

@1, "In a letter sent yesterday in response, Harrell said... (blah blah blah)"

IOW, it's still news. If you disagree, maybe bring it up with the mayor's office.


but tiny-handed donOLD
LOVES his poorly-educated
basement dwellers his MAGAts
not to mention his Special Servants
standing back standing by waiting for
The Signal when his Lost Election'll become
'too messy!' and "republican" state legislators'll

hand it all over to
our New Lord &
SAVIOR King of
the MAGAts.

a dick joke?
well, Good
for Barack!


"Harris' coronation"

Sigh. All political conventions over the last 40-50 years have been coronations. It's how it's done now. It is unusual that Biden withdrew after the primaries, but the primaries select delegates anyway. Harris collected the support of those delegates, so she's the nominee.


When they go low, we go lower? Seriously? Trump is a lifelong criminal, a child rapist, a rapist of adult as women as well, a traitor, a draft dodger, a twice impeached squatter of the White House who brags about sexual assault, longs for the days when Black people could just be murdered outright because white people hated them (though how that's different from now, I'm not really clear), has been indicted of nearly 100 crimes, has been convicted of 34 felonies, LIES EVERY SINGLE TIME HE OPENS HIS MOUTH NO MATTER WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT, but whatever was said at the DNC by whoever is lower than whatever liquid shit is spewing out of Trump's mouth at any given moment. Fuck you.


OF COURSE The Stranger completely and deliberately ignores the carjacking/murder of the 80-year-old dog-walker woman in the Madison Valley neighborhood. Shame on you. Didn't fit The Stranger's "progressive narrative" huh


Glad to see the Dems come off their lame talk about sanctity of institutions and start treating Trump like the clown he is. Best part is he will definitely now go on a self destructive internet tirade about Obama.


@1: Right after they forget about Jenny's texts... at least this time, the Stranger carried Harrell's clarification, that neither he nor Sloan had mentioned LGBTQ+ persons. The Stranger had mislead readers on this point in their previous coverage of the story.

For all of the Stranger's lingering obsession about this story, It's also pretty funny the Stranger simply ignores its own prior reporting on Denny Blaine Park: "...voyeurs and pervs seem to have colonized Denny Blaine, so wear shoes if you don't want to get sperm between your toes." (

But I guess they don't want their own writing to agree with Sloan and Harrell's issues with the park.


Oh yeah the murderer of the 80-year-old dog-walker woman also murdered one of the dogs (stabbed it to death). $100 says the killer has been in and out of Seattle's permissive "progressive justice" system for years.


A minor point to be certain, but regarding your story on Super Catalan Grandma” Maria Branyas Morera, it's "immigrate TO, and emigrate FROM." Did you ever take an English class, Vivian? I expect "journalists" to know correct English usage.


It’s obviously just a throwaway line but for the record it says “we also go low” not “we go lower.”

You barely need to go low to trigger a big baby like Trump. Just calling him weird has sent him into a weeks-long tailspin so it will be fun to see what happens when he finds out they’re making dick jokes at the DNC.


I don’t see the contradiction between “gay people are having sex at the gay sex beach” and “the mayor’s rich donor friend is trying to purge the gays from the gay sex beach.” Everyone agrees gay people are fucking there even if it’s only implied in the mayor’s text exchange with his rich donor friend, but the last time they reported this story people were complaining that the stranger was characterizing it as a gay nude beach. It’s pretty clear everyone is on the same page about what happens there.


I'm no fan of Boeing, but "Halting Test Flights" because of possible manufacturing flaws is exactly the kind of thing that is SUPPOSED to happen. Note that this is occuring before planes are delivered to customers. In other words... Boeing got this one right.


@13: "the mayor’s rich donor friend is trying to purge the gays from the gay sex beach.”

There's never been any evidence of that happening. Sloan and Harrell's complaints sound a lot like the Stranger's description of the place from years ago, which is why I quoted that description @8.

Look, I remember back in the '90s, after the Pride Parade down Broadway, there would be trash everywhere. This is not because gay Americans had some greater tendency to throw trash everywhere, but because Americans throw trash everywhere. Pride was just the occasion for that one group of Americans to behave like all Americans.

Furthermore, calling it a "gay sex beach" is just the reverse of what the Stranger has been groundlessly accusing Sloan and Harrell of doing: appropriating public resources to one group at the expense of another. It's a beach. It belongs to everyone. It should be kept clean for everyone's use. It doesn't matter who pollutes the space, it's the pollution of the shared public space that is wrong. And, despite the Stranger's lingering obsession with this park, no one has found any evidence of Sloan and Harrell's concern being about anything but trashing of the space.


@14- but but Boeing sells stuff to Israel. They must be to blame for everything.


It’s still a public beach even if gay people hang out there and suck dick in the bushes or whatever. And if it’s commonly understood to be a nude public beach where gay guys hook up then it’s perfectly reasonable to assume their exchange is about gay people even if they don’t say it outright. Doubly so if the proposed solution to cleaning up the “pollution” is to install a play area for kids.

Idk just feels like you start with the conclusion that the stranger sucks then work backwards to whatever evidence at your disposal supports that conclusion even if it’s at odds with your interpretation of previous reporting on the same event


It's called READ THE STORY.


19, Clearly decorum depends on your perspective because in gay terms giving blowjobs at a nude beach is considered classy.


22, Again it’s a matter of perspective, though I can’t say I’ve ever heard anyone call public sex “sophomoric”. Feels like a completely inappropriate way to describe adult behavior but maybe English isn’t your first language.

Being an uptight scold might be a mark of maturity and decorum where you hang out but the gays are just built different. We know how to have a good time.


Boeing clearly has a lot of issues to work through, but in fairness this plane has the heaviest engine that’s ever been attached to a commercial airplane and this plane is a prototype to test the structures they designed to handle it, this is frankly why they do testing.

The Obama’s approach to Trump last night was perfect. Emphasizing what even many of his own supporters know, that he is tiresome and fundamentally only cares about himself.


Following up on my comment at #9, I was correct (of course). According to the police press conference (still going on as I write this), the killer has been previously convicted of 8 (EIGHT) felonies. Way to go Seattle "progressives"!!!


@25 at least the POS was caught - hopefully he’s looking at a very long sentence.



Tim Walz for Prez in '28
& Kamala Harris for
Our Supreme Ct
Katinji Brown
Jackson for
the Chief

but first
let’s whip
whiny, nasty, sorry ass


& if bibi
hasn't already
blown up the M.E.
let's Depose the SOB.


speaking of alternative papers:

"In 1974, music writer Jon Landau saw a relatively unknown musician in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and wrote for an alternative paper: 'Last Thursday, at the Harvard Square theater, I saw rock'n'roll past flash before my eyes.

And I saw something else: I saw rock and roll future and its name is Bruce Springsteen. And on a night when I needed to feel young, he made me feel like I was hearing music for the very first time.'

The review helped to catapult Springsteen to stardom.

After three days at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, I feel like I have seen the political future and its name is the Democratic Party.

But rather than feeling like I’m hearing politics for the first time, I am hearing the echo of political themes embraced in the best moments of America’s past."

--Heather Cox Richardson; Aug 22, 2024

More, delightfully:


Q: Why is DJT, the Orange Turd such a big dick?
A: To desperately try to cover up its tiny, fetid lil 'shroom!
The "emperor" has no clothes! Golly, not even a fig leaf! Et tu, Brute?

Thank you, real former President Barack Obama,, for calling it out.


@18: Complaining about the state of Denny Blaine Park was perfectly OK to the Stranger when the Stranger did it. Complaining about the state of Denny Blaine Park suddenly became anti-LGBTQ to the Stranger when a friend of the Mayor's did it.

Okie dokie...

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