An example of a good dog owner taking good dogs to a good off-leash dog park! COURTESY OF SEATTLE WALK STARS



"I'm sorry, but who was president when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade? Sure, Trump's appointments did it, but I just don't believe him when he says he will fight like hell. Like why not start now?"

This sort of asinine thinking is how we got Trump and got Roe overturned in the first place. There is a less than zero chance of a federal abortion protection passing. The Biden administration has allowed retail pharmacies to sell mifepristone and has fought restrictive bans, which is about all they can do. Hey maybe we can post more nonsense like this so we can get a few more Clarence Thomas's on the court and then lose national rights to contraception and have the rest of the Civil and Voting Rights Acts gutted! I miss when the most exceptionally shitty takes were limited to the comments and not regularly in the actual content itself.


Gee, why would we support Israel over Iran? They both seem bad. JFC...


"The letter also called out the council for not including workers but rather a lobby group backed by Uber in its closed-door discussions about changes to the policy."

who Needs 'em?
the Business of America
is Business. to Hell with the Po'.

@1 -- see also
Joe Biden's assistance in
putting 'Uncle' Thomas on the USSC

perhaps his most grievous
mistake of 'em All.

"Skeptical Clarence Thomas Would Be Extreme On Abortion
Abortion rights advocates warned senators that putting Thomas on the Supreme Court would be a disaster for women's rights. Biden was less convinced."

--by Amanda Terkel


@1 Seriously. What else was Biden supposed to do, in light of our governmental structure, which is predicated upon separation of powers?

Also, why doesn't the Stranger give Biden any credit for post-Dobbs actions? I mean, the Stranger loves it when our state legislature and city council advance performative nonbinding resolutions that don't actually do anything, so you'd think when Biden takes executive action that actually has an impact on people, the Stranger would be shouting about it from the rooftops. The Biden administration has implemented all sorts of concrete measures to address Dobbs, like protecting abortion access for veterans and active duty military and federal workers, expanding access to reproductive care under the ACA, and strengthening HIPPA protections, and so on.



as the
National Committee
ALWAYS Likes to Ask:

'where Else
ya gonna GO?'

oh &
Sayonara O.J.!
such a fucking Tragedy.


@1 FTW! FFS. Also, TLA.


@2 I laughed a bit at the headline "Biden Backs Israel Against Iran," it's like an article saying "water is wet." The official position of Iran's leader is that the U.S. is a "great Satan" demon state that Iran needs as an enemy who has routinely presided over "death to America" chants, I'm sure that was a really tough call!


Henry Louis Gates on OJ.

" the aftermath of the Simpson trial the focus of attention has been swiftly displaced from the verdict to the reaction to the verdict, and then to the reaction to the reaction to the verdict, and, finally, to the reaction to the reaction to the reaction to the verdict—which is to say, black indignation at white anger at black jubilation at Simpson’s acquittal. It’s a spiral made possible by the relay circuit of race. Only in America."


@1 Since Hannah apparently failed 9th grade civics, I think this Schoolhouse Rock video might be helpful:


What is a Seattle vibe?


Good fucking riddance, OJ. A famous domestic abuser and murderer is still a domestic abuser and murderer. Burn in Hell.


been about
bibi nutnyahoo
First & Israel (apparently)
a distant second judging by
what he's done to her Standing

not to Mention
the resulting animosity
from bibi's Ongoing Massacre
toward Jews worldwide when MANY
DO Not support Israel's vast Human Rights
Violations. some may struggle over whether it's
yet reached Genocidal Proportions, but I doubt Gazans

GAF what
They call it.

it's a Fucking
Horror Show

brought to them
by US. wtff.


Cancer is writing a book called, “If I did it”
My apologies in advance, but I just could not resist.
Meanwhile, let’s all vote for R F K Jr because they’re all equally awful. Nothing bad could possibly happen as a result!


Joe Biden is determined to be a one and done squatter in the White House.
Why the fuck should we stand with Israel because THEY bombed Iran and Iran might retaliate?
I am so fucking sick of him. And Trump. Neither of them will be happy until there is an attack on the United States and World War 3 starts, giving Putin and Netanyahu exactly what they want.


Hannah, please pick up a history book and read up on Weimar Germany, especially the positions and attitudes of the German Communists before you-know-who came to power, and do some serious self-reflection. Please.


Hitler put away
all the Commies
didn't he? along
with gays & trans

the very same wicked
Path the gop's taking

to where oh Where
will the Mid-
dle Go?


@17: Israel sent a missile into the Iranian Embassy annex in Damascus, Syria and killed 5 members of the QUDS Force.

They haven't "bombed" inside Iran for a good while.

The choice is Biden or Trump. Trump is 10x worse and will not even attempt to mitigate teh brutality of Netanyahu's war, whereas Biden's been trying since 10/7. Pick the lesser evil, FFS.


@10 A Seattle Vibe is shaped like the Space Needle. A Washington Vibe is a putatively shaped like a Sasquatch Dong. An Eastern Washington Vibe is quite large, but has little actual impact as it is mostly empty.
(#1 is correct.)


Some people are only comfortable in the role of Loyal Opposition (or "resistance," a word which you can expect to see dusted off in seven months or so.)


@1 98102CH +1 for the WIN!!! And thank you for beating me to it.

Hannah, are you in love with the single WORST occupant of the White House in U.S. history, the Orange Turd?
Did you recently fall and hit your head on a rock? What will you do if DJT and its thugs once again illegally seize control of the White House in November? Are you aware that you will not only lose your right as a cis female to be granted body autonomy, but also your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO VOTE? Stop playing "meh" sayer and get a fucking CLUE!


Russia didn't "fire 82 airstrikes" because... you fire missiles, not airstrikes. Carry on.


Wake the fuck up, people, get off your iPhones, and start paying attention!
The GOP is the new Third Reich and has been building to this point of global mass
extinction since the Reagan years.


Hannah, a tad more reflecting may show that, Biden the Executive has zero powers to overturn Judicial Branch decisions, or to Legislate. But he did what he could, and made sure anyone within the reach of his power (ÂżArmed Forces, etc.?) still has access to abortive remedy guaranteed. And, the military will fly them for such services, free of charge. One way you can tell: the GOP rail against paying for it.
You may want to check out Broadway Vision Center, so you can see beyond
arms length.
I can see that, if you keep getting locked out of your own pad, that you'd get credit for phoning that journalism paper in. Then again, it is only Seattle's Only Newspaper.



& if you're a "Republican"
Vladdy Pootin's got
a lettle sumpthin'
for ya - Long as
you Don't Feed
the Ukranians
any defensive
or otherwise
of War

our Patriots.


@17: The Stranger didn’t tell you the entire story, just as (@20 noted), they didn’t get the address right.

Iran funds Hamas. Hamas went on a rape and murder spree in Israel on 10/7. So Israel killed Iranian military personnel. From the linked article:

“Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said in a statement that seven Iranian military advisers died in the strike including Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander in its Quds Force, which is an elite foreign espionage and paramilitary arm.”

And, waddaya know, it’s guys like those in “… an elite foreign espionage and paramilitary arm,” who might be exactly the type of guys who work as personal conduits between Iran and Hamas.

So, Israel was degrading Iran’s ability to fund Hamas’ terror attacks on Israel. Now do you understand why the US supports Israel against Iran?


@14 dvs99: +1 How on Earth did I overlook your spot on comment?
I nominate you, along with 98102CH @1 both for the WIN!!


Why do I get the feeling that the image of the "good dog owner" for the upcoming off-leash dog parks is a rarity?


@31: Don't get me wrong: there are plenty of good dogs and good dog owners out there too, but......maybe it's because I grew up largely a cat person in a family of hopelessly clueless* dog people.....?

(*Definition: I'm talking about REALLY stupid, irresponsible, and hopelessly clueless dog people here)


There is no lesser of two evils. There is only evil. Biden had a lot to say about how Trump had no right to go around Congress and engage in war with Iran. Guess what, Biden has no right to go around Congress and send weapons to Israel (he's done it at LEAST three times) and now he's saying the United States will stand with Israel if Israel is attacked by Iran (when Israel is 100% responsible for starting the violence with Iran).

Why does Biden get a pass with regard to starting WW3 and Trump doesn't? Why does Biden, arming and funding Israel while they commit genocide, get considered less evil? Why does AIPAC own our president? Biden has put over $5 MILLION in his pockets from AIPAC.

Why is a foreign entity allowed to dictate what our federal government does with American taxpayer dollars? People were OUTRAGED when Russians were interfering with our business. No outrage that Zionists are interfering with our business?

If you truly believe there is any difference between leadership that is arming and funding Israel and leadership that is in hardcore love with Putin and everyone in the world like him, you are delusional.

Biden has shit the bed regarding this country - violating United States law and International law to aid and abet, arm and fund, enable and encourage Israel's scorched earth action in slaughtering and starving over two million people in Palestine. He has wasted HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS DOING THIS.

Palestinians are human being with human rights. They have lived under violent and vicious apartheid for decades (again - all paid for by American taxpayer dollars, $3.8 BILLION a year). Now they are being slaughtered and starved to death, while the entire world watches, and Biden refuses to stop sending money and weapons to Israel.

And Americans - Americans whose tax dollars fund Israel and have for decades and decades - Americans are suffering - homeless, hungry, without adequate health care, without adequate wages, with failing civil rights, education, infrastructure, employment safety, and so many other infrastructures.

Why do Americans believe that Israel deserves billions of our taxpayer dollars? Why do Americans believe that the extermination of the Palestinian people is in any way something acceptable to do and do with our money?

Never again means never again for ALL. And Never Again needs to include no more old white war mongering shit bags leading this country.

Trump shouldn't even be allowed to run for president again, but this country has said, yep, he can do whatever he wants.

There is no lesser of two evils, there is only evil.
The fact that this country has put up Biden and Trump AGAIN is this country's failure to give a shit about anything other than power and wealth. Doesn't matter which shit bag wins, the country is done. It is done internally and it is done internationally. And one of these motherfuckers is going to get us all killed.


@4 hbb: +1 Bravo! I'm adding you to the ranks of @1 98102CH and @14 dvs99 in a tie for the WIN!!


@14 dvs99: Agreed. I wish the Orange Turd, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, the Taliban, the Texiban, The Arizona-ban, the Floridumb, the Idaban, the Alabumfucks, Mitch McConnell, Trump ho Marjorie Taylor Greene, Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Jr., Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas and its Ginny bitch; Amy Comey Barrett, Doug Ducey, Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, Brad Little, The Proud Boys, every one of DJT's rabidly clueless MAGA insurgents, Aileen Cannon, Lauren Boebert, Joe Manchin, Krysten Sinema, Matt Goetz, The entire RepubliKKKan House of Misrepresentatives, all RepubliKKKan senators, the 39,000 total MAGA idiots in Washington State among ~75 million MAGA turds who keep sending the Orange Turd money to pay off its lawyers would ALL drop dead from cancer. May they all roast in hell in their insane global race to the bottom.


@33 xina: It never ceases to appall me how a heartless, entitled shitbag like the Orange Turd not only walks free but can reseize control of the White House in November! The rest of us would be rotting in life imprisonment after committing 1 /10th of its heinous crimes against our democracy, nature, and humanity.


It’s so sad to see what this paper has become. Like other readers have pointed out, comments like Hannah’s:

“I'm sorry, but who was president when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade?”

Hannah can’t be that uninformed - so this must be willful DSA propaganda. God I miss writers like Lindy who actually made TS an enjoyable read.


Do you really want Steve Bannon and Roger Stone running domestic and foreign policy in the USA?


@38 Don't see it anymore, because it's not there. Evil is fucking evil and all that Biden and his administration have NOT done is pure fucking evil, too.

Trump destroyed the country with the judiciary. Biden has done nothing to fix that. It is the judiciary that will put the final nail in the coffin of this country and it doesn't fucking matter who is in the white house - they both are horrific options. Women lost their human rights and nothing has been done by Biden about that. Black people have lost their human rights and Biden has done nothing about it (remember all of the promises made the first time he ran for president, about the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and reforming police so they maybe couldn't just get away with murdering Black people all of the time?) - yeah nothing.

The Department of Justice under Biden has literally done fuck all regarding Trump. The people who tried to murder the VP and overthrow the government have gotten days to months to maybe a few years in prison. This country is full of Black men put in prison as teenagers for robbery or possession of weed are serving nearly life sentences.

And the only way to work our way out of this (which is the longest shot of shots that were ever shot) is if we end up with a congress that is almost (if not entirely) progressive and passes some fucking legislation instead of a bunch of MAGA fucks in-fighting and doing nothing but collecting their paychecks. Excuse me while I don't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

We've got two disgusting old white men who have a thorough depraved indifference to life running for president. We've got a thoroughly corrupt and compromised SCOTUS and federal judiciary. And we've got a legislative branch that's still got 143 people who deny Biden won the presidency in 2020.

Delusional belief this can be course corrected is not MY problem.


don't give up yet xina
there is at least one
voice of Sanity in
the Room:

from Vt. Senator Bernie Sanders
an Independent (& known Jew)
to me (to all of US) via

No more US complicity
with Netanyahu’s war
machine in Gaza

It's difficult
to comprehend
the severity of the
humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

This war was begun by the brutal Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, that killed about 1,200 innocent people and took more than 250 people hostage.

Israel’s response, however, has now caused
more than 33,000 Palestinian deaths
and some 76,000 injuries in Gaza
— two-thirds of whom
are women and

Nearly 1.7 million people in Gaza,
75 percent of the population,
have been driven from
their homes.

Civilian infrastructure has been devastated,
and more than half of all buildings in Gaza
have been damaged or destroyed,
including more than 60 percent
of all housing units.

has the right
to respond to Hamas.
It does not have the right to go
to war against the Palestinian people.

At this moment,
Palestinian children are
dying from malnutrition and
hundreds of thousands of people
are struggling to survive from day to day,
foraging for leaves, eating animal feed, or split-
ting the occasional aid package among their family.

United Nations said that if nothing changes,
more than 1 million people will face starvation.

Let’s be clear:
This is a monumental
tragedy for the Palestinian people.

But from a moral perspective, it is also
a defining moment for Americans,
because the United States is
directly complicit in this
horrific war.

No, the US military is not dropping 2,000-pound bombs on civilian apartment buildings, but the United States is supplying those bombs.

No, the United States is not blocking the borders and preventing food, water, and medical supplies from getting to desperate people,

but we have supplied billions of dollars to the Netanyahu government, which is doing just that.

Despite the massive financial and military support the United States has provided to Israel for many years, the right-wing, extremist government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel

has continued to ignore increasingly urgent calls from President Biden and others to alter their military approach and to end the humanitarian disaster.

For months, thousands of trucks carrying life-saving supplies have sat just miles away from starving children — prevented from reaching their destination by unreasonable and arbitrary Israeli restrictions and a military campaign conducted with little regard for civilian life.

Last week, the world got more evidence of Israel’s indiscriminate approach when seven aid workers with World Central Kitchen were killed in an Israeli airstrike.

Israel has now killed more than
200 humanitarian aid workers
in six months.

desperately needed US
humanitarian aid to Palestin-
ians is obscene and unacceptable.

It is also a violation of American law.

The Foreign Assistance Act is clear: No US assistance may be provided to any country that “prohibits or otherwise restricts, directly or indirectly, the transport or delivery of United States humanitarian assistance.”

Israel is clearly in violation of this law . . .

The American people have had enough.

Most Americans are fed
up with Netanyahu’s war a-
gainst the Palestinian people
and do not want to see their taxpayer
dollars spent to support the slaughter of
innocent civilians and the starvation of children.

A recent Gallup poll showed that just 36 percent of Americans surveyed approve of Israel’s military action, with 55 percent disapproving.

A Quinnipiac poll showed that US voters surveyed oppose sending more military aid to Israel by 52 percent to 39 percent.

A March YouGov survey showed that
52 percent of Americans polled
said that the United States
should halt weapons ship-
ments to Israel until it
stops its attacks
in Gaza.

It is time Congress
and the president
started listening.

--Bernie Sanders

much More in the Boston Globe
today, April 11, 2024


@1 et al.

You have compared a stranger writer to Nazi collaborators and identified her as a Trump supporter.

Given your obvious mental impairments I would be impressed you managed to register for an account and type your shit opinions here if you were able to channel them towards positive stupid posts instead of negative ones but alas you have disappointed another random stranger.

A valid critic of the ad is that it highlights the limits of Biden’s ability to legalize abortion. Some of you literally explained this limitation in not so few words, missing the point vastly that you restated the premise of Hannah’s take to her.

You have the knowledge you need but, sadly, were unable to bring all the facts together and process a new thought, instead choosing to level strangely inaccurate accusations at an employee of a publication you probably don’t pay for.

You all sound angry, and one of you seems obsessed with winning, so idk maybe you’re the trump supporters you would certainly fit right in.


@43 "Trump destroyed the country with the judiciary. Biden has done nothing to fix that."... Ah yes, those lifetime Supreme Court appointments that Biden can magically revoke, oh wait, he can't. Or maybe the fantastical court packing scheme some advocated for the could never pass without a filibuster proof senate and is likely illegal anyway.

"Women lost their human rights and nothing has been done by Biden about that." There are multiple other posts outlining the legal challenges the administration has brought, improving and defending mifeprestone access, and executive actions taken re: federal workers.

"The Department of Justice under Biden has literally done fuck all regarding Trump." Except for two Special Counsel investigations resulting in 40 plus felony charges against a former President for the first time in this country's history.

You sound more angry about the U.S.'s system of government and checks and balances than you seem able to provide any factual or reasonable evaluation of Biden's actual record on things you claim to care about. The fact that the President and the rest of us live in a world constraine dby reality and laws doesn't seem to matter.


Lack of rational judgement is evil, therefore, Xina is evil.


We seriously need to oust Orange Turd's current cheap 'shroom chompin' ho, Aileen Cannon before any real justice is served.


@44 kristofarian: Thank you and Bernie Sanders both for being rays of hope in this dystopian nightmare.

@48: Fighting fire with fire, Swifty? While I'm not entirely in agreement with xina I don't see her as evil, but otherwise rightfully mad as hell.
The Orange Turd is evil. Vladimir Putin is evil, and will surely invade the U.S. if the Orange Turd and its loyalists steal the 2024 election as they did in 2016. The Taliban are evil. Kim Jong Un is evil. Xi Jinping is evil; China is sending Russia big $$$$$$ to bomb Ukraine.
If you're not outraged by the abysmal direction our planet is heading you're among those not paying attention.


Five off-leash dog parks are opening in Seattle. Thanks for the warning, Hannah, of where not to go.
I can't help but wonder how many dog-attack lawsuits will spring up in the coming months.
I can just see the most clueless of dog owners defending his / her so-called "fur baby" in court:
"Ohhhhhhh--you just don't wuv dogs! My pwecious would NEVER hurt anyone unprovoked. It's got to be the (fill in the blank: i.e.:) cyclist's, other unleashed dog's and owner's, jogger's, pedestrian's, unsupervised child's fault!"



tme to re-think your argunebt?
my favorite reader’s
comment on
the nyt’s:

The Israeli
Censorship Regime
Is Growing. That Needs to Stop.

the comment:

and its
have been caught
by surprise at the global
condemnation to its campaign of retribution.

The savagery of
Hamas on October 7 was
bestial, ruthless and appalling.

But it was also very successful. Hamas
knows it cannot destroy Israel on its own,
but it can goad Israel into doing it for them.

Israel under the reactionary regime of Netanyahu
has attacked an unarmed civilian population
with absolutely no consideration of mass
casualties, Geneva Convention rules,
guilt or even humanity.

[speaking of dehumanizing]

Netanyahu in particular is fighting
for his political life and personal freedom,
and no number of piles of dead Palestinian children
or acres of stolen Palestinian property in the West Bank
will instill an iota of compassion or even common sense in him.

Israel's genocidal fury
is unjustifiable, dispro-
portionate and horrifying.

It is also serving to separate Israel
from the protection of the West
which it has taken for granted.

is precisely
what Hamas was
striving to achieve, and will
leave Israel alone and vulnerable.

The response has been
to try to shut down
all criticism.

Israel will not permit journalists in Gaza be
-cause they do not want facts recorded
nor Palestinians presented favorably.

The various pro-Israel groups in the West,
particularly in the US, target free speech
that demands Israeli accountability.

Shutting down speech will destroy Israel, not protect it.

--Shar; Atlanta

[formatting mine]

‘Israel's genocidal fury
is unjustifiable, disprop-
ortionate and horrifying.

It is also serving to separate Israel
from the protection of the West
which it has taken for granted.

is precisely
what Hamas was
striving to achieve, and will
leave Israel alone and vulnerable.’

Leaving Jews
Vulnerable. Dump Bibi
Before it’s Too Fucking Late

Oh and END

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