
you would have the ability to put a robot in its place and have that cognitive experience,

What, the 'cognitive experience' of increased alienation from having to "communicate" with a fucking robot to get pizza? I'm all for people not having to do menial jobs --for them to obtain more fulfilling life paths-- but let's be real: The economy is not a charity organization. The "economy" gives two shits about how people survive. The "economy" only cares about one thing: Profit.

And that game is rather obviously quite stacked.
2nd Amendment remedies clearly are called for.
Murder all the Bots before they get us.
@2 - Except that your next gun will have AI technology built into it. THINK AHEAD MAN!
Pepper should pay taxes. How about a rate of 30% (or more) of what a human would be paid to do this work computed on a hourly basis. At some point all of surplus humanity is going to need money. Remember, in coming years all of the Uber, taxi and truck drivers are going to loose their jobs along with most of the lawyers, surgeons and newspaper writers. Writing blog posts doesn't pay much (though I've heard you can make money writing Yelp reviews) and computers do a lot of that anyway.

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