

and Chas is Back!
thank you


Really Charles? You want to see our Light Rail stations infested with rats???

Also, I'm glad Cori Bush will be going rogue. But no offense, it's never a good idea to get tangled up in Israel-Palestine affairs.


"AIPAC, I'm coming to tear your kingdom down."
--Cori Bush after having been Defeated
by the Israeli Disinformation League

Brava. Now let’s
Stop Funding nutnyahoo’s


oh balls.
looks like the
Back, too. the Lord Giveth
and He taketh awayeth too.


We don’t have to agree that they’re demagogues at all. Depraved demagogue is redundant anyway.



what the commentator
formerly known as dewdrop'd
deposit on der Schlogg in hopes
of myriad outrage at their Trolling.

see: @7



I guess Symphony Station works. I don't love it though.


"Get a rat from NYC?" Just to tell us that our pizza doesn't measure up?


@2 "If I were to remain silent, I’d be guilty of complicity." A. Eisntein


So now that Cori Bush is out of the running, perhaps she can come right out and say who the "they" are who "need to be afraid" now that she's been "radicalized" and doesn't have to temper her public vitriol in order to win votes. Come on Cori, say what's on your mind: to whom is your threat directed, specifically?


@3: That you, of all persons, don’t recognize a spiteful empty threat when you see it, really shows the truly awesome power of hardcore denial.

Voters terminated her once-promising political career, due to her obsession with Gaza. As Charles wrote: “It seems that Gaza is, for progressives on the national stage, a chalice filled with poison.”

The Mother Jones article to which Charles linked mentioned some of the very real problems, very much affecting her very real constituents, which the “progressive” incumbent had utterly neglected:

“Over a quarter of children in the district live in poverty, per the latest census numbers. Schools in the City of St. Louis are so underfunded that the district may not have a full fleet of school bus drivers this year. Healthcare access in the district remains limited, particularly for Black women—and abortion, which both candidates hope to restore, remains illegal in the state.”

Tonnes more, sadly, at Charles’ link.


@13 But who cares, dude? She hates the joos, so she's just great! She and Cynthia McKinney can go form an anti-Joo PAC or something.


@14 That's sarcasm, JIC anyone here gets confused.


"due to her obsession with Gaza"

Early on, she called for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, a position now shared by 70% of Americans and 83% of Democrats ... the horror: she must be a Jew hater like all those who strongly oppose murdering babies.


@16 Like most of the rad left, you willfully choose to ignore that those numbers are associated with Hamas releasing all hostages in exchange for a ceasefire.


@17 I am not ignoring anything. As far as I know Hamas didn't oppose exchanging hostages for a permanent ceasefire. Netanyahu and his far right government however did oppose a permanent ceasefire, and then they assassinated the guy seating across the negotiating table to try ensuring their would be no deal.

If arguing for peace and a stop to the massacre of civilian populations seems "radical left" to you, so be it. Further, I think it is a very poor idea for the US to be a pawn in the war games of a colonial state intent on ethnic cleansing. Not only is it completely unethical but we have noting to gain from it.


@18 "there would be no deal"


@11 - Until AIPAC has less of a stranglehold on our politicians, it's going to be politically damaging to voice any sort of opposition to Israeli affairs unless you're Jewish.

A tangential thought, it sounds weird saying this but one thing that the US should do to help resolve things is to basically allow for Israeli-Americans and Palestinian-Americans (aka Israeli settlers or members of Hamas) accused of murdering the other, backed-up by significant evidence, to be charged and tried with murder. Basically an Israeli-American settler killing innocent Palestinian-Americans or Palestinian-American Hamas supporter murdering Israeli-Americans.


@18: there WAS a ceasefire in 2023; after releasing (some) women and children, Hamas broke it by killing Israelis waiting at a bus stop. that was a choice, and it had consequences.

the deal that Hamas (Sinwar specifically) has been rejecting is/was for a temporary ceasefire with a series of hostage-for-prisoner exchanges that, if both sides honored the terms, would lead to a permanent ceasefire.

Hamas (Sinwar specifically) insisted on Israel agreeing to a permanent ceasefire and complete withdrawal from Gaza in exchange for hostages (and hostage corpses). Essentially, agree to end the war, leaving Hamas in power, and then get captured Israelis back.


@16: Even if you had provided a source for your numbers (which you didn’t), and the proper context for your numbers (which you refused to do, leaving others to provide it for you), we note a Congressional term generally contains time sufficient to do things other than opine on a faraway war, especially when one’s constituency needs so much help.


@20 Even anti-Zionist Jews become the target of AIPAC.

Prosecuting American war criminals of both sides is a good idea but it seems quite a remote possibility at the moment, I mean beside paying lip service to sanctioning violent settlers.

@21 "Even before Hamas’ attack on October 7, Israeli forces had already killed 205 Palestinians in the West Bank this year, while settlers were responsible for nine more killings."

From Nov 2022 to Oct 7 2023: Countdown to genocide


"opine on a faraway war"

It's what congress does, especially when it involves unconditional support for mass genocide, sociopath!


9: I applaud the name change. Hasn't been a University there since 1895, when UW moved to where it is now.


@23: “It's what congress does,”

My point was that Congress (and Members thereof) generally do other things, too. Things which generally benefit constituents more than does opining on a faraway war.


Early calls for a permanent Gaza ceasefire sounded a lot like calls for a permanent ceasefire with Al qaeda on 9/12. Attacking AIPAC looked a lot like attacking the victims of a massive terrorist assault.
It was a horrible policy position and horrible line of attack, and Cori Bush paid the price for her follies.


@25 "Things which generally benefit constituents more than does opining on a faraway war"

What kind of self serving bullshit is this. Either it's important the legislative branch exert control on foreign policy because it directly affects constituents or it doesn't. Moreover, the Rolling Stone article doesn't claim that Bush didn't fight for her constituents on every day issues as you keep repeating. We always have to go through the same garbage with your lies and constant twisting. You are some piece of work.


@26 The UN was calling for a ceasefire pretty much right away. Perhaps you should switch the channel if you had the impression it wasn't going to turn into a bloodbath.


"We always have to go through
the same garbage with your
[Wormtongue's] lies and
constant twisting. You
are some piece
of work."


fucking Bingo.
Thank you.

here's another view
from the Left:

The Chris Hedges Report
Israel's Mask Is Slipping
with David Hearst

David Hearst, Editor-in-Chief of Middle East Eye, and I discuss Israel, Gaza and what the genocide means for the future of Israel.

Israel has been poisoned by the psychosis of permanent war. It has been morally bankrupted by the sanctification of victimhood, which it uses to justify an occupation that is even more savage than that of apartheid South Africa.

Its ‘democracy’ — which was always exclusively for Jews — has been hijacked by extremists who are pushing the country towards fascism.

Human rights campaigners, intellectuals and journalists — Israeli and Palestinian — are subject to constant state surveillance, arbitrary arrests and government-run smear campaigns.

Its educational system, starting in primary school, is an indoctrination machine for the military. And the greed and corruption of its venal political and economic elite have created vast income disparities, a mirror of the decay within America’s democracy, along with a culture of anti-Arab and anti-Black racism.

By the time Israel achieves its decimation of Gaza — Israel is talking about months of warfare that will continue at least until the end of this year — it will have signed its own death sentence.

Its facade of civility, its supposed vaunted respect for the rule of law and democracy, its mythical story of the courageous Israeli military and miraculous birth of the Jewish nation – which it successfully sold to its western audiences – will lie in ash heaps.

Israel’s social capital will be spent. It will be revealed as the ugly, repressive, hate-filled apartheid regime it always has been, alienating younger generations of American Jews.

Its patron, the United States, as new generations come into power, will distance itself from Israel.

Its popular support will come from reactionary Zionists and America’s Christianized fascists who see Israel’s domination of ancient Biblical land as a harbinger of the Second Coming and in its subjugation of Arabs a kindred racism and celebration of white supremacy.

Israel will become synonymous with its victims the way Turks are synonymous with the Armenians, Germans are with the Namibians and later the Jews, and Serbs are with the Bosniaks.

Israel’s cultural, artistic, journalistic and intellectual life will be exterminated. Israel will be a stagnant nation where the religious fanatics, bigots and Jewish extremists who have seized power will dominate public discourse.

It will join the club of the globe’s most despotic regimes. Joining me to discuss the future of Israel and the decades long effort by Zionists to dispossess Palestinians from their land is David Hearst, Editor in Chief of Middle East Eye, an independent website based in London covering the Middle East in English and French.
--Chris Hedges

oodles More
including David Hearst:

no, not a genocide?
okay wormmy

it’s the Self-Destruction
of Israel through its
Massacre Of

and We, the People
are fucking Supporting it

and it's InfuckingSanity.


Yeah, the commenters advocating against jails and against enforcing laws, to the extent our city is riddled with crime to support drug habits also drive me fucking nuts. Kettle will get another vote from me.


@23: After ten solid months of yelling “GENOCIDE!!”, and personally attacking anyone who dares disagree as a “sociopath,” or worse, you have managed to convince no one who didn’t already agree with you. So, go right ahead, double down on those same failed tactics. Let us know how that goes for you.

@27: For the love of Mike, I haven’t ever said Members of Congress CANNOT opine on faraway wars; I’ve said each Member should prioritize his or her workload, based on what each District needs. I then quoted some of the needs in that District, and noted Gaza hadn’t anything to do with any of them. Maybe this is the reason voters in that District just terminated their Member’s employment?

“…the Rolling Stone article doesn't claim…”

What Rolling Stone article? I quoted from the Mother Jones article Charles linked in his headline post, as I clearly explained @13. Even if an article doesn’t claim what you claim it doesn’t claim (?!), there was still an impressive list of Topics Which Were Not Gaza upon which a Member of Congress could have been working.

“We always have to go through the same garbage with your lies and constant twisting. You are some piece of work.”

That’s rich, coming from someone who was repeatedly called out in just this thread alone, for ignoring pertinent facts, and distorting others.

Again, please let us know how calling other commenters here sociopaths and liars helps you win elections, like the ones you just lost.


"... you
have managed
to convince no one
who didn’t already agree with you."

got any Proof
Wormtongue? or
nothing but more Lies?

and URLs
if you please
or you're Totes full of BS.


@32: “got any Proof”

Well, you could try reading this very headline post, upon which you’ve left multiple comments already:

“Imraan Siddiqi also fizzled. He got just 3% of the votes for Congressional District 8.”

“It seems that Gaza is, for progressives on the national stage, a chalice filled with poison.”

And from the article to which Charles links, above:

“The youth voter-engagement group Protect Our Power has been on the ground in St. Louis for the past month knocking on doors. Many of those canvassing are the same young campaigners who powered Jamaal Bowman’s reelection campaign in New York, only to witness his defeat.”


So, just like averagebob here, and the volunteers in those races, you will also keep right on using the very same tactics which just failed you, correct?



Good luck with that.


@31 "10 months"

Nope, since late May after I became tired of seeing your lying propagnada in these pages.

"personally attacking anyone who dares disagree as a “sociopath”"

Liar, just you get this epithet because of your systematic, numerous, long winded attempts at minimizing the murder of 10,000's of civilians, which is still happening as we speak. You are a very sick puppy. I didn't start it btw, others had the same thought while reading your sick rhetoric.

"I haven’t ever said Members of Congress CANNOT opine on faraway wars"

You only said Cori Bush shouldn't have (typical twisting of language from you) and then claimed without evidence she didn't work on other issues, hence the claim you are a liar (a habit of yours). The Mother Jones (as if my mistakenly saying Rolling Stone had any significance) article lists problems in her district but never suggests she didn't work on them.

"helps you win elections, like the ones you just lost"

GOP millionaires and Israel lobby money buying Democratic primaries is obviously something you are very proud of and this is just one among many of your unprincipled stance.


@34: “The Mother Jones (as if my mistakenly saying Rolling Stone had any significance)…”

As if you not getting your basic facts right — you know, the very thing for which multiple commenters in this thread alone had already called you out for doing — has any significance. Keep on telling yourself that.

“… article lists problems in her district but never suggests she didn't work on them.”

That’s exactly what it suggests. She spent lots and lots of time making useless demands about Gaza, and too little time on the serious (and, if you’d actually read it carefully) worsening problems in her district.

“GOP millionaires and Israel lobby money buying Democratic primaries…”

Again from the Mother Jones article, “Justice Democrats, a progressive PAC founded by former campaigners for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), sent $2 million her way.” A large group of well-organized volunteers, who’d just helped another member of The Squad lose here in New York, parachuted into Missouri, helping Cori Bush lose there.

You don’t have any problem with outsiders dropping huge amounts of resources to influence an election in a poor district; you just complain when your side loses whilst doing it.


@35 Pathetic reply on all counts.

I'll just point out that Justice Democrats and Sanders are 100% against Citizen United, which enables billionaires and corporations buying elections (and you're unsurprisingly ok with it), and they are 100% for publicly funded election campaigns. Cori Bush was outspent 4:1 by billionaires and the Israel lobby even with Justice democrat money. Did you really expect her to forgo that money to stick to her principles and be outspent by more than 10:1?

"You don’t have any problem with outsiders dropping huge amounts of resources to influence an election in a poor district; you just complain when your side loses whilst doing it."



@34: “… murder of 10,000's of civilians,”

You can ignore Hamas’ ongoing war crime of hiding behind civilians. You can ignore Sinwar’s messages, saying a high civilian body count in Gaza is good for Hamas. The Stranger and kristo’ can ignore all of that, too. But nobody else here has any reason to join your studious ignorance. We can all see Hamas has primary responsibility for the carnage, both in Israel and Gaza, that it has knowingly and intentionally either committed outright, or done everything it can to ensure. Calling me names because I keep mentioning all of this won’t change any of it.

As for a “sick puppy,” you’re the one doing Hamas’ bidding, endlessly blaming Israel and the United States for the civilian deaths Hamas does everything it can to cause. As long as you keep doing that, Hamas will keep following their civilian-killing strategy. You’re actively helping to perpetuate their the very carnage you’re complaining about, and all you have when shown what you’re doing is distortions, lies, name-calling, and feebly dismissive non-answers (@36).

Keep on doing what you’re doing, and you’ll keep getting the results you’ve gotten. No matter how much you shoot at every last one of us messengers, absolutely nothing will change.


nothing will change You
nor your sociopathy
which you exhibit
right Here daily
& on that
we can
All A-


@38: “Keep on doing what you’re doing, and you’ll keep getting the results you’ve gotten. No matter how much you shoot at every last one of us messengers, absolutely nothing will change.”

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