Should we blame the bad manufacturing or the decision to let the plane fly in the first place? Why not both? HANDOUT / GETTY



Just remember folks, there may be lots of sunshine this weekend, but keep taking that Vitamin D regardless; one in four U.S. citizens are deficient, and a few extra hours of sunshine aren't going to make up the difference.


I'm really tired of people making jokes about stabbing someone in the back on the Ides of March. That is not the true spirit of the holiday. The day is about friendship, and getting together with your closest friends, and stabbing a mutual enemy in the back. Hopefully they are organizing a party for Donald at Mar A Largo.


@2 rules! Also, Texas did a great job with their independent power grid. I’m sure they’ll come up with an equally successful Texas porn infrastructure. Or maybe just “Debbie Does Dallas” reruns.


“Remember the Alam-ho.”


“This case marks the first time in this country where parents have been held responsible for their children's killer actions.”

Beware the trap of unintended consequences (if you don’t think this line of prosecution won’t be weaponized against BIPOC parents you haven’t been paying attention).

Personally I’m glad these crappy parents will do some time but I fear this will be abused by horrible people.


The incident happened inside the new crossing point the IDF is allowing near Be'eri (a kibbutz attacked on 10/7). It was created because aid trucks couldn't get to N. Gaza from the Egyptian border.

It's entirely plausible that Hamas opened fire as the crowd moved to loot the trucks. It's also entirely plausible that IDF troops shot the looters, but it's not clear from the article whether their troops were escorting the convoy.

It appears that, once again, the truck drivers panicked and drove over men while trying to escape.

So yes, wonder who's lying.


“ Israel denied its role and said Palestinian gunmen killed the Palestinian civilians. Hm. I wonder who is lying here?”

Is it the Jews - are they the liars here Nat?


@5 “If frying pans are outlawed…..”



It's simple when you consider the fact that schools and government aren't trying to prevent parents from being involved in their kid's psychological well being.


from The Guardian

Hopes Rise
after Hamas A-
bandons Key Demands

Israeli negotiators are heading to Qatar
after the group dropped calls for
a permanent end to hostilities
and agreed a 40-day pause


to be
Rid of
bibi N.


leonard cohen
144,000,000 hits so far:



If you think I should let an intruder stay alive long enough for me to figure out whether they’re in my house to burglarize it or to go on a killing spree you’re out of your mind.



If you think I should let an intruder stay alive long enough for me to figure out whether they’re in my house to burglarize it or to go on a killing spree you’re out of your mind.


@13, 14,

It's a collaborative effort. Parents and public schools have been teaming up to provide education and guidance to our youth for several centuries now and in so doing have provided for the most well educated society in the history of human civilization.

It may be cliche, but it truly does "take a village" to raise a child.

Also, you guys are both fucking idiots, no doubt exceptions to the model of virtue the American public education system has long since provided.


@1 COMTE, @2 Greenwood Bob, @3 & @4 dvs99 for the WIN!!
@2 Greenwood Bob: I'd LOVE for the Orange Turd to be done in by the Ides of March!
May its violinist be prepped and ready for the Fall of Mal-a-Tardo (thank you, kristofarian!).

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