

49ers are a much better team


Before yesterday I though Poona Ford was an Oahu car dealership. Now he's my new favorite Seahawk.


They didn't lose: the officials stole another game from the Seahawks: since Pete's been HC, no other team can match the Penalty Disparity season after shit season ( hell, even the Times's Bob Condotta wrote about it a few years back .)


My only question: Why the hell didn't Sea Bass substantively try to stop that runback? I mean, I know kickers are precious, but the guy's nickname is Sea Bass (and apparently it's also the Polish Cannon). Very little effort when he was the last man to beat.



Seattle was the most penalized team in the league back when it was winning divisional titles and super bowls, too, so clearly the officiating doesn't account for the their ongoing decline.


Did Sherman Tank celebrate in the end zone?


Sometimes the most dangerous team to play isn't the one with a strong record, it's the team that is sick and tired of losing. The 49ers were doubly sick and tired of losing, too many losses this season and a long string of losses to the Seahawks.

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