I'm sure it'll go back up soon. Michael M. Santiago / GETTY



Wasn't the Fed's plan to raise interest rates, that would slow hiring and push up the unemployment rate, and that would rein in inflation? Weren't the Stock Markets aware of this plan for like 2 years? Why the panic?


1: Indeed. A correction is unpleasant but not bad.


I’ve known this for over a year now and I still cannot accept that Cheryl Hines is married to RFK Jr. Just listening to him speak is grating enough, but even excusing that (technically not his fault!) he is completely unhinged to an extreme that only a person of his privileged background can be. His only rivals for the crown of worst spawn are the Trump children, the other Junior in particular. Completely irredeemable.


"... NASA and Boeing are
adamant that these astronauts
are not stuck in space and that these
bumps and delays are all part of spaceflight."

that they even Got there
musta been a Huge relief for
Boeing (if it's Boeing, I ain't Going).

perhaps they oughtta
stick to making WMDs? it's so
much Easier to kill people than to
Transport them Safely to Point B &
then hafta bring 'em all the way Back

ESPECIALLY if the Beancounters're
calling the shots: Shareholders
gotta Eat (beluga caviar) too!


@1,2 the bad news is, when the stock market goes down it's because of fear. The worse news is, when it goes up it's because of greed. Even knowing that bad news will eventually happen, the greed always wins until the fear takes over. When the numbers have gone down far enough, the greed will take over again.


Regarding the big stock sell-off, I have seen no mention of the escalating Israel/Iran conflict in the several articles I've seen about it. The two countries seem to be on the verge of war, and that's not a factor in the stock market? As Joe would say, C'mon man. The Suez canal would likely be offline, maybe for years, driving up transportation costs and creating supply chain delays--economically devastating to say the least. Hard to believe the increase in unemployment alone, which is still far below the post-war average, is causing the sell-off (4.3 vs. 5.7%).


Lyles won the race by 1/20th of the blink of any eye (vs. 20xs longer).


Thanks, Nathalie for caring!
Re the stock market, I vote for greed and fear (human nature hasn’t changed in thousands of years)
And re the RFK Jt story, it’s barely believable!


Most of the market is owned by institutional investors and the parasitically wealthy. They can take care of themselves.


pat L @9, if today's stock market downtown signals the start of a bear market, I blame RFK, Jr.

Of course, Trump is now spinning today's bad day for the stock market as the "KAMALA CRASH." And if the stock market were going gangbusters today instead, he would be giving himself credit through the twisted logic that investors are anticipating his return to the White House. How do I know? Because that's been his whole spin on the recent bull market. Heads I win. Tails you lose.


My mind after watching RFK Jr.:

"What in the holy flippin' freak?"


Ronald/Nancy dear, a careful re-reading on your part will show that I specified two groups: 1) Institutional Investors and 2) the Parasitically Wealthy. (Rich people should be taxed for being alive)


"(Rich people should
be taxed for be-
ing alive)"

well it would Cert-
ainly Beat the



"Institutional investors" also include union retirement plans and employer defined benefits (e.g. 401-K) plans. So, even those of us who aren't fabulously wealthy are nevertheless forced to hold cards in this game of "Maximizing Shareholder Return".


Also, it bears (pun not intended) repeating: If someone on the Right accuses anyone on the Left of some heinous act (e.g. "grooming", "pedophilia", wanting to get into womens washrooms, etc., etc.), it's only because they're already doing it (or want to do it) and desperately need to deflect the spotlight away from themselves.

In short: every accusation is a confession.


cressona @11
Well done! That’s no bull!


@5, c'mon, man. In case you hadn't noticed, the Suez Canal has been effectively closed for months now, due to the Houthis taking potshots at traffic in the Red Sea. Tanker traffic and container ships have shifted to the Long Way Around (Africa), with attendant supply chain disruptions and price increases.


@7, I meant.


Comte dear, the administrators of those plans are savvy. They acknowledge the loss, but also see the opportunities (as do the parasitic rich people)


speaking of parasitic rich people

some Advice from
that olde Jew
guy* (I; VT):

should run on
a progressive economic
agenda. Americans are ready

Campaigning on an economic agenda that
speaks to the needs of working families
is a winning formula for Kamala Harris

One of the most extraordinary aspects of our corporate-dominated American political system is the degree to which the needs of working-class people, the majority of our population, are systematically ignored by political and media elites.

Americans who are following the 2024 presidential campaign – and the vital campaigns for control of the US Senate and the US House – will see, hear and read a whole lot of rhetoric from political insiders and the corporate media about the “political game”.

They’ll hear about horserace polls, how much money the candidates raise, what billionaire “donors” are demanding, who the vice-presidential candidate might be and, of course, the dumb things candidates said or did five years ago. Or 10 years ago. Or 20 years ago.

But, in the midst of all the political gossip on TV and in the newspapers, what Americans will not encounter is a serious discussion of the multiple economic crises facing the 60% of our fellow citizens who live paycheck to paycheck – the working class of this country.

What you will not hear about is why, in the richest country in the history of the world, so few have so much while so many have so little.

What you will not hear about is the pain, the stress, the anxiety that tens of millions of Americans experience on a daily basis, and how governmental decisions can improve their lives.

In order to combat a political system which ignores so many of the most important concerns facing the majority of our people, my campaign recently commissioned a poll in the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

It asked some pretty basic questions: what are the major concerns that you and your families have? What would you like your government to do about them?

The results of the poll are not surprising, and not unlike other polls done over the years.


They show that, at the time of huge income and wealth inequality, unprecedented corporate greed, a failing healthcare system, a grossly unfair tax structure, an extremely high rate of childhood poverty, and too many seniors struggling to pay for their basic necessities, the American people want strong governmental action which addresses the longstanding needs of working families.

In other words, it turns out that progressive economic proposals are extremely popular – not only among Democrats but also among independents, Republicans and even the most ardent Trump supporters.

One of the key findings of the poll is that, on core economic issues, by a wide margin, voters are more likely to vote for a candidate who favors expanding social security benefits by making the wealthy pay the same tax rate as the working class.

They strongly support a candidate who favors expanding Medicare to cover vision, dental and hearing needs, who favors cutting the cost of prescription drugs in half by making sure that Americans pay no more than what they pay in Europe or Canada, and who favors hiking taxes on the rich and multinational corporations so that they pay their fair share.

In other words: campaigning on an economic agenda that speaks to the needs of working families is a winning formula for Kamala Harris and Democrats in November.

Indeed, it is the formula that could give Harris the sort of victory that sweeps in a Democratic Senate and House and allows her to govern in the best tradition of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and Joe Biden’s Build Back Better program.

--Bernie Sanders; Mon 5 Aug 2024

tonnes More

or, we could go Back to
the Clintons tack to the ‘right’
and when we Lose blame Progressives

yet. Fucking. AGAIN.
fuck That shite.
Go, Kamala.

fucking GO!
With The

Not Rich


well Kamala's
picked the Progressive

let's see if the
Wormtongue con-
tingent gets behind
the Democrats or heads
over instead to the MAGAverse

with their
Udder Disdain for
All things Progressive
I'm betting on the Latter

surprise me!


Where Tim Walz (D; MN) Stands on the Issues

As governor of Minnesota, he has enacted policies to secure abortion protections, provide free meals for schoolchildren, allow recreational marijuana and set renewable energy goals.

Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, the newly announced running mate to Vice President Kamala Harris, has worked with his state’s Democratic-controlled Legislature to enact an ambitious agenda of liberal policies: free college tuition for low-income students, free meals for schoolchildren, legal recreational marijuana and protections for transgender people.

“You don’t win elections to bank political capital,” Mr. Walz wrote last year about his approach to governing. “You win elections to burn political capital and improve lives.”

Republicans have slammed these policies as big-government liberalism and accused Mr. Walz of taking a hard left turn since he represented a politically divided district in Congress years ago.

Here is an overview of where Mr. Walz stands on some key issues.

oodles more, Excitingly:


In short: every accusation is a confession.

That will definitely bite you in the ass someday.

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