The house boat that sunk wasn't one of these, but these are kinda cute. Royalty-free / GETTY



Pretty sure the item about the shooting in Indianapolis isn't supposed to link to the article about Kia Boys....?


Israeli protestors also targeted the exception the Haredi get from military service. Legit gripe.


NWS says rain starting tomorrow night, continuing through the end of the week.


@1- a lot of people were pretty pissed at the kids stealing Kias. Just a thought.


@6 And somehow, those aid shipments that the IDF is duty-bound to admit don't manage to make it through the border. Some of them are held up by containing "dual use" supplies. Of course, the definition of dual use changes by the day, so nobody really knows what they can ship and what they can't. However, "dual use" has regularly included crutches, water purification equipment, and hygiene kits. Lord knows, we don't want Hamas to be able to assault the IDF with their tactical crutches.

Oh, and let's not forget the Israeli protesters who blocked aid for a couple of weeks. Or the utterly Byzantine system Israel requires of unloading and reloading trucks. Or the time they shelled the truck waiting for inspection.

PS If you believe the IDF, they didn't kill a single noncombatant in the Shifa operation. Which is contradicted by the people on the ground, but that's no matter to you. No doubt, you can't accept that Israel would outright lie to you because then you'd have to question all kinds of things. And that would be deeply uncomfortable for you.

PS Before you go off on Hamas militarizing the hospital, read my post again. I am not making claims that Israel had no legitimate military objective. Only that they are absolutely outright lying about the civilian casualties. And that they are one of the causes of delays in food aid to civilians in Gaza.


Oh, and let's not forget that Israel allegedly went on another international crime spree. Missiles destroyed an Iranian Consulate in Syria, killing several members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

It's a clear violation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, Including Diplomatic Agents (1973), which Israel ratified in 1980. Unlike the usual war crimes that Israel commits, there's no exemptions for militarized facilities. In fact, the various diplomatic treaties assume that there are military attaches in embassies and consulates, and those people have full diplomatic status.

You don't get to bomb consulates just because you feel like it. Unless, of course, you're The Most Moral Army In the World (tm). Then you can do whatever you want. For reasons.


@10 Israel says that no civilians died as a result of the Shifa operation. Do you believe them?

If Israel is so concerned about dual use items not going through checkpoints, why don't they produce a list of dual use items that they won't allow? Israel says they allow all medical supplies, but that apparently doesn't include crutches?

@11 Please provide a source for the dispute over whether the building is or is not a consulate. Hint: the convention cited above gives the sending state (Iran) and receiving state (Syria) the right to determine what is and is not a consulate. If they agree it was, then it was. And don't forget that military personnel and facilities can be protected diplomatic locations.


Commitatus is actually spot on, if one realizes a failing and flailing Israeli govt needs to provoke a reaction from Iran to drag the US into their religious crusade.


Palestine doesn't have an army. They are a population under occupation by a colonizer that has chosen to exterminate them after decades of dehumanization. Israel is destroying itself. The United States will not recover from their refusal to stop Israel.

Israel murdered 5 World Central Kitchen workers today as they worked to provide humanitarian aid to starving people in Palestine.

Why people in this country continue to defend Israel as they slaughter and starve Palestinians is beyond me. Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars sent to Israel while people in this country live on the streets, can't afford food, health care, or education, and are being fucked over in every possible way by corporations and capitalism.

Fuck Israel. Fuck Biden. There is no lesser of two evils, there is only evil. Biden will never recover from choosing Zionism over the country he is supposed to be leading.


This is No
April Fools:

in Israel Call
for Ceasefire &
Removal of Benjamin Netanyahu

On Sunday, tens of thousands rallied across Israel calling for the removal of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the largest protests since the October 7 attacks.

In Jerusalem, police fired skunk spray at demonstrators blocking a major highway. The protesters called for a ceasefire and the release of all hostages. This is Zahiro-Shahar Mor, whose elderly uncle has been held in Gaza for nearly six months.

Zahiro-Shahar Mor: “Today we declared that Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister Netanyahu, is the obstacle between us and getting our hostages back.

And we will relentlessly fight — legally, of course — to have him removed from power and get someone else that can do the job and worthy of the situation that can bring our beloved ones back. Until then, Benjamin Netanyahu is the main obstacle.”

It’s time
WE did too.

Ceasefire &
DUMP bibi
the sooner
the Better


speaking of the
‘right’ wing:

The Israeli right wing is damaging Israel’s reputation around the world. The American right wing is also damaging the U.S.’s reputation around the world.

Why does any country have right-wing parties, again? What’s the point of them? What exactly do these people expect?

In Israel, the right wing grabs someone else’s land, terrorizes the people living there, insists that they own the land, and even refuses to grant citizenship to the people who’ve been living there for generations.

What is it exactly, that they think should happen? That everyone who dislikes their hateful policies should just vanish in a puff of smoke?
--@Allison; Texas

even tS’s
reich wing


@13 You are just this close. Read the treaty cited in @9 again. Note Article 2 section 1(b). "The intentional commission of ... A violent attack upon the official premises, the private accommodation or the means of transport of an internationally protected person likely to endanger his person or liberty" is a crime. It doesn't matter who's there. You are not allowed to bomb a consulate because the premises themselves are protected. The Vienna Convention (not the one I cited) is the one that says that Syria has to protect diplomatic premises within Syria. This convention says that all diplomatic premises are protected, whether by the host nation or other nations. If you believe otherwise, cite the section that says that.

@15 Thanks for admitting that Israel is committing war crimes by starving people. Good job as an unofficial spokesbot! And the idea that none of the other war crimes being committed by Israel are gaining no legal traction is ... surprising. Especially given how butthurt you were by the ICJ telling Israel not to commit genocide. But sure, go ahead and be surprised that a major war crimes case hasn't been investigated, tried, and resolved the day after it was committed.

As noted above, doesn't matter if the generals were diplomats. Doesn't even matter if there were diplomats on the premises at the time. Attacking the premises themselves is a crime. I'm glad you brought up mens rea again. Because this is a really clear one. You're arguing that Israel accidentally bombed a consulate in a neighboring country? Like "Oh, my bad. I accidentally flew halfway across an adversary's airspace and dropped some missiles that happened to hit a diplomatic facility? Oops! Didn't mean to!"

And yes, Israel has a duty under the convention to investigate and prosecute the crime of bombing another nation's embassy. But what you missed is that Article 5 gives the state where the crime was committed (ie Syria) the right to chase down the suspected perpetrators if they have fled the country, which the pilots did. Article 7 says that the state where the perpetrators are located has the choice of extraditing the the perpetrators to the country where the attack took place or prosecuting them itself. Article 8 says that you have to extradite the perpetrators even if you don't have an extradition treaty with the state where the attack took place. And Article 13 punts any disputes up to the ICJ.

Israel has a choice of prosecuting the pilots themselves or extraditing them to Syria for prosecution. Or just saying that might makes right and telling the ICJ to pound sand. Which would be very on brand for you and The Most Moral Army In the World (tm). After all, nothing says moral like ignoring the ICJ.


From The Edge
Of The Narrative Matrix:

Israel Keeps Getting More Murderous

In the span of just a few hours we learned that Israel committed a horrific massacre at al-Shifa hospital, struck an Iranian consulate in Syria killing multiple Iranian military officers, and killed a vehicle full of international aid workers in an airstrike.

This murderous regime is out of control.

Israel is so dedicated to protecting civilian life that it’s deliberately gunning down unarmed Palestinians whenever they walk within firing range and then adding them to its “Hamas terrorists killed” tally.

Haaretz reports that the IDF has set up “kill zones” in Gaza where they just shoot anything that moves, with an IDF reserve officer saying the number of Hamas members Israel claims to have killed is massively inflated because

“In practice, a terrorist is anyone the IDF has killed in the areas in which its forces operate.” Haaretz notes that the three escaped Israeli hostages the IDF gunned down in December had wandered into one of these kill zones.

--Caitlin Johnstone, 4/2/24

disturbingly more:

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