Washington Post, “I would have handed it back without a grade on it and said, ‘I hope you left the real one at home.’”

Trump's woeful attention to detail with regard to the written and spoken word bleeds into everything he does in office, and it has real-world ramifications. As we're witnessing on a daily basis, a man who can't even spell his own wife's name or "counsel" correctly probably lacks the mental capacity to parse complex documents and concepts pertaining to matters of global import.