Convicted felon Donald Trump is absolutely obliterating Biden when it comes to fundraising. Kevin Dietsch / Getty



start snitching, Garfield kids.


"The Spanish city's mayor, Jaume Collboni, announced Barcelona will ban all short term home rentals for tourists by 2029 as a way to control rental costs for actual residents of the city."

;the Right of the Monied
to profiteer endlessly
shall NOt be denied

of the astounding
number of Homeless.'

--special Amendment to the Constitution
of the United States soon to be ratified
by a religulous & ridiculous formerly-
Supreme court now fondly known as
as McMitch KkKonnell's Court

to America
where Housing
as Commodity rules
the motherfucking Roost

and one outta four of Us
are just one busted Transmission
or a slight bout of Covid from homelessness.

Get Over It, whiners:
it's just Capitalism.


As the student protesters were being released from jail, the former leader of the Hamilton Hall student occupiers asked urgently, “Now who’s going to feed us?”


@3 you,
with all your Lies.


Gee. I wonder whether all of you idiots pounding on the “Genocide Joe” mantra affected the campaign‘a fundraising? If Trump wins you’ll share in the blame.


Too bad about the Barcelona Airbnb ban. I once spent a week on a sailboat in the harbor with Airbnb. It was lovely, and wasn't taking housing from the locals.


@6 there always was and still is a thing called hostels, and you don't even have to be a Youth anymore. I stayed on a boat in Stockholm Sweden for a few nights, and it was so long ago that vulture-capital apps didn't exist yet.


Do the cops even know who the Garfield shooter is? How can they not know that by now? There are pics of the kid all over the place, and some of the students must know him. Lock them into a cold, metal-lined interrogation room and threaten them with jail time for abetting. They’ll talk. This isn’t hard.


How much of that Trump money is going directly to his lawyers?


$70 million of that Trump money came from ONE GUY: Timothy Mellon. While it is indeed a shit ton of money, it doesn't show the kind of broad-base support that Joe's millions of donors demonstrate.


@5 Biden was told very early on that unconditionally supporting Israel would dampen enthusiasm for his campaign and affect voter turnout especially among youth and minorities so he and his unconditional supporters are to blame for dismissing the massive disapproval of his policy among Democrats, not the other way around. Btw, you have to decide: either critics of Israel are too few to care about or we are so many as to affect fundraising; it cannot be both. This said, may be it's not too late and Biden can start containing Israel instead of talking out of both corners of his mouth.


"Btw, you have to decide: either critics of Israel are too few to care about or we are so many as to affect fundraising; it cannot be both."

why on Earth Not?!
if Genocide isn't really
"Genocide" than Reality
isn't really all that Real. just
ask the nearest Neocon. just
about Any one of 'em'll do. any-



@4: How come your political allies can be so easily mocked and satirized? Why can’t persons who believe exactly the same things you believe ever defend their beliefs and actions against ridicule?

You just don’t understand.


I'm where I need to be
What I do matters
Community is more powerful than dollars and cents.
You can heal people's souls.
Truth can't be bought with seashells.


in the Good News Dept:

New Drug
Provides Total Protection
From H.I.V. in Trial of Young African Women

An injection given just twice a year
could herald a breakthrough in
protecting the population that
has the highest infection rates.

Researchers and activists in the trenches of the long fight against H.I.V. got a rare piece of exciting news this week: Results from a large clinical trial in Africa showed that a twice-yearly injection of a new antiviral drug gave young women total protection from the virus.

“I got cold shivers,” said Dr. Linda-Gail Bekker, an investigator in the trial of the drug, lenacapavir, describing the startling sight of a line of zeros in the data column for new infections. “After all our years of sadness, particularly over vaccines, this truly is surreal.”

Yvette Raphael, the leader of a group called Advocacy for Prevention of H.I.V. and AIDS in South Africa, said it was “the best news ever.”



No truth
No justice
No liberty
For bitcoin




People would rather throw their money away so their football team can buy elections instead of invest in education and community, which invariably goes much further than profiteering from locking others up. This is what they mean to expand. Only you can free yourself from mental slavery, but you can help each other along the way.







@27. The Republican Party trying to whitewash Trump and vice versa.

If we tell our people the rule of law doesn't matter at the highest level, then it won't matter to them at the lowest level.


Freedom used to mean that men could govern themselves so ancient Greeks and their democratic republics were free (or at least men were) whereas Persians and their emperors weren't free and the object of ridicule for being so. Now conservatives want us to believe that plutocrats like Mellon (old money from the previous era of robber barons more than a century ago) buying elections is a manifestation of freedom when it's clearly the opposite, i.e. it's denying regular folk the freedom to be governed by whoever they chose. Always trust the forces of regression for twisting the meaning of language beyond recognition in order to have the positive feeling of ideas apply to agents of oppression.



Non sequitur




@13: Look, your fantasy of being able to threaten the most powerful man in the world is important to you and all that, but this article is about campaign contributions, not votes. (And as @11 kindly noted, the entire difference in fundraising was one person's contributions.) Younger persons are not famous for making large numbers of large campaign contributions, so Biden's stance on Israel hasn't changed that. Younger citizens are famous for not voting, so lacking their support isn't a big deal, either.

In a recent post (, the Stranger cited a poll saying a plurality of Americans wanted military aid to Israel reduced. In the comments, we examined the poll data, which showed a majority of Americans did NOT want military aid to Israel reduced. That's military aid, after eight months of brutal Hamas-IDF warfare in Gaza. You're dreaming if you think Biden's stance on Israel is either unpopular, or costing him anything.


@35 All reasonably worded polls show that a large majority of Democrats disagree with unconditional support for Israel. At this stage, claiming that unconditional support isn't hurting Biden amounts to rolling for Trump. Which side are you really on?


@36: I've not advocated for "unconditional support for Israel," nor have you provided an example of a "reasonably worded poll," and the election will have more voters than just Democrats, so the relevance of your comment seems unclear.


The "most powerful people in the world" who sit on thrones of avarice and falsity are nothing but usurpers holding us in false imprisonment to the tune of their plutoctat masters' whims who say their money equals our speech because they have more fiat assets and capital, no matter which government or multinational Bezos Muskburg manchild says otherwise. The vote is the united will made accountability and civic responsibility through the witness of the masses, only in exercise and ownership can it self correct.


Garb@39: I was riffing on @13’s strident finger-wagging at Pres. Biden, which had both wrongly implied Biden had ever given “unconditional” support to Israel, and that Biden deserved to lose support for having done so.

Garb@EverywhereElse: I hope you find peace.


@38 "I've not advocated for "unconditional support for Israel," "

You may not have used these exact words but you have yet to be critical of anything that Israel has done, which for all intent and purpose is unconditional support given there are at least 38,000 dead Palestinians, many more wounded, and the rest starving. Have you no shame for playing word games instead of taking responsibility for your beliefs?

"nor have you provided an example of a "reasonably worded poll,"

You are a liar. I have cited 2 different mainstream polls showing that Americans think that Israel is going too far in its revenge against Palestinians.

" the election will have more voters than just Democrats, so the relevance of your comment seems unclear."

Are you serious? If Democrats are not fully on board to turn out the vote, Biden and us are toast. You appear to think that stringing words in likely order on a page amounts to cogent thinking. Quit wasting our time with your incoherent drivel.


@40 "wrongly implied Biden had ever given “unconditional” support to Israel"

You aren't a very good liar since Biden's unconditional support for Israel was all over the news. Example:
"Is Biden's Unconditional Support Of Israel Nearing Its Limit?"


"Always trust the forces of regression for twisting the meaning of language beyond recognition in order to have the positive feeling of ideas apply to agents of oppression."

hell it's a Skill
& with wormmy
it's an artform him J.
Goebbels & Rodger "Dodger"
Goebbels/Ailes are Masters of deception

the Language
was Made to
be Manipu-
lated and
they DO
or Did*

*in J G's and
'R "D" G/A's cases


@43: credit where it's due:
@29 averagebob


@37. Don't be so hard on yourself.


@41: I’ve repeatedly said any war crimes by the IDF should be investigated, prosecuted, and punished. Applying that same standard to Hamas would destroy that organization completely, as pretty much all it does is abuse and kill civilian populations.

“…given there are at least 38,000 dead Palestinians, many more wounded,”

That results from Hamas’ wholesale violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention’s ban on hiding behind civilians, which Hamas does when it attacks Israel and the IDF. You can take that to Hamas. How about worldwide demonstrations, demanding Hamas be brought to justice for these deaths? Or do the lives of Gazan civilians simply mean nothing to you?

“I have cited 2 different mainstream polls showing that Americans think that Israel is going too far in its revenge against Palestinians.”

That wasn’t the point, reading comprehension genius. You’ve used the term, “reasonably worded poll,” without the slightest attempt to define it. You’ve now hinted your definition of “reasonably worded poll,” means “poll whose results agree with my predetermined conclusions.” Such evidence is clearly the only kind you’d accept. (Plus, if you actually believe putting the word “revenge” in a poll means it’s “reasonably worded,” then you’ve already conceded that point.)

Finally, if you believe Biden has shown “unconditional support” for Israel, I suggest you consider what Trump would do.


biden's Not
sending him
'enough' bombs
to kill dismember
or plant under the
Rubble every last Gazan

'scuze Me

every last Hamas!

buds in Congress
inviting bibi to come
Lecture America's gotta
be the most Patriotic thing

other than trying
to Overturn a
fully Legit

ever done.

blue no
matter who!



@46 " I’ve repeatedly said any war crimes by the IDF should be investigated"

More weasel wording from you. What you have constantly said is that Israel didn't commit war crimes after repeatedly claiming that indiscriminate and disproportionate bombing of Palestinian civilians weren't war crimes. All of this despite numerous citations by human rights and international organizations denouncing Israel's numerous war crimes and their saying that a genocide was most probably taking place. You have no credibility.

"Hamas’ wholesale violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention [...]"

Hamas committing war crimes doesn't enable Israel to commit war crimes with impunity. More transparently shitty logic from you.

"You’ve used the term, “reasonably worded poll,” without the slightest attempt to define it"

Liar. I and several others have explained how The Hill polls you keep using aren't "reasonably worded". How many times do we have to repeat ourselves? Is it a war of attrition you keep waging or do you have fucking Alzheimer?

"if you believe Biden has shown “unconditional support” for Israel, I suggest you consider what Trump would do"

Now that I have shown you were either a liar or stupid since much of the press discussed Biden' unconditional support for Israel, you shift the goalposts and resort to the famous "Trump would support Israel even more, so Biden's unconditional support is no big deal". All the meanwhile, Biden's support for Israel's actions is costly in his reelection bid, which begs the question "which side are you really on?"


@49: “What you have constantly said is that Israel didn't commit war crimes after repeatedly claiming that indiscriminate and disproportionate bombing of Palestinian civilians weren't war crimes.”

Good luck providing quotes & urls showing I ever said anything like that.

“All of this despite numerous citations by human rights and international organizations denouncing Israel's numerous war crimes and their saying that a genocide was most probably taking place.”

They’re all entitled to their opinions. Here’s a hint: “crimes,” implies “courts,” which implies “due process,” “presumption of innocence,” and a whole lot of et cetera. What those orgs have documented are starting points down the path to war crimes trials.

“Hamas committing war crimes doesn't enable Israel to commit war crimes with impunity.”

No, and despite your opinion-stated-as-fact above, I never have said such a thing. Hamas’ wholesale and chronic violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention means the IDF can legally shoot right through the civilians Hamas constantly uses for human shields in Gaza, and therefore almost all of the civilian deaths there are Hamas’ fault. In those cases where Hamas was not using the civilians as human shields, the IDF may have committed war crimes.

“…much of the press discussed Biden' unconditional support for Israel…”

If Trump will do even more to arm Israel and indemnify Israel against war crimes, then your use of the word “unconditional” is either wrong, meaningless, irrelevant, or some combination thereof. The choice is Biden or Trump. Full stop. If Trump will do even more of what you don’t like than Biden will, then your public masturbation here about words means absolutely nothing.

‘…and several others have explained how The Hill polls you keep using aren't "reasonably worded".’

Yes. Those polls ask American registered voters to evaluate a set of real-world options for the conduct of the Hamas-IDF war. Their total lack of pie-in-the-sky, pro-Palestinian options really, really annoys you, but there’s nothing you can do about that, is there?

(As mentioned above, the Stranger had quoted a poll, showing a majority of Americans opposing a reduction in US military aid to Israel. Was that poll “reasonably worded”?)

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