

Vive la France!!!


@1 Unemployment at 9% (a low), anemic economic growth, riots, yellow vests, a brain drain, massive ghettos of unemployed pissed-off Arabs ringing Paris.

Sure, great place for a vacation if you avoid the shit holes.


You're presuming that our NATO allies are still feeding intel into our spy agencies.

I would not make that assumption, since they know we're honeycombed at all levels in ours, thanks to Trump.

That said, the only correct response to a call to arms in a War for Oil is a polite "Nope", since it is far more effective to starve the beast and replace the remaining fossil fuel imports with American made Renewable Energy, starving those who attack our elections of funds by cutting imports, and making our American energy systems resilient to foreign attacks.



Yes. France — with its incredibly low crime rates, free healthcare, higher life expectancy, high speed trains, and world famous cuisine and cultural attractions and record numbers of tourists who clamor to go there from all over the globe every year — is SUCH a hellhole. Who would ever want to go there?!

Jesus. What shit hole basement do live in, little trolling sock puppet— who does nothing and goes nowhere? HAHAHAHA.


At least France doesn't have a leader who is both certifiably insane, AND actively supporting Russian interests!


I would invite you to consider another alternative- these attacks are an organic growth in the ongoing Saudi/Yemen conflict. Iranian involvement is peripheral and limited.
The Houthi's have been launching drone and missile attacks with regularity and with increasing effectiveness.
Perhaps the real story here is that finally modern high-tech weaponry has evolved to the point that no civilian infrastructure can be secured from drone or smart-weapon attacks.


((The spectacular drone attack ))

How could you describe the attack’s as Spectacular!!
I am surprised how the would publish an article with this much hate!
you seem to talk like a war lord or a terrorist that enjoys watching terror attacks and comparing which is better.
Charles Mudede you are a desecrate to journalism& humanity!


@10 Not quite. It's the workers response to neoliberal "environmental" policies which amount to having workers pay for the climate crisis without resolving massive inequalities (in fact, Macron is just posturing for he has little intent to deviate from business as usual). The movement itself is de facto the demonstration that economic justice is an important part of the Green New Deal. Most French, educated or not, are already convinced of global warming and the need to act now.


@8 it's going to be very difficult to know who did what. What we know however is that Saudis have been eager to see oil prices go up for a long time, and the long serving, internationally respected, Saudi oil minister was just fired because he failed to deliver the price increase. The attack will cause oil prices to go up and who knows what else that Saudi Arabia wants (noise of saber rattling in the background)


@7 Unfortunately, they have a leader who is enforcing neoliberal orthodoxy as if it were 1989


@6 Let's give Feebles the benefit of the doubt. From his descriptions, it sounds to me like he prefers France to, say, Ballard.


This is where a Universal Basic Income would "soutien" (uphold) a basic standard of living for all, while keeping the economy going while we shift to environmentally sustainable practices. But that would just hand the middle- & lower-classes the ability to organize, and they know damn well 'we've got the numbers, baby' #UBI will be implemented over their dead bodies.

Suits me.


" Trump's unwise destruction of Obama's geopolitical program, which was continuous with (and not a break from) the US's long-established foreign-policy objectives."

Funny, I thought Mr Mudede would've had a more nuanced take on the Trumping of the US's FPO's.... since they are not globally popular, AND most American's have been kept from the warcrime realities of our geopolitics.


whoa.... neat new trick I just accidentally learned there!

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