Jordan Chiles with her gold and bronze Olympic medals. (GIVE HER BACK THAT BRONZE, YOU MONSTERS.) Naomi Baker/Getty Images



Charles R. Cross dead at 67.

Tamara Murphy dead at 63.

Suki dead at 59.

Some real local icons leaving us far too soon. In Suki's case, I'm thankful she was given a humane death.

One thing I've noticed in the last few years is how young well-known chefs and restaurateurs are dying. I've noticed this locally, and I've noticed this nationally. It's sad. Clearly, every individual's case is different, but there must be something there, and it's not just my failing to put some perspective on anecdotal evidence.


“In spite of state abortion bans,
federal law mandates hospitals must offer
abortions when they will save a woman's health.

Yet, it appears some hospitals
aren't doing that. And, it
makes sense why not.

who perform
abortions in Texas
could face up to 99 years in prison.”

this “Makes Sense”
ONLY in a “Christian”
Religious State run by
Fake Xians using Their
Religion to Control Every-
ONE Else. That any Woman
might somehow Support this
blatant Patriarchal dystopian Night-
mare is Clear evidence of a Massive case
of Stockholm Syndrome inflicted upon One

fucking HALF of our Citizenry: Women.

Let’s hope
(and pray?)
They Vote for
Fucking Freedom.

it'll only get
Worse if the so-called
"Right" is allowed to steal the next one.

And they'll
to Do so. it's Finally come to this.

Vote: Blue, baby:
it's likely your
Final Chance.


Don't U.S. gymnasts have enough Olympic medals? No one seems to be talking about the Romanian woman who's getting fucked over by this pedantic bullshit.


“Why it stalled is the real question.”

The airplane had just flown through a region of known icing conditions. A turboprop’s anti-icing protections tend to be far inferior to those in a jet-powered airplane. The aircraft’s anti-ice protection may simply have been overwhelmed by rapid heavy icing. An iced wing has greater drag, and far less lift, than a normal wing. Control surfaces may have lost ability as well.


RIP Suki. She was not a happy elephant. She was "anti-social" and had tuberculosis so she couldn't go to a refuge.

"...recently, Suki began to decline cognitively and was often observed in discomfort.
PDZA believed it was possible that she may have had a stroke or suffered from other neurological diseases and made the decision to euthanize Suki after she refused care."


@3 not sure how the Romanian gymnast is getting fucked over - Jordan’s difficulty score was erroneously calculated and subsequently corrected (that’s not pedantic). The Romanian Olympic committee decided to take this to the courts over what they thought was a 4 second miss in filing the score correction (and the court agreed Jordan’s score was correctly increased - but not under the 60 second timeframe). Talk about pedantic - they know Jordan’s score is correct but want it thrown out on a perceived technicality of 4 seconds (so I support the US fighting this ruling).

And aside, the IOC could have simply decided to award another bronze medal but decided to take it away from Jordan instead (that’s quite the spirit of promoting fair sport).


1: Considering how stressful running a restaurant has been in the last 5 years, it’s no wonder we’re seeing these headlines.

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