Biden's in Kyiv for Presidents Day. Photo by Ukrainian Presidential Press Office via Getty Images



America's 10th-best Holiday has arrived!


“the president of what?”


Snow. In late February. Seems like old times.

My birthday is this week (I don’t want to talk about it), and I was just thinking the other day about way back having a snow day or two on my birthday back in Tennessee. Not anymore! Now, the daffodils bloom this time of year in Nashville. I never doubted climate change because I’ve lived long enough to see its drastic effects.

Jimmy Carter may have been our most intelligent president. We all know his heart was and is in the right place. Look at his service post-office (and at others who have spent their retirement drawing their feet while soaking in the bathtub or playing endless rounds of golf) . But his administration was almost doomed from the start. He wasn’t a Washington pol, and many, even in his own party, thought him an oddity. He presided over a time when shit was hitting the fan nearly every day. Inflation like crazy. Double-digit prime rate. High unemployment and astounding stagflation. Afghanistan. The misguided Olympic boycott, Iran. A real shit storm. But above it all, he held onto his unquestionable goodness. I wish him a most peaceful and painless journey forward.

I know OnStar has the ability to disable a stolen car. It’s too bad there isn’t a stun gun for cars that would, I dunno, disrupt a pursued car’s operation. But then, you’d have to worry about such a device falling into the wrong hands.

I lived in an apartment in Seattle that had a really great view of downtown, but someone sold the small vacant lot just down below my 9th floor flat. They built a tall, thin building that completely blocked my pleasant vista. Spent a lot of time sipping coffee and meditating looking out that window. The new building was really close, too, so instead of my inspirational view of Seattle, I was looking up someone’s urethra. So I kind of understand the councilwomen on that level. But she sounds like someone who isn’t interested in the inspirational vista as much as she’s concerned about loosing the $50K more she can ask because of the view. Another real estate douche. I’m telling you: You HAVE to keep real estate developers and landlords off the city council. (PS: I moved from my apartment as soon as the new building was built to a place I liked but had no view.)

I have great fondness for FDR. My parents were children and teenagers during his years in office. They worshiped him, but oddly enough, transitioned into Goldwater Republicans later out of, I guess, fear of Communism and, to be truthful, integration. FDR wasn’t perfect. No one is. Japanese-American internment was a ghastly, tragic mistake especially since Japanese-American men were on the battlefields. But remember, as a history lesson, Pearl Harbor completely freaked everyone out. In that kind of sadness, shock, grief, and anger, it’s important not to over-respond. Also, the reticence over Jewish immigration from Europe. Shameful as well. Otherwise, Franklin Roosevelt saved this country during some of its darkest hours. From a wheelchair and in very painful braces.

Here on the Los Angeles freeways, drivers have caught other drivers on their cellphone cams sleeping behind the wheel of their Teslas. It appears on the news every few days. Shit. Talk about misdirected trust. Talk about stupid. Talk about endangerment.

I loved “La Cage” when I saw it back in the 70s. I still remember the small Beverly Hills theater where it played. Kind of shocking to some. Ahead of its time. Both understated and hilarious. I loved “Birdcage” too. Even Robin Williams, of whom I wasn’t an enormous fan, had the sense to tone it down for the sake of this very funny film. Besides, even when Mike Nichols was having a so-so day, what he created is way better than 80% of everything else.

Whew. Sorry I'm so long-winded today. Happy Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthday, everyone.


"Underneath all the dogma, you're still a dog."

Det. John Munch


"Intrepid reporters at UW have conducted a hard-hitting investigation into whether the school mascot is fuckable."

So, more UW reporters auditioning to join The Stranger, basically.


The news about Carter causes me to reflect that we went from Carter to Clinton, then W, and more recently Trump.
God, that is depressing!


Fine comment as usual from Bauhaus I @6.

Regarding the Edmonds councilmember trying to manipulate the legislative process to preserve her view--let's keep in mind that most people who currently have great views they would like to preserve obtained them at the expense of somebody else's great view. There's a certain situational ethics about taking up the cause of whose view to preserve. It takes the cake when it's the councilmember's own view we're talking about.

Speaking as someone whose spectacular territorial view was recently eradicated by a massive apartment building going up next door.


@6 Bauhaus I: Happy Birthday! As far as I am concerned, you're still a kid! May your celebration be a joyous one.
I'm with cressona (@15)--once again, Kudos for your usually brilliant commentary. :)

@14 pat L: I share your dismay. 39th President Jimmy Carter, at 98, has done so many amazing things since his one term in office for working class and less fortunate U.S. citizens, such as his work for Habit For Humanity.
42nd President William Jefferson Clinton, in his two terms, turned a RepubliKKKan-induced deficit into an economic surplus. One way was by trimming down our over-bloated military. It's just as well---one enlistment under George H. W. Bush and his trained monkey, Dan Quayle was enough for me.
Dubya's claim to fame is searching for "weapons of mass destruction"---wait for it---in a White house china cabinet.
The Orange Turd's claim to fame is boasting about his Great Wall, separating children from their immigrant parents, and locking them in cages. RepubliKKKans are a shameless global disgrace, and should be penned up and left to fight each off like rats in a trap until their evil breed is fully exterminated once and for all.

@12 Garb Garblar: I couldn't open your link to Journey. That wouldn't happen to be "Any Way Your Want It" by any chance, would it? Thanks for sharing and rock on! :)

Thanks for another excellent article, Matt!

Bundle and stock up, folks----Griz has received a forecast of wind, rain, snow, and frigid outdoor temperatures dropping to the teens by nightfall, as of this Thursday! BRRRRRRRR! If Charles Mudede loves icy weather conditions he needs his head examined. Climate change is real. Our unwelcome over-extension on winter last year is glaring proof, and hopefully doesn't become "the new norm".


I just enjoyed the image of Presidents Biden and Zelenskyy walking in the streets of Kyiv, like the bosses they are!
Slava Ukraini, and as always, fuck Putin and his fellow Fascists!


@17 Greenwood Bob:+1 Amen to that! Slava Ukraini!


smash, totally


We don’t need to look to the presidents for heinous actions against Asians. We’ve got some shameful chapters right here.


"A handy way to check and see if anyone you know happened to be in attendance!"

Submit their names and receive this free Social Justice Stasi™ sticker! Imagine how impressed your friends will pretend to be when they see it.


I meant to ask - does the demise of Ballard Oil mean the demise of the Bardahl sign? (I have no idea if the two are related)

Does the Bardahl sign even still exist? I don't go north of the Ship Canal unless I'm being paid.

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