The Reign's $58 million price tag signals the rapid growth of women's sports. Steph Chambers / GETTY



@1: Ok, that is just such a silly non sequitur Bertha. Can you at least try to stay on topic? Do you have anything, anything at all, to say about the perceived detrimental effects of social media on the mental health of children? Because that would be interesting to hear.


Domestic violence and reckless driving? The Belltown Hellcat would be a perfect fit at SPD.



The Belltown Hellcat sounded like a raging asshole long before the DV allegations. Now he sounds like someone who ought to be considered for prison.


Wonder how Nicole Thomas-Kennedy would have handled the Belltown Hellcat.


Everyone focusing on whether NTK would prosecute Hellcat guy is missing the far more pressing question: when can we expect Davison to announce charges against the coffee stand owner for destruction of property? Law and order must prevail


Snoopy-ass lookin' scrub


The Seattle Reign purchase is 50% Carlyle Group. I can't believe the Stranger is just towing the line on this press release.


Remember, if a Slogger expresses an opinion or posts (or doesn't) post a story, they represent the entire The Stranger establishment monolothically in and of themselves forevermore sanctionados alpha and omega the first and the last ohmystarsansgartes did they really say that gobgobgobgobgob


@9 why don't you get back to us when the guy in the car files a complaint and the police recommend charges.


“On May, 15, 2024, Metro broke a milestone: 303,000 people took the bus that day, which is a 22% jump from a year ago and a 156% increase from 2020.”

A 156% increase over early-pandemic ridership is nothing to brag about. How about a comparison to May 15, 2019?


Speaking of Sounders, anyone else catch the gay bar comment during the broadcast by the commentators? woof.


@13 cops were called to the scene, spoke to the man, and have the video. If they haven't forwarded charges to CAO yet that's a whole other issue--SPD just permitting lawlessness. I thought this new Mayor, Council, and City Attorney were gonna clean up the streets for regular hardworking offbrand-Salt-Bae-looking citizens of Seattle.


@16 since it happened a couple days ago who's to say they won't?


@17 well with all this talk about reducing time to filing I'd certainly hope they do, and sooner than later. This seems like a clear cut case of assault with a deadly weapon to property I can't imagine what they're waiting for.


@18 you can’t assault property nor kill it. At best they can file for property damage / vandalism but given the Hamas crowd gets away with that it seems unlikely we’ll see any charges. I know you’re being facetious based on your past comments regarding this case but at least be accurate with your snark.


@21 violence (clap emoji) to (clap emoji) property (clap emoji) is (clap emoji) violence. We need to charge the graffiti "artists" with crimes and this perpetrator of aggravated assault on property should be "considered for prison," as @5 so eloquently put it. Personally I think the city should devote a couple million--easy just raid the school safety fund--to BrokenWindowsSpotter, proprietary sonic detection technology designed to help police solve serious crimes like this one.


Kevin Dave: LOCK HIM UP!
The Orange Turd: LOCK IT UP!
RepubliKKKans and every last MAGAt: LOCK THEM UP!

I'm for penning every member of the GOP, including their lawyers, fixers, and loyalists in so tightly that they kill and eat their own, fighting each other like rabid sewer rats in a trap.

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