

In gay news, two hand-holding skeletons previously called lovers have been identified as two dudes, and now "They could be siblings, cousins or just soldiers who died together in battle."

Two ancient skeletons that have become a symbol of imperishable love have both been identified as men. The two skeletons, known as the "Lovers of Modena," were found in Italy in 2009. Researchers could not previously determine the sex of the hand-holding deceased [...]
They could be siblings, cousins or just soldiers who died together in battle.


It was very generous of Grandpa Uncle Joe to call Bernie President. A senior-to-senior 'moment,' no doubt, but generous anyway.

Bernie rocked.

He's gotta lose that rasp. It might not give me second thoughts, but I'm a Diehard Bernie fan. Warren, too; hell, I'd take either one in a heartbeat over the current as-yet/for-the-moment-anyway unindicted co-Conspirator / US destroyer. (the ship's sinking, the donald) Who cheated to get there and obstructed Justice to remain.


The Warren healthcare “plan” you linked to isn’t a plan, it’s a bunch of platitudes. It doesn’t give any details about what will be covered, how much the plan will cost, or who will pay for it. That actually matters to some voters.

And I wonder if the #YangGang realizes how repellent that name is? The word “gang” almost always has negative connotations: gang bang, criminal gang, street gang, Gang of Four, gang rape, gang up, gang of thieves, etc. Yang needs a brand manager.


Haha. Beto and Juan are over. Of course, they never stood a chance anyway.


@3: Because why show an ounce of moral fiber even anonymously when you could just... not. Right? Must be nice, to be that complacently nihilistic.

@5: Great facts. They make your point so compelling.


I had not realized it was at a black college until now, that explains the constant Obama dick riding, and the racial pandering that was at extreme and patronizing levels even for these debates.


Oregon vapes pulled from shelves! Oregon retailers are pulling vapes from pot stores! OK, actually one retailer pulled 68 vape pens and 15 brands from its stores... but still panic! Mmm, delicious fear.
BTW, go Warren. I know we still got a long way to go but the thought of her facing off against trump ignites an ember of hope in the sea of cynicism I feel for our future. I'm almost excited to be excited again. I can't stomach the current debates but that's a fight I'd pay to see.


"BTW, go Warren"

Yes, when people see the massive tax hike needed on the middle class to pay for free everything, it'll be McCarthy-Nixon redux but without decent music on the radio. And now she's going all woke and engaging in intersectional identity politics bullshit her lies about being native American will really come home to roost.


@11 I very much look forward to a return to fiscal responsibility.


The Pocahontas thing is old news, and won't change voters' minds.
What matters is whether Warren will be seen as a genuine reformer, or simply pandering to left wing voters.


I had no idea universal healthcare coverage required genocide. Boy do I feel foolish for supporting it now.


@14 No, it just needs lots and lots of waiting rooms.


Thank Gawd for Industry apologists/spokespersonages/& the Undertakers League

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