Find some water if you can today. Courtesy of a Friend



"Biden said
it didn't matter
if he won so long
as he tried his best"

on You
Joe! keeping
America's (and
Priorities Straight
looks Good on you.

Hey Joe! where
ya Goin'? come Back!

you're (Still)


I had to google Julia Fox.
I still have no idea who she is.

Overcrowding in prison could be seen as incentive to not engage in behavior that lands one in prison.


If the Stranger is going to do Raindrop like that, might as well take the Sean "no comments" Nelson approach and disable them on some articles. Probably lost the sticky note with the instructions for that when they moved offices.


I mentioned it late in yesterday's thread, but it looks like raindrop got himself permanently banned last night, apparently owing to offensive shit within the trans prisoner thread. I know he was an idiot, and fairly often a complete ass on these pages, but I always think it's a bummer when a long time commenter gets themself yoinked. Be pretty great if he resurrected the (still active!) Gay Dude for Romney profile he created back in the slog's heyday. For anyone bored enough to dig into some (at least occasionally) entertaining archives.


@4 OTOH is a complete ass who can't get banned often or frequently enough.


sorry, didn't see @3 prior to posting 5.


Wait, Raindrip finally went and got his little self booted? I killfiled his account years ago - one of the best things I ever did.


It could happen to you!


@6 -- fucking (Ten
Thousand words
Later) BINGO.

passing will leave
Large Hole in tS's
self-hating humans
dept. I Expect a Swift
(& self-effacing, tho Not
for Long) return to these Pages.


@4 Yes, you're absolutely right. However, its most obvious application is to Trump as he's the only one gleefully and openly committing felonies. At least Nixon had the decency to pretend to be ashamed, even after he got his pardon.

And if you think that this ruling would have been exactly the same if it was Biden up in front of the Supremes instead of Trump, I've got a lovely piece of seafront property in Arizona to sell you.


I'm cheerful over cheaper cherries!


This is not a public square. Bad-faith trolling is not a protected right here. So long, Raindrop. Long live civil discourse.


Civil discourse to raindrop meant not swearing in his comments, meanwhile his response to people harassing and threatening Target employees over Pride merchandise was live and let live. I can't believe it took this long for him to get the boot but I guess he flew a little too close to the sun.


The NP in France got the most seats. It did not, however, get a majority. Big difference.


“Democrats’ Effort to Push Biden Off Ticket Loses Steam
‘Right now, President Biden is the nominee, and we support the Democratic nominee,’ says a top House Democrat”


Well, playing Imaginary Kingmaker in the Slog comments was fun while it lasted, eh gang?

Next time, try listening to Mrs. Vel-DuRay. She could’ve saved you plenty of time:

“I do not think President Biden is incapacitated. I, unlike others, understand that I am not a physician, and even physicians are not allowed to diagnose someone they've never met a la distance.”



The only thing that matters is what voters think and supermajority of them think Biden is too cognitively impaired to do the job. This is not good in any election, but it's a 12 alarm fire for this one in particular.

The party leadership should have stepped in last year and took grandpa's keys from him so we didn't end up at this point just over a month out from the convention. Either option is a gamble but we don't have much of a choice. It's too late to change course now.


@17 "The only thing that matters is what voters think and supermajority of them think Biden is too cognitively impaired to do the job."

Indeed, on top of a historically low approval rating, only delusion could make one think he still has significant probability of winning this election. And no, doing the best he can do is just not good enough.

"It's too late to change course now"

One could say there is no harm in changing course now given your first statement.

Anyhow, all of this points again to major dysfunction within the Democratic party. It's like being part of a slow moving inevitable crash where nobody can take the wheel away from the old man.


if only the
partay Lived Up
to its Name. but Here
we Are. yet fucking AGAIN.

Wormtongue et al.


@18, I don’t disagree about changing the nominee but they would need to act fast and decisively, but all the messaging I’ve been hearing over the past week is that Joe’s not going anywhere. I don’t get the sense that they gave any consideration to the alternative.


‘“Like I said before, I’m with Joe,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) repeated multiple times in response to questions at his weekly press conference Tuesday afternoon.’

Why, it’s almost like a powerful Senator, from a populous and wealthy state, doesn’t read Slog comments!

Of course, one need not go that far to find someone Who Just Doesn’t Read Slog on Biden:

‘Members of the Black and progressive caucuses have been among his fiercest defenders.

“I think the conversation is important to have right now, because people do have concerns,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.), head of the progressive caucus. “I just don’t think it should be in public. And I think at the end of the day, he is our nominee right now till he’s not our nominee.”’



@19 Biden won all the primaries. Convincingly. Sure, against a woo-woo who's never held elected office and a US Rep nobody outside of MN had heard of, but every other major potential candidate had the option to get into the race and they declined. It's not like Biden's age was a secret. Biden is the small-d democratic choice in the sense of being chosen by voters.

@20 They have this week to convince Biden to bail. His performance at the NATO summit is the last look we'll get. And IMHO, if Biden does bail, the Democratic Party needs to coalesce around a single candidate essentially immediately. Which probably means Harris is the nominee. As with Biden, she's about 5th on my list of 5 preferred candidates, except that it's legally easier, it's easier to explain to voters, and it's the obvious succession path. And I'll fight like hell for her. Or for Biden if he stays in. .


@13 there’s no way you believe that crap - with classic rants from Xina you can’t possibly believe these comment sections are bastions of civil discourse.


it's a trap... Don't listen to the NYT's, CNN's, WaPo's barrage of hack pieces. It's too late to change the ticket, now! Even if Joe had an actual heart attack the GOP would try to litigate their way into presidency... They don't have the numbers, that's why they are trying to force Biden out and get SCOTUS to pick the president! Like in France, UK, Poland, and Spain the fascists will be defeated by large voter turn outs. Nobody, except for christo-fascist, white supremacists, and Oil&Gas billionaires want to live under a Trump presidency. The Dems simply have hammer home the project 2025 agenda and that Trump isn't fit for office ... They really don't need a perfect candidate. Joe Biden can do it!
Anyone changed their mind about voting after the debate, because Trump 'spoke' more loudly? Of course not ... A felon, who speaks loudly is still a felon! People will crawl over hot coals to prevent Trump fascism ...


after his Disatrous
'debate' joe doubles down
tells the Left "he's got this!" &
'you can count on ME, I'm JOE!'

& we'll let Joe Gamble Away
our Democracy just to suit/
salve his gargantuan Ego

whilst the Electorate
recoils in horror at
the thought of an
Eltrumpfster Dy-
Nasty replete
w/ a magatty
Congress &

LGBTQs and
for Sport

and our Womenfolk
Fair Game for what-
ever the fuck --
they're just

looks like it just
may be up to

Lord knows
the "D"NC'll
Always Fail US


I hope Dow abandons his plans to close KC Juvenile detention centers. We're already seeing a sudden increase of juvenile criminals.


@ "Civil discourse to raindrop meant not swearing in his comments"

anyone clamoring about "what happened to civility" is guaranteed to have some of the most vile worldviews possible


@ 24 " It's too late to change the ticket, now!"

ridiculous. most other countries manage to have federal elections in a matter of weeks. but that's too complicated for the greatest nation on earth. we must have a protracted years-long freak show of the worst our government has to offer


Looks like Ahab got the boot, too.

That prison swap article is a honeypot for transphobes who can’t help themselves. Be careful out there, dipshits.


Finally got
our cap'n Ahab?

Verbose beyond
measure it'll likely take
Multiple meals to consume him.

good luck
Mr Whale!

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