People walking around here at 10:29 pm are fine, but if they're walking around at 10:31 pm, then they're probably up to no good! Anthony Keo



"After the executive director told Woo not to vote, she said she wanted a second opinion, meaning she wants someone, anyone, to tell her she can vote on the law."

Wrong. She was not asking for an opinion from "someone, anyone," but rather from the "full Ethics and Elections Commission," as the linked story at the Stranger clearly recounted:

'Barnett told Woo, “If you believe my advice is an incorrect interpretation of the Ethics Code, you have the ability to ask for an opinion from the full Ethics and Elections Commission.” Barnett said she’s seeking a second opinion from the commission—“details to come.”'


The Stranger has more of an issue with steps taken to reduce crime than with the actual crimes.


Does Ashley understand why the 10:30pm beach curfew has been instituted? Or is she just reflexively stoking rage bait without including any necessary context?


@3 we all know its the latter. TS is quite alright with gang violence and street takeovers during the summer to fuei their political agenda. As for Woo how will TS spin the blame when the proposed changes pass 8-1 making the choice to recuse herself irrelevant?


Nathalie already posted Lunch but here we are.


The Tanya Woo appointment gets sketchier every day.


@5 and @8 Ahab - you are commenting on the wrong article. There is nothing about the ICC nor war crimes in this morning's SLOG.


@10 Only because you're making it ongoing.


@7: "The Tanya Woo appointment gets sketchier every day."

The Stranger just blatantly misrepresented its own recent (yesterday!) reporting on her, making it sound like she's dishonestly trying to skirt the ethics requirements for a Council Member, when in fact she's exactly following the ethics process. Your takeaway from that says it's her appointment to the Council which "gets sketchier"?



What the actual fuck Ahab. There isn’t a single mention of the ICC, Netanyahu, Israel, Hamas or any of your ridiculous trigger words to spout the same nonsense over and over in this entire Slog AM post haha.

Did you even read it or just assumed there was something about Israel so you could post your usual relentless bullshit? Jesus fucking Christ man


Alito is the dishonorable shitbag's dishonorable shitbag.


@13 Who gives a fuck what the Stranger is reporting? Seattle's election "ethics czar" recommends that Woo recuse herself from a vote, and "in most cases, elected leaders accept the advice offered to them by" him. But Woo says, "Fuck you, I won't do what you told me!"

Remember Seattle, Woo is only on the council because corporate shill Sara Nelson basically anointed her, even though Woo LOST AN ELECTION.

(Also, you're dumb.)


@16: 'Seattle's election "ethics czar" recommends that Woo recuse herself from a vote, and "in most cases, elected leaders accept the advice offered to them by" him. But Woo says, "Fuck you, I won't do what you told me!"'

Well, no, she did exactly as he said she could, and asked for the entire Committee to weigh in. Because asking for a full committee's review, instead of just one "czar," is anti-democratic, I guess?

"Remember Seattle, Woo is only on the council because corporate shill Sara Nelson basically anointed her,"

So, when the "ethics czar" gives a command, the Council Member is supposed to follow it without question, but when the elected Council President gives a command, it's totally wrong to consider it at all? Got it.


For District 2, and by a very small amount. That tiny majority's one-time vote in one District absolutely and totally binds the hands of the entire Council forever? Because democracy?

"Who gives a fuck what the Stranger is reporting?"

Certainly not someone who has commented almost six thousand times here.

"(Also, you're dumb.)"


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