At a time when journalism is under attack from all sides, this leading Republican gubernatorial candidate literally brought a gun to his interview with the Seattle Times because "he didn't like the Seattle Times." Alex Wong / GETTY



UN experts outraged by Israeli strikes on civilians sheltering in Rafah camps

GENEVA (29 May 2024) – Israeli air strikes on a camp sheltering displaced civilians in Tal al-Sultan in Rafah, that have reportedly claimed at least 46 lives including 23 women, children and older persons on Sunday night are an outrage, UN experts* said today, demanding decisive international action to end the bloodshed in Gaza.

“Harrowing images of destruction, displacement and death have emerged from Rafah, including infants torn apart and people burnt alive,” the experts said. “Reports emerging from the ground indicate that the strikes were indiscriminate and disproportionate, with people trapped inside burning plastic tents, leading to a horrific casualty toll.”

“These barbaric attacks are a flagrant violation of international law. They are also an attack on human decency and our collective humanity,” the experts said.


Hoping to see footage of Fat Donald crying like a little bitch over the verdict released.


Felony stigma is still not okay.


Holy hamburgers, thanks for that spelling bee video which was both utterly freaking insane and delightful.


Reichert should be careful. Frank Blethen has been known to pack his own heat, and shoot the occasional dog.


@#6: Reichert is a typical right wing republican, they all are stupid.
Like their supporters


@5 the bombing of Caen didn't inscribe itself in a policy of ethnic cleansing by a colonizer, that includes the purposeful blocking of food, water and other supplies. I am afraid that Israel doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.
In October, way before much of the on-going atrocity was committed:

UN expert warns of new instance of mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, calls for immediate ceasefire

GENEVA (14 October 2023) – A UN human rights expert warned today that Palestinians are in grave danger of mass ethnic cleansing and called on the international community to urgently mediate a ceasefire between warring Hamas and Israeli occupation forces.

“The situation in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel has reached fever pitch,” said Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967.

“The United Nations and its Member States must intensify efforts to mediate an immediate ceasefire between the parties, before we reach a point of no return,” said Albanese. “The international community has the responsibility to prevent and protect populations from atrocity crimes. Accountability for international crimes committed by Israeli occupation forces and Hamas must also be immediately pursued,” she said. [..]

“Israel has already carried out mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians under the fog of war,” the expert said. “Again, in the name of self-defence, Israel is seeking to justify what would amount to ethnic cleansing.

“Any continued military operations by Israel have gone well beyond the limits of international law. [..]


@9: In 2005, Israel carried out a comprehensive program of ethnic cleansing in Gaza, when it removed all Jewish settlers from that territory.

(I keep hoping someone here will use this as an example of how great “land for peace” worked, or at the very least, “land for less support of Hamas,” but no one seems interested, somehow…)


@10 you already said that in your first post. Ethnic cleansing is no excuse for atrocities.

@11 from one stupidity to the next, the tensor way: Israeli left Gaza, then proceeded to lock all borders to create the most densely population prison on earth. Don't you all wonder why Gazans (Palestinian refugees from previous ethnic cleansing) weren't convinced that Peace was on the way.


Is it just me, or throughout this year has SLOG only reported on the VP when she's blocked traffic in an attempt to bring attention to the issues she's championing?


Once more for you in the seats in back, TIXTER IS A FOR INCELS AND NAZIS. You knoow this! Please stop linking there! You have options. Stop fondling the balls of the 800 lb gorilla!


@12: "Israeli left Gaza, then proceeded to lock all borders..."

How, exactly, did Israel 'lock' Gaza's border with Egypt? Didn't the Egyptians do that all by themselves?

"Palestinian refugees from previous ethnic cleansing"

Choosing war means accepting the consequences, which includes losing the war you started, which, in turn, includes losing control over the very land you'd sniffed wasn't enough in the original deal. (Again, if you want to compare the current conditions of Arab Israelis to Palestinians, you might find a lesson there about choosing peaceful coexistence vs. choosing war. Just sayin'.)

BTW, remember the Sudaten Germans, on whose behalf Hitler annexed part (and then all) of Czechoslovakia? In Spring of 1945, the Czechs forcibly expelled them all into war-ruined Germany. See if you can find some international condemnation of that action from back then. (Good luck with that.)


@6 You Reich-wing nut jobs are delusional. Dave Reichert NEVER had a chance at winning the governor's mansion. If the GOP wants a chance at winning the governor's race in Washington State, they need to elect someone as moderate as the last GOP governor we had. Someone who can't even condemn Trump after 34 felony convictions has no chance, as the majority of Washingtonians will not support a Fascist, a crook, and a traitor. Vermin like you are enemies of the Republic!


"She shouldn't be allowed to would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. We could very well have a sitting President under felony indictment and a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt...She has no right to be running, you know that. No right.”

Donald J. Trump, November 5, 2016


@5 you choose the wrong WW2 analogy for the Gaza attack. In 1940 ~40,000 British civilians were killed in the London Blitz. The more war changes the more war stays the same.


@14 LouChe: +1 BINGO! I have been wondering the exact same thing.

@17 Greenwood Bob: +1 for the WIN!!!

@6 &@18: I suggest you use SpellCheck before MAGAt projecting any further, raindrop dear.
You're only making yourself look more ridiculous by the day.
Now go eat your kerfuffle paste before you really crack up.

@19 98102CH: I remember that! Wow--how's that for the pot calling the kettle black?
And all because a corrupt, grossly incompetent, white neofascist dictator wannabe got his fwagile male ego bwuised by whom SHOULD have been the 45th President of the United States---all for being a woman.


@16 deflection #58 and then, deflection #59. Don't hurt yourself doing all these contortions.

@21 As if Israel's violence against Palestinian wasn't constant. There were almost 200 murdered Palestinians in the West bank in 2023 before October 7 yet you have been claiming that the violence started on October 7. A little history for 2023 from JVP:


@24 Sick puppy thinks his falsely claiming that Palestinians always start the violence is funny or is it that he hasn't taken my advice to lay off the sauce when commenting on the net.


@26 No, but self editing does.
Pro-tip... read your comment backwards before posting, it really helps to catch spelling and grammar mistakes, deer.
(hope you got that joke).


@27 drewl2: +1 for the WIN!!!

@28: And therein lies your problem, raindrop dear. Seriously.
Gullibility, obliviousness, and illiteracy are nothing to be proud of.
The Orange Turd is laughing its ugly, corrupt white ass off at you and your fellow MAGAt ilk.
Give it some thought before you fork over your monthly SSDI check to DJT's lawyers.

On a more positive note: if we get ground saturation from heavy rainfall now, hopefully our PNW region won't be so vulnerable to wildfires this summer snd early fall.

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