Anything will be better than Trump's interview with Elon Musk. JOE RAEDLE / GETTY



10.35% sales tax rate??!!! Talk about inflationary in this already expensive town. There’s nothing preventing us from levying a flat tax income rate — the WA legal problem is when the taxing rates differ. I bet a 5% rate gets us there? But I won’t sign on until I’m assured this isn’t some Trojan horse to just more taxes (ie, repeal the sales tax, like Oregon).


A Hamas commander is in fact a militant, not an innocent civilian. Make a note of that for future reference.


@1- income tax, yes. Flat rate, no. Given the political realities in this country, I’ve NEVER seen a flat tax proposal that doesn’t absolutely screw single people or those without kids.


Unscripted interview?
If she speaks coherently, in complete sentences, and somehow manages to answer a question we’ll know it wasn’t unscripted.
As for a cop shooting a wife beater, I doubt the officer made that decision lightly. The child wasn’t harmed and there is one less domestic abuser in the world. Let’s call it a win.
I read an article elsewhere that reported Washington is seeing a billion dollar loss in tax revenue because a lot of parents didn’t go back to work after The Plague. The state legislature won’t be lightening the tax burden for anyone, rich or poor.


that’s not at odds with anything in hannah’s summary


@7: No, it just so happens Hannah's summary drops all of the contextual information in the linked story. Reading Hannah's summary, there's no way to know Fuhr was armed, had allegedly just assaulted the infant's mother, and may have been in the midst of a kidnapping.

Other than that, it's perfectly faithful to the linked story.


The handgun was not confirmed anywhere in the reporting. Did they find a gun on his body? Doesn’t say. Important detail! Of course he could have tossed the gun at some point. Was a gun found anywhere? Also doesn’t say. But it definitely says the cop shot him while he was holding a baby.


@3, do you really think the current 10.35% sales tax is serving single, parentless citizens well? Flat tax is same-same, not sure why “the screwing over” is perceived.


@1 it will never happen. Any income tax proposal has never included a reduction in other taxes. It's always about new revenue.

@4 Assuming the capital gains tax survives in Nov I would bet you'll see numerous proposals in the legislature to. lower the threshold to make up for deficits and fund new programs.


@2 “I am not only a pacifist but a militant pacifist. I am willing to fight for peace. " A. Einstein

Destroying infrastructure in the West Bank is as much a war crime as it is in Gaza. Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian territories is still illegal by international law.

Illegal occupation is illegal


@3 Yes, we need to campaign for progressive taxation like an income tax and for getting rid of the sales tax at the same time to preempt typical conservative fear-mongering about "TAXES"


@9: “But it definitely says the cop shot him while he was holding a baby.”

Sure does. Hannah’s summary still says nothing about how Fuhr had allegedly just assaulted the infant's mother, and may have been in the midst of a kidnapping.


@11, Ok so the goalposts have shifted from “this 2 sentence summary of a linked article is incomplete” to “the police are trained to shoot people holding babies.” What’s most important is that you have something to complain about or concerns to minimize.

@15, The post says the shooting occurred “following a domestic violence incident” and it doesn’t take much effort for the reader to infer the guy holding a baby while actively fleeing a crime scene was in fact kidnapping the baby. But if that’s not enough information for you the article it’s summarizing is helpfully linked in the post.


Also worth noting the word kidnapping does not appear anywhere in the linked reporting so perhaps the Seattle Times is also worthy of a sternly worded scolding in the comments.


The Stranger shouldn't rail against regressive taxation and also blindly support every property tax levy put on the ballot, which as currently structured is also a regressive tax.


The middle class and the poor pay a greater share of taxes with a flat tax than a with a progressive tax so the argument that we "need" a flat tax because a progressive tax will lead to "people" paying more in taxes is rather fallacious


@14 is it really fear mongering when the WA legislature has never indicated they are open to lowering taxes? The capital gains tax could have easily been structured in such a manner (or at least included a small reduction in sales taxes) but it wasn't. Until they demonstrate otherwise I don't think its fear mongering to assume any new tax proposals will all be new revenue.


@13: so therefore, killing a Hamas commander is a war crime? is that your point?


Sales tax is a burden on the poor. Seattle needs to tax the billionaires already. Constantly submitting to the extremely wealthy to the detriment of literally every other person that exists is not a sustainable model. The homeless and poor are not destroying Seattle (or the United States), the wealthy and the greedy and all of the politicians doing their bidding are. Either things change drastically or we're all going to be living in more of a dystopian nightmare than we already live in. Enough already!


@22-- tS's
much prefer a little
Dystopian Nightmare
than taxing their fabulously
Well-to-Do 'benefactors" one
more Dime. besides, all that damn
SOCIALISM!!! just makes the weak even
Weaker; oddly, it doesn't seem to affect the
Fabulously-Well-to-Do like it does their Lessers

it's just
fucking Way.


@10- the sales tax is equally regressive on those with or without kids. It’s bad, but equally bad.

every flat tax proposal I’ve seen includes huge exemptions for kids, so that the effective tax rate for those without is much much higher. IIRC Steve Forbes, for example, was proposing something like a $11,500 exemption per person including kids. That would mean that a married parent of two making up to $46k (and this was in 2014 dollars) would have paid no tax, while a couple with no kids would have paid the flat rate (his was 17%, which is a far higher rate than under the existing system) on at least half their income. See Hence the screwing. And the “political reality” part of my comment acknowledges that any proposal line that is dead on arrival unless it makes big concessions to families.


To clarify, it’s the pandering to families that is the problem with a scheme like Forbes’.


@21 No, it wasn't my point. I was providing context given the Israeli far right is making noise about annexing even more occupied land, and as we know killing Hamas people is hardly ever the only result from Israeli incursions, right?


@20 As long as you aren't talking about lowering the amount raised in taxes I don't believe you'd find much opposition among Democrats to get rid the sales tax. Hasegawa and 7 other Democrats for example proposed to lower sales tax then have an income tax: "”There's no new revenue involved in this whatsoever. It's just a trade-off of progressive taxes for regressive taxes,” said bill sponsor Sen. Bob Hasegawa, D-Seattle."
Republicans are of course against it, which shows that their issue isn't the people paying more taxes for "new revenue" but having their most important constituency, the wealthy, having to pay more taxes due to progressive taxation.


@27 that bill was for a local income tax not a statewide one and didn't even make it to the floor meaning it didn't even have support on the Dem side to bring it to a vote. You can blame R's and "rich" people but the fact is most people in WA don't support an income tax for the simple reason they don't trust those in power (whether it be D's or R's) to slowly ratchet it up until its impacting everyone. Looking at the capital gains tax last year a bill was submitted (SB 5335) that would have lowered the threshold for the capital gains tax to $15K (levying an 8.5% tax which is more than the current 7%). It's just in the nature of government to think they can spend your money better than you can.


more News about our wannabee
Leader of the Free World:

Calls Out
Arlington National
Cemetery For Hazard-Filled Fairways

August 29, 2024

WASHINGTON—Bemoaning the terrible course conditions he encountered while visiting the military burial site, Donald Trump called out Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday for its hazard-filled fairways.

“I’ve played at amazing golf courses all over the world—like Augusta, Pinehurst, and Pebble Beach—and let me tell you, Arlington National Cemetery was the worst 18 holes I’ve ever played,” said the 45th president of the United States, adding that service was terrible at the 639-acre memorial, from the rude and overbearing guards, to the messy gravestones littered everywhere, to the distracting spectators who kept kneeling down and praying.

“Immediately after I teed off, I had no idea where the holes were, my golf cart started sucking up wreaths, and my ball got caught in this huge trap called the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Plus, it was impossible to order a lemonade or a BLT.

The waitress I called over just started sobbing.” At press time, Trump added that this was exactly why he preferred playing at Trump golf courses, where there was only one grave and it belonged to his late ex-wife.*


Dead when he
buried her but with
with eltrumpfster the
Truth is always Elsewhere


"It's just
in the nature
of government to
think they can spend
your money better than you can."

what Bezos
Suckerberg MUX
and eltrumfpster've
Always said: Taxes are
Communism! or Marxism!

or whatevertheFuck.

Let Them spend it!
they know Better
Than Anyone
how to cheat
the System.

it'll All


@12 — “Any income tax proposal has never included a reduction in other taxes. It's always about new revenue.”

This is false. The 2010 income tax initiative explicitly contained a 20% property tax rollback and only applied to incomes above $200k. It still lost in every county in the state. It lost 54/45 in King County!

This is why an income tax in WA remains a complete pipe dream. The public simply doesn’t support it. The only thing people hate more than the way things are is change.


@16: " doesn’t take much effort for the reader to infer the guy holding a baby while actively fleeing a crime scene was in fact kidnapping the baby."

@17: "...the word kidnapping does not appear anywhere in the linked reporting so perhaps the Seattle Times is also worthy of a sternly worded scolding in the comments."

So, it's ok if the Stranger's summary gets readers to infer something which may not be correct?


@28, @30

speaking of Billionaires
the hated Government
they'd Love to Drown
in the closest bathtub
& MUX's Xtwitter and
Raygunesque tripe &

"It's just
in the nature
of government to
think they can spend
your money better than you can":

The Egyptian comedian Bassem Yousef, one of the most acute and acid critics of Israel, has suddenly disappeared from X. Many assume he has been banned.

The Jerusalem Post highlights that, shortly before he vanished from X, he had written: “Are you still scared to be called an antisemite by those Zionists?”

Whatever the case, you will see Musk's X getting a lot more censorious over the next months and years, especially against what he is terming the "faaaaaar left" – that is, disparate groups of people he has lumped together who hold opinions either he doesn't like personally or that can damage his business interests.

Billionaires aren't there to protect free speech. They got to be billionaires by being very good at making money – by seizing markets, by inflating our appetite for consumption, and by buying politicians to rig the system to protect their empires from competitors.

Musk understands that the only people against a world based on rapacious profit and material greed are the "faaaaaar left".

Which is why the “faaaaaar left” are in the crosshairs of anyone with power in our rigged system, from the centrists to the right wing, from “liberals” to conservatives, from Blue to Red, from Democrats to Republicans.

The right and the centrists disagree only on how best to maintain that rapacious, consumption-driven, environmentally destructive status quo, and on how to normalise it to different segments of the public.

are competing
wings of a system
designed by a single ruling cabal.

--by Jonathan Cook

tonnes more:


32, What in the fuck are you even talking about. It’s a morning news blog post. Get a grip.


@34: Oh, please. The Stranger ripped details out of context, to create the appearance of a needlessly violent police officer who recklessly shot in the direction of an infant. This supports the Stranger's anti-police agenda.


perFecto! and
rightr on Cue:

Quietly Push Harris
to Drop Tax on Ultrawealthy

Vice President Kamala Harris’s
fund-raising has benefited from
a surge of interest from Silicon
Valley and Wall Street.



Patrick Mahomes is probably a Trumper too. He's said nothing about the entire Chiefs fan base being racist, and considers Harrison Butker a buddy. Fuck that team.


@33: What, you mistook the Xitter for some paragon of free speech? It's a (wanna-be) for-profit platform. The owner has stated that in addition to money, he also wants Trump re-elected. Expect contents of the Xitter to match. (Why the Stranger keeps obsessively linking to a pro-Trump site might be a better concern for you to address -- with them.)

@36: Politicians handle multiple issues. If you go to a politician and insist you have one and only one BIGGEST ISSUE IN HISTORY OF EVAH request, and they say No, then you obviously cannot have another one and only one BIGGEST ISSUE IN HISTORY OF EVAH request right behind it, now can you? One per customer.



you mistook the Xitter
for some paragon of free speech?"


my rant against
Billionaires as a misunderstanding
of Mxtwitter. small Wonder you're butthurt:

"Billionaires aren't there to protect free speech. They got to be billionaires by being very good at making money – by seizing markets, by inflating our appetite for consumption, and by buying politicians to rig the system to protect their empires from competitors.

The right and the centrists disagree only on how best to maintain that rapacious, consumption-driven, environmentally destructive status quo, and on how to normalise it to different segments of the public."

You are*
Cover for both
Billionaires and bibi
nuthnyahoo's little Genocide

on cue.

of All





@39: I was referring to the several paragraphs you’d blockquoted above that quote, starting with:

“The Egyptian comedian Bassem Yousef, one of the most acute and acid critics of Israel, has suddenly disappeared from X. Many assume he has been banned.”

That, and the two paragraphs which followed it, came across as your “golly-gee-willikers the Xitter actually bans folks” statements.

(I notice you still haven’t objected to the Stranger’s repeated use of the Xitter as a source…)



shit, Wormtongue.

quota system
is not My concern.

and your
my comment
into Even More
of your insidious
& oft-repeated Lies

def qualifies
you for ban-
here @



Speaking of Undue Influence


Blocks X
After Musk
Ignores Court Orders

The social network will go dark
in the nation of 200 million,
the result of an escalating
fight between Elon Musk
and a Brazilian judge
over what can be
said online.

Fucking Bravo. More:

here’s a reader’s comment:

In grade school we were taught that freedom of speech didn't mean you could yell "Fire" in a crowded movie theater.

No one questioned that exception to a cherished American freedom due to the common sense realization that a panicked crowd's probable reaction would cause massive personal harm.

Why should any responsible society allow an unconscionable billionaire to inflame a country's social divisions without consequences?

If only
our own leaders
showed similar spine
as exhibited by Brazil's court justice.

--@Tom; New Hampshire

oodles more:


@43: Yep, looks like the Xitter just got a Brazilian!

(Thank goodness material pulled straight from the Xitter can still be prominently displayed by the Stranger as fact, though. Where else would you get support for your beliefs?)


@33: "The Egyptian comedian Bassem Yousef, one of the most acute and acid critics of Israel, has suddenly disappeared from X. Many assume he has been banned."

It appears he recently deactivated his account voluntarily:

Kind of puts the "sinister Jewish behind-the-scenes-moneyed-influence" vibe your quoted author tried oh-so hard to say (but of course, not say) in perspective, doesn't it?


Where else
would you get
support for your beliefs?"


if the terlet's
good enough
for You I 'spose
it's ok for me too

on Hating
tS whilst having
perfect Attendance.

now that's ^


oh & how's this for a
Hearty Endorsement of
MUX's Mxtwitter wormmy?

will you
include this
in your cute little
Scorecard, little buddy?

"Why should any responsible society allow an unconscionable billionaire to inflame a country's social divisions without consequences?" --@Tom; New Hampshire

I find your constant calls
for Ideological Purity
a stupid distraction
but that's precisely
your Intention,
isn't it?

& Selling
Biggest Lies to
tS's Massive audience.



even read
MY Comments


and decided to take
a Closer Look at Gov. Walz
who we Decided was Perfect for veep.

I've got
That going for
Me, which is Nice.


@48: You just keep repeating that until you’re sure.

Meanwhile, the Stranger continues taking large amounts of material straight from the Xitter — a source you claim to despise — without a peep of protest from you. Whatevs, dude.


to see your
Wormtongue. they give
me Hope you'll reach that
Bad Place sooner rather than



@47: "I find your constant calls
for Ideological Purity
a stupid distraction"

Well, I was asking if it's too much for the Stranger to stop linking to a site whose owner wants Trump re-elected. Apparently you agree that it is, that it's perfectly ok for a "Progressive" site like the Stranger to give clicks and potential revenue to a pro-Trump site. I guess I see my concern as less about "Ideological Purity," and more about wanting Trump kept out of the White House.


ah Yes

with wormmy
oh so inquisitive
Wormtongue always
'seeking The Truth!' even
whilst located deeply in De Nile or
is it the Amazon River just like any CandirĂş
Wormtongue you can keep your factually-free
inquisitions cum extropolations or better yet you
can just put 'em where the sun don't never Shine.


@52, etc.: It's fun to see where all of your ranting about billionaires and 'Fascism' ultimately ended up: total collapse into limp acceptance of the Stranger linking to a site owned by a billionaire, and not just any right-wing billionaire, either; a foreign-born billionaire, who wants Trump re-elected.

(You must really have trouble understanding why you can't get anyone to agree with all of your other rants, about "GENOCIDE," AIPAC, etc.)


News in bibi’s
One-sided War
On Palestinians
Aka Keep bibi the
Fuck outta Prison/Jail:

lashed out at Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
accusing him of torpedoing efforts
to secure a cease-fire in exchange for
the hostages’ release. The country’s largest
labor union said it would go on strike on Monday.

bibi: End
this Massacre


"total collapse into limp acceptance"

the wormmy
we all Know &
despise. you go grrrl!

"you can't get anyone to
agree with all of your other rants"

screech for
affirmation is duly noted

Wormtongue. bugger tf offf.


& get
back to
your River:

"we Miss you,
CandirĂş!" can
you not Hear


@54: Nice attempt at distraction, but your extremely careful silence on the proximate cause of said unrest, Hamas' murder of six hostages (because the Israelis had gotten just a little too close to rescuing them) gave your game away. While no one will ever need yet more confirmation on how the lives of innocent Israeli civilians mean absolutely nothing to the "GENOCIDE!!!" crowd, your easy admission of it did come as a nice surprise. (Ironic, isn't it: this one thing you did not write will forever count for far more than everything you ever actually did.)

@55: Get back to your Xitter. Barring unforeseen sudden vast improvement, the Stranger will continue to feed you vast amounts of material from there, and you'll continue to swallow all of it with blissful satisfaction. Lapping up what you claim to despise might be a really unpleasant way to confirm Horseshoe Theory, but as confirm it you always must, no one should have any surprise you took the easiest available option.


ing that?



"While no one will ever need yet more confirmation on how the lives of innocent Israeli civilians mean absolutely nothing to"

there has been
no Bigger Apologist
for bibi's little Genocide.

looks like
shit's about
to hit the fan
for bibi's Exit


srael Prepares for Major
Labor Strike Over
Hostage Killings

Much of the country is set to shut down,
a dramatic reflection of outrage over the
deaths of six hostages in Gaza. The strike
follows massive protests calling for
Israel to reach a hostage deal
with Hamas.

Much of Israel’s economy was set to grind to a halt Monday morning as a labor strike to protest the government’s Gaza strategy laid bare a growing schism among Israelis over their leaders’ reluctance to swiftly agree to a cease-fire with Hamas.

In the broadest expression of anti-government dissent since the war began, union chiefs and business leaders were joining forces to pressure Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to agree to a truce in Gaza that could facilitate the release of roughly 100 hostages still held there by Hamas.

Most schools, many businesses and the nation’s largest airport were set to close.



let us
Hope so.

Free the Hostages.

Free Israel.

END the



"Hamas' murder of six hostages"

you mean

Isreali Offensive Forces as-yet-
Unsubstantiated Claim of:

"Hamas' murder of six hostages."

in your Haste
to pin their Murder
on ANYone But Israel
wormmy you don't disappoint

you Never Do.


@58, cont'd:

"Their plans echoed a national outpouring of grief, fury and protest after the bodies of six hostages were recovered in Gaza over the weekend.

[Jewish?]* Advocates for the hostages and critics of Mr. Netanyahu argued that a cease-fire agreement could have saved their lives.

Through months of cease-fire negotiations, Mr. Netanyahu has refused to agree to a truce that would involve Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza or lead to a permanent halt to the fighting, saying that either move could allow Hamas to survive and endanger Israel’s long-term security.

As a result, Hamas has also refused to compromise, saying that it will not release more hostages without a permanent cease-fire."

ya Go.



of Mxtwitter:

we Allow
Great Wealth
Too Much Power:

Musk’s Starlink Defies
Order to Block X
in Brazil

The satellite internet service
controlled by Elon Musk is
refusing to comply with a
court order to block his
social network, X,
regulators said.

The move also illustrated the sheer power of Mr. Musk and his business empire. Having built or bought leading companies with increasing control over how people connect and communicate, Mr. Musk is trying to leverage that influence to confront authorities and challenge laws he does not like.

--by Jack Nicas; Sept. 1, 2024
reporting from Rio de Janeiro


"money = speech."

--@Citizens United:
Destroyer of the USA and
of our little fucking Democracy.

oh and



"The move
also illustrated
the sheer power of
Mr. Musk and his business empire."

and cons!
really Love them
some Free Marketeers
like MUX - cuz he Gets their
Far Right Message ACROSS. NO
MATTER WHAT. Big Money gonna
Destroy Planet Earth, bitches. now what?



Sigh. There was a deal for a cease-fire and hostage exchange. Hamas literally destroyed it with an attack on Tel Aviv. All you’re doing by ignoring it is justifying Bibi’s refusal to repeat it.

(Also, what sort of deeply troubled country would refuse to work on the first Monday in September? Little wonder you take this as a sign of trouble!)

@58: Let us know when you and Johnstone have finally decided 10/7 was a false-flag operation by Shin Bet. (You know it’s just a matter of time for her…)

Shorter rest of it: “Elon Musk is evil. The Xitter is bad. The Stranger will not receive a word of criticism from me for avidly promoting both. Also, Fascism, so there!!”


@62 -- "I Hate tS
and Never miss
an Issue!"

well. weak sauce
even from you

your far right
Agenda be


@62 -- speaking of Caitlin Johnstone
(and an abridged Wormtongue):

The West
Truly Doesn't See
Palestinians As Human

The message is clear:
Israelis dying is a terrible
tragedy, while Palestinians dying
is just the normal way for things to be.

An Israeli dying should matter as much to you as your own family or friends dying, while a Palestinian dying should be regarded as a routine and natural event like a drop of rain falling from the sky.

And that’s an important message for westerners to be indoctrinated with. Can you imagine if we all started caring about western bombs being dropped in the middle east as much as we would care if they were being dropped on our own country, or on a country we’ve been conditioned to sympathize with?

All their carefully manufactured consent
would crumble, and people would
cease allowing the western empire
to do what it needs to do
to dominate the planet.

These people are actively working to
subvert our basic sense
of human empathy.

To twist our psyches
into being unable to recognize
the same level of humanity among
empire-targeted populations as empire-supported ones.

To see authorized populations
as worthy of care and sympathy,
and to see unauthorized populat-
ions as vermin in need of extermination.

Yes, our rulers really are that evil,
and so are the propagandists
who run the mass media.

So today I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the millions of Palestinians who’ve lost loved ones and had their lives thrown to the winds of chaos by Israel’s western-backed campaign of extermination, ethnic cleansing, and terrorism.

And I would like to remind my readers that Israel has exponentially more hostages than Hamas has, and murders them routinely, and rapes and tortures them constantly.

And it is right
that we should care
deeply about that. Even
if the people who rule over
us [and their psycophants] do not.

--by Caitlin Johnstone

so much more:



"And I would like to remind my readers
that Israel has exponentially more
hostages than Hamas has, and
murders them routinely, and
rapes and tortures them


@64: Again, let us know when you and Johnstone have finally decided 10/7 was a false-flag operation by Shin Bet. (It looks like she’s getting even closer!)

@65: Hahahahahaha… her attempts to shout down Israeli rape victims, international women’s groups, and the New York Times didn’t go very well, apparently.

(Also, what’s with her use of the plural, “readers”? You constantly copypasting huge gluts of her swill here doesn’t mean that anyone who happens to get caught in the deluge is one of “her” “readers”.)


since your
begging so profusely

"You Can Measure The Health Of
A Society By How It Treats Its
Warmongers And Its

When those who push for war are elevated to positions of prominence in government and media while those who push for peace are smeared as antisemites and Russian agents, you know you are living in a wildly dysfunctional civilization.

When politicians who promote the interests of empire managers and war profiteers rocket to the top echelons of government while those who promote the interests of war victims and ordinary people have their homes raided and their devices seized by police under counter-terrorism laws, you know you are living in a profoundly sick society.

When those who spend their lives promoting mass military slaughter at every opportunity are rewarded with esteemed and lucrative punditry careers while those who call for an end to mass military slaughter have their influence relegated to increasingly marginalized online platforms, you know you are living in dystopia.

War is the most insane thing humans do.
The most destructive. The most traumatizing.
The most destabilizing. The least sustainable.
The least morally defensible. The least conducive
to human thriving. It is promoted by the very worst
among us, and it is opposed by the very best.” Duh.

--by Caitlin Johnstone; Sep 03, 2024

well There ya Go
wormmy. Now get
Busy & burn it Down

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