As Eli said when these joints first started popping up: "This employee-free store requires so many employees." David Ryder / GETTY



Considering we've got homeless people living in tents and motor homes in every unloved corner of the metro region, it's amazing there's anywhere for new migrants to stay.

there's no magic wand that can make new subsidized housing appear overnight (or force a ceasefire in gaza or forgive all student debt, for that matter).


I used Just Walk Out tech for my very first time at T-Mobile Park on Thursday. I was overcharged for 3 of the 4 beers I purchased. I can't be the only person this has happened to.


Ummmmm... the eclipse is Monday, not Saturday. The article you cite even says so in the first paragraph.


Smolts returning to a creek to spawn that they were accidentally dumped into? No! We can't have that. It would put to a lie the claim that every population of salmon in each waterway is a unique species. Deserving of its own protection under the ESA. And not countable along with hatchery populations, for example.


“Seattle, we had our taste of the path of totality during the last eclipse in 2017.”

No, we did not. The ‘path of totality’ for the 2017 eclipse was well to the south of us, in Oregon.


A day or two after the WCK debacle, a few facts are emerging. The IDF sees the WCK as a reliable partner in food delivery in Gaza, certainly more reliable than UNRWA. WCK coordinated their travel with the IDF. They were on a road routinely used for humanitarian convoys which is supposed to be deconflicted. And an IDF drone tracked the convoy, chose the vehicles as targets, and destroyed them one by one. Negligence or malice, your choice.

A couple of interesting articles from the Israeli perspective:

What it means on a higher level:


Two relevant quotes from the article above:
"'Israel is better than the way this war is being waged. It is better than blocking food and medicine to civilians. It is better than killing aid workers who coordinated their movements with the IDF,' Andres added."

"Meanwhile, on Tuesday evening, the Haaretz daily spoke to unnamed military sources who revealed that the cause of the strike was undisciplined, rogue commanders, not a lack of coordination between the IDF and the WCK.

A source in the intelligence branch told Haaretz that the IDF’s Southern Command knows exactly what the cause of the attack was: in Gaza, everyone does as they please.'"

It remains to be seen if anyone will be punished for violating the nominal rules of engagement. If not, it's a green light from the IDF command to continue shooting humanitarian workers and other civilians.


No place for asylum seekers?
Almost makes me think all that talk about being a ‘sanctuary city’ was exactly that, just talk.

As for inmates not being able to see the eclipse: oh well.


@6: it feels more like negligence than malice. Hanlon's razor.

heads should roll in the drone corp but will they? probably not.


@9 If it were a single incident, I might agree. Like the first time they bombed/shelled an aid convoy in marked "safe" areas. But the fact that the IDF doesn't seem to care enough to stop being negligent starts to look like malice.


For that matter, the same general principle applies to the Biden administration. You can be angry, upset, frustrated, etc. all you want. Actual changes in policy and results are what matters. Yes, allowing the cease fire resolution to go through the UNSC was a good start. But the IDF doesn't seem to have gotten the message. So the message needs to be made louder and clearer. Stopping new delivery of weapons would be a good start. Those could potentially restart after the investigation is complete and the IDF makes meaningful changes in behavior.


It was three strikes, not one. After the first vehicle was hit, they loaded the wounded into the remaining two. They made it about 800 meters before the second vehicle was hit. The third vehicle made it about another kilometer south before it was hit.


Obvious question. If we, and the church inviting them are overwhelmed with refugees...why are they still being routed here and to that church. Has the church told the groups shipping them here they are past capacity, and to please stop for now? Are those groups ignoring them?

Or, as I suspect are they still saying to send them and then happily dumping the cost on the local middle class along with the usual hard left combo of insults and guilt?




in Gaza. These
killings will make
aid harder to come by."

the Enemy
of Israel is their
far Far FAR Reich wing

which wishes
to Seize Palestine
AND keep nutnyahoo
the Fuck outta Prison at


Israel's likely
already bombed
Israeli Hostages to
Smithereens but bibi's

gotta keep outt Jail
and to Hades with
the Rest of the




WOW---that is one helluva way to save our endangered species of salmon! At least some spawn were salvaged, but--damn! An overturned truck spilling into a creek is a bit overdramatic.

So Seattle sinks deeper into the red for funding grossly overpaid robocops who consider pedestrians as trivial roadkill. Jesus wept. Don't tell me, let me guess: a LOT of dirty outside money funded Mr. "hell with affordable housing, bring on the T-1000s!" Bruce Harrell's current mayoral seat in the last election.


@16 Well, at least you've recognized that Israel is committing war crimes in food delivery. Given that the ICJ just told Israel to improve food delivery less than a week ago and they've gone and targeted one of their only reliable food delivery partners, I don't think the next ICJ hearing is going to go especially well.

Rules of engagement and punishments for violating those are Israel's internal matter until they are ordered to change. Would they change their ROE based on an ICJ order? Maybe not. But if they don't they're taking some big risks. At what point does the EU or US cut off military aid? Worse yet, when do they start in with more extensive sanctions? Imports and exports are 60% of their economy.

I don't know that withholding US weapons would significantly change the IDF's ability to wage war. It would matter, but I don't know how much. It would have a profound political effect within Israel. For a clue of how much, look at the freakout that Netanyahu staged over the cease-fire resolution at the UNSC.

Another issue is that judges are human beings, even the ones at the ICJ. If they see Israel thumbing their collective nose at orders to improve food delivery, it won't help Israel's case when the genocide charges come around again. As you note, the ICJ doesn't have specific powers. However, many nations take their lead from ICJ rulings. If the ICJ calls for a cease fire and Israel doesn't comply, I wouldn't be surprised to see the EU in particular start adding sanctions.

But all of this is putting the cart before the horse. Israel will issue their investigation's findings in relatively short order. We'll know what path Israel is taking from that response.


@13, My thoughts exactly. There is nothing generous about offering people something that you don't have to offer. What was this church's plan for the mess they created? The pastor of the church told the Seattle Times last month, indignantly, "We thought local governments would have stepped in to take over by now." So, there you have it. Their plan all along was to continuously dump off their "charity" onto local taxpayers who had no say in any of this.

Instead of scrambling to find money for a problem they did not create, and are not responsible for fixing, local jurisdictions should be filing cease and desist orders against this church. If an endless stream of illegal economic migrants is flooding the country, the last place in the world you should try to house them is in one of the most expensive cities in the world, a place which already has no affordable housing for its own low-income citizens.



The existential threat is to the Palestinan people who have been the target of war crimes, ethnic cleansing for decades and are now facing genocide.

There's no honest way to argue otherwise.


Seen one eclipse, seen them all.


@23, 24 You should get that logorrhea looked at. Could be serious.

Look, the ICJ isn't going to specify rules of engagement. They may tell Israel to stop shooting civilians on sight. It's not surprising that you can't hold both thoughts in your head at once, since your bot lives in a purely black or white world. Also, Israel has been specifically ordered to protect humanitarian workers. Full stop. The WCK team coordinated their travel with the IDF and got hunted down anyway. That's a direct and overt violation of the ICJ's order.

It was very big of you to declare in your third paragraph that Hamas did very little wrong on 10/7. Raiding kibbutzes? There are weapons stored there, so they're legitimate military targets. Anyone shot there shouldn't have been in a militarized facility. Shooting music festival attendees? There are armed police there, so any unarmed people caught in the crossfire are just unfortunate casualties of war. Plus IDF reservists often wear civilian clothes, so it's really just members of the military hiding among the civilian population. Taking hostages? Well, they have to pick up people and interrogate them to make sure they're not Mossad or military. You know, just like Israel does with their "suspected terrorists." That pretty much just leaves sexual assault, but you don't seem to mind when Israel does that either.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. If you think (like me!) that Hamas was wrong on 10/7, then you are applying a double standard if you think that Israel is right in their actions in Gaza. Although your last paragraph in 23 makes it clear that you think that Israel is in fact committing war crimes, and we're all just looking the other way. Common ground at last! Unfortunately, you also seem to think that's a /good/ thing. It does make a nice slogan for the Most Moral Army In The World (tm): "We commit the war crimes you can look past!"

Pro tip: oxygen cylinders make terrible rockets. They're too heavy and the diameter is too large. But you've never bothered with dealing in facts anyway, so I suppose it won't matter to you.

In 24 you're living in a binary world again. It's not a choice of living under sanctions or allowing Hamas to run over Israel. It's a case of Israel deciding that losing 10% of their GDP to trade restrictions isn't worth allowing the IDF to act with total impunity. They can still conduct a war, just punish the overt war crimes when they're committed.

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