Pride 2022 Jun 24, 2022 at 4:44 pm

Alaska Air, Chateau St. Michelle, and T-Mobile Line GOP Pockets

Would you trust this corporation's PAC to care more about your rights than their profits? Anthony KEO / GETTY



You expected ethics and consistency?! Really?! These are corporations. They're reptiles.


"The full dollar amounts, going back years, would be many orders of magnitude greater."

No, because one order of magnitude greater would be ten times those dollar figures. If they gave in the thousands of dollars, then "many orders of magnitude greater" would be in the millions or billions of dollars, which would be completely illegal. (And that's defining "many" as "three to six," which is a little low for the common meanings of that word. If "many" means as little as "ten", then they gave amounts of money which have meaning only in terms of entire national economies.)

"To identify each organization’s relationship with corporate sponsors, then each sponsor’s relationship with politicians, and then each politician’s history with LGBTQ+ issues would be a colossal project."

You listed five organizations: Seattle Pride, PrideFest, Capitol Hill Pride, Alki Beach Pride, and White Center Pride. Even if each organization has dozens of sponsors, that's still a not-large amount of data mining to do with the PDC and maybe the FEC. (And the Capitol Hill Pride, Alki Beach Pride, and White Center Pride are most likely to take donations from small, locally-owned businesses who completely support full LGBTQ+ equality.)

If you want to do the reportorial work, then please do it. If not, don't suggest you will, then engage in hand-waving excuses for why it's just too gosh-darned hard to find publicly-reported numbers.


Interesting how nuanced the world is, hey Mr. Baume?


@1 You just love licking PIG boots. You Fascists are all the same.


Another simple simon slog reporting job from The Stranger... lacking depth, follow thru or real reporting standards.

Gee... have you tried talking to the large companies which fund the pride parade and ask why, when, how ... or why did they support or contribute to the candidate.... could there be some other reason instead of the presumption that they are homophobic....


Yawn. What @2 said.
The more salient question is; how do these companies treat their employees?


Hopefully the new editor will work with Matt and Hannah to improve their reporting.

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