
My God, the 80's were an ugly decade, weren't they?

I don't drink hard liquor, but one of the main reasons I voted to close the state liquor stores was because I hoped it would help kill the liquor board. The good agents were a bunch of Barney Fifes and the bad agents were evil to the core - they ganged up with the cops to have shakedown rackets on gay and minority clubs.

And the stupid rules! Everyone had to be seated. Women could not be seated at a bar alone. Cocktail lounges couldn't have windows. Places that served hard alcohol had to also serve food, and had to have a certain percentage of food sales in relation to liquor sales (That was why Neighbours had the infamous "buffet": The door charge was reported as a food charge).

Yet the WSLCB perseveres, but thankfully in a greatly reduced capacity.
The rouge.
Dying at the dancer removing his pants only to reveal long johns. STOP IT WASHINGTON.
Thanks Dan - there's nothing but goodness here! See Ballard became it became humorless...
I would demand my money back. Magic Mike and crew those guys ain't.

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