Politics May 16, 2024 at 11:48 am

Mayor Bruce Harrell Doesn’t Deserve a “Labor Oscar”—at Least Not Yet

MLK Labor gave Bruce Harrell an Oscar for his commitment to workers rights. If he really wants to earn that award, then he should veto the gig worker minimum wage repeal if the council passes it. Anthony Keo



Does Sara Nelson mail her rent check to TS in care of Hannah’s head?


"Secondly, the legislation is not “data-informed.” Um, neither was the original legislation. It was put forth by a labor group and the council passed it based on their (biased) report. This legislation was touted as the "first of its kind in the country" at time of passage so there was zero data on possible outcomes. We now have actual data that shows a) delivery companies raised prices to offset the new costs b) many delivery people saw a real reduction in income either from losing their job altogether or from the reduction in number of orders. The contention of labor activists and TS that these companies are price gouging have no basis in proof so this is the result. I find it weird how focused Hannah has been on this topic when there is so much better stories out there. As has been noted several times, the city and world would prob be a much better place if these companies went away all together.


MLK Labor didn't endorse Harrell for mayor. He owes them nothing and he will not veto anything.

MLK Labor endorsed Lorena Gonzales, a door mat for Labor Unions. Now Lorena Gonzales is on the board of Working Washington.

Working Washington is another phony group created by Labor Unions to whore for them, not the public. Look at their funding.

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