Let's see billionaires fight it out to see how much they can donate to the parks. Cheyenne James/Getty Images



Are you
the fucking
Queen of England?'

a lad
can Dream.


Community Transit needs to offer direct service between the new Lynnwood Station and Paine Field.


90% of cruise ship passengers flying through Seatac have bags that don't fit in the overhead compartments.

I'm not sure what's in those giant suitcases, though. tuxedos and ball gowns?


"Climate change claimed more lives, this time in the form of melting ice caves in Iceland and flash floods and in the Grand Canyon."
"Birth rates in the developed world continue to drop below replacement rates."
"Hamas' regional sponsors narrowly avoided being pulled into a wider regional conflict after a series of IDF reprisals for their increasingly overt role in what began as a proxy war."
"In local news, protesters seizing public property for their private garden cost tax-payers $89,000. The bulk of this cost went to covering security for park workers while engaged in cleanup work."


Max dear, people take a stupid amount of clothing on cruises, including formals and tuxes. The only cruise I was ever on was an overnight from Vancouver to Seattle, and even for that some people had dumb amounts of luggage.


Free Suni and Butch! Or else!


@3 You could run up to a single checked bag pretty easily if you're coming from someplace hot and going on an Alaska cruise. Coats can take up a lot of space. Beyond that, I can't help.


@3- the buffet-fueled dimensions of the average cruise passenger mean that their clothing and therefore their luggage will be unreasonably large.


Our Dear Raindrop: Always the moral scold.

But really, Nathalie dear - if you were going someplace for two weeks would you really be able to "Shove your shit in a backpack and put it in the overhead compartment"?


@8: as per CV-D's comment, mine was also referencing the absurdity of Natalie's advice for travelers to SeaTac to NOT check a bag. absent a cyberattack, there is no issue.

I have been known to check a bag or two.


Why should historically low fertility levels in the U.S. be surprising?
Who of sound mind wants a rapist MAGAt / RWNJ for a father?

@10 Catalina Vel-DuRay: I am reminded of Ben Stiller as Gaylord Focker in "Meet the Parents" (2000), having to deal with the annoyingly by-the-book flight attendant with chopsticks(?) in her hair (played by Kali Rocha) because his bag wouldn't fit in the overhead compartment. TSA agents arrested Stiller and his hard-nosed father-in-law-to-be and ex-CIA agent, Jack Byrnes (Robert De Niro) had to bail him out after the "Circle of Trust" issue. All to be able to marry Daddy's adorable "Pam-cake" (Teri Polo). Yoiks!


Hooray for our National Parks! ;-)


Looks like the flooding was at Havasupai. One of the most beautiful places I've ever been, but disastrous when it floods.


Gotta say the line about luggage and the Queen of England is the first time I have read something on SLOG and laughed out loud in a LONG TIME.

I can't get on a plane anymore, ever again, thankfully! Physical disability + ridiculousness of plane travel = not gonna happen. They've killed disabled people (literally) and I will not die on a fucking plane because they don't know how to accommodate the severely physically disabled.

When I did travel, I always preferred someone checked their luggage than bring an oversized "carry on" that didn't fit and ultimately wasted everyone's time because the flight attendants would have to have the oversized bag removed and put in with the checked baggage anyway, while we all waited on the asshole who thought the rules didn't apply to them.

A family friend is coming to visit soon and gets to fly into and out of PDX (literally the coolest airport in the United States, SeaTac's Sub Pop store notwithstanding) and I was just reading that when it was originally designed for renovation in 2000 (sometime around then) it was all about open concept and people who weren't traveling being able to experience it.

Then 9/11 happened and TSA and The Patriot Act and everything put in place in airports that doesn't make us any safer than we ever were (I mean, the people who hijacked the planes on 9/11 all had tickets and got on the planes like everybody else) ruined it for everyone.

ALL of the BEST parts of PDX (other than the new area just opened where people can wait for their arriving friends/relatives with actual TREES in it!) are past security. A total bummer since I would love to be able to go to some of the stores and restaurants in PDX while waiting, especially since it's all wheelchair accessible. Oh well.

Maybe one day this country will give up the fascism, but I doubt it. And yes I believe it's fascism and I lived in NYC on 9/11 and I worked in the WTC after 1993 when we would have "bomb scares" and have to evacuate while they came and checked to make sure there weren't any actual bombs (there never were). I also received deliveries as part of my job and it was a total clusterfuck of fascism because the hoops we had to jump through to receive anything delivered to the WTC after the bombing in 1993. Certainly didn't prevent them from flying planes into the buildings 7 and 1/2 years later.

The fact that we all submit to the insanity that is TSA rules without question or complaint, all for the pleasure of being packed into a plane like livestock cargo, and the delusion that we are somehow safer for it, is absolute insanity.


Haha, a moral scold! In my mind's eye, I picture a 50-ish middle school teacher with reading glasses on a chain, giving lessons to her class from Reader's Digest.



thanks for the chuckle!

it was 2 Years before I
understood dewey is
in fact (apparently!)
a man (according
to themselves).

my 3rd grade
(4th-rate) teacher
was a Whacko who
knew only Fear & Intim-
idation for her charges, one
time removing her shoe & slam-
ming it on her desk for emphasis

& slapped me for my comment
that futurewise, a machine'd
be able to take one's words
and simply type 'em out.

dewey's Act-
ually a teacher?

promise me:
NOT one of
Arts' ~ in

not that
there's Anything
Remotely wrong with it.


"The fact that we all submit to the insanity that is TSA rules without question or complaint, all for the pleasure of being packed into a plane like livestock cargo, and the delusion that we are somehow safer for it, is absolute insanity." --@xina

turned Us into
willing chattel quietely
queuing up removing our shoes
dignity & hoping we'll just STFUA
whilst the MAGAts/gop fight like Hell
to return us to the Dark Ages where Respect
was Demanded, gotten & Never had to be earned

how Will
we Respond
when eltrumpfster
Steals the next one & well-
Corporatized Dems just roll on over?

Two words:
General fucking Strike.
perhaps there's still Hope
but Only if we're Willing enough.


Seattle spends $89k to repair the damage done by BLM protestors is a more accurate headline.


@16 xina: I am sorry to hear about the severity of your disabilities.
I feel your pain, and am not a big fan of flying, either.
Agreed: a tremendous lot of what was good about airports and flying
is long in the past. Boeing, in all its abysmal corporate greed, has lost
all my faith.

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