For the first time, the US delivered aid to Gaza via this pier that nobody asked for and that will be totally insufficient to the task of stopping a genocide. Handout / GETTY



Wilson doesn't need the cash, seeing as how the Broncos will pay him $38 million this play for the Steelers (the Steelers are kindly covering the last million he's owed).


so Gubernor de Santis
[aka FLA man) de-
mands Floridians:

delete all mention of climate change
inspect all women over 12’s wombs
and omg ‘ DONT SAY GAY!’?

the Fawker’s
a shoo-in
for VP

is he
down with
gallows Humor?

what’re the goobernor’s
Feelings on hangings
for ‘disrespectful’
vice presidents?


@3 or the much much much more likely scenario, it will stay in place but the occupiers [who control the waterways] will insist on onerous, slow inspections that limit aid to a trickle as millions slowly starve to death, b/c genocide, ethnic cleansing, and land theft are the goals.

If by some unlikely miracle the port is successful, Israel will blow it up and blame Hamas, like they did the first time they blew up a hospital [before they realized they’d suffer no consequences, and stopped pretending to have morality, decency, and humanity].



That was insane. This country is an embarrassing fucking disgrace. Israel should fire their nukes at us.


Welcome to the resistance, Scottie Scheffler. #ACAB.


I suspect that cop fans believe that they have learned golfers are not chill, law-abiding citizens.


Also, Alito is a fucking Nazi and cowardly enough to blame his wife for his Nazi behavior. I suppose in all fairness I have no proof that Mrs. Alito is not also a Nazi. Or Naziette?


tell me they're
not Socializing
w/the Seinfelds?


RepubliKKKans, their fixers, and enablers are horrible excuses for people.

@7 mike blob: I agree with the beginning of your statement, "That was insane. This country is an embarrassing fucking disgrace". But watch what you wish for, mike! If President Joe Biden & Vice President Kamala Harris don't end Israel's bombing (cutting off U.S. financial support of BOEING for supplying the bombs would be a start) of Gaza / Palestine, and the Orange Turd steals Election 2024 like it did in 2016, the catastrophic possibility of getting nuked would be high. I wouldn't be surprised if every one of our foreign allies say, 'Fuck it!' and all global guns point at what USED to be a fair and just democracy of checks and balances.
The Orange Turd, its fixers, and enablers down to the most hopelessly ignorant of MAGAts fucked everything up for generations.


keep on re-gressing


Given that Houston is a blue city, it shouldn't surprise any of us that Abbott also pardoned the thunder storms.


“Trooper Shoots Man in Altercation”

Now I recall why I declined that job offer in Altercation, WA. Working in Concrete was hard enough. ;-)

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