Sex Feb 14, 2023 at 9:45 am

How Much Sex Are You Having? Who Are You Having It With? Are You into Porn? What about Puppy Play? What Was the Sexiest Thing You Did in 2022? TELL US EVERYTHING!

Design by Anthony Keo



Is it just me or is there no obvious survey link?


@1 there is a scroll bar, I assume the page you were looking at IS the survey. (or things were changed between when you commented and when I did) it did take me a moment to realize there was more than a single question.

I just have to say pictures of a vagina are a bit kinky for me, I love the whole vulva and don't see any reason to limit things. Yes I know a lot of people don't know the difference, or even what a vulva is, and in common practice they may be synonyms, but that is just the first step to Orwell's Newspeak, Double Plus Ungood!


The strangers version of a sex survey- ask their political affiliation and employment status. F’n losers- was this Mudede trying to get more fodder for his bullshit hit pieces?

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