

RE: "Read This" the story about the Seattle family who are now living in Mexico.

Really interesting story actually. Pretty well written.

One thing I always wonder about is how realistic the statements about crime are. I read about all the gang violence and crime in Mexico, but at the same time, I've read similar things about various places in the US. Ridden with crime. Don't go out alone at night. Girls kidnapped and raped and murdered. And then when I visited those places and went out at night... the crime wasn't there. I'm sure some of it must be true. I mean, stereotypes don't come from nowhere, but I can't help but think a lot of the talk about crime in Mexico is exaggerated in order to get impact.


Oh, c'mon. If this was a REAL Giant Japanese Movie Robot it would clearly be able to smash its way out of the warehouse. Leaving a robot head-shaped hole in the doorway.


@1....I too question just how accurate the gang violence that is reported in Mexico. I know several ex-pat Americans who live there and they all tell me the reportage of violent crime is nowhere near the truth and is over-hyped.


Didn't watch the Emmy's but Fleabag deserves all the accolades it receives and more.


@1 @3

The gangs in Mexico, like in the US, are almost entirely driven by the drugs trade. If you're not trying to sell drugs, don't look like you're trying to sell drugs, and don't go around asking a lot of questions about selling drugs, then the gangs will leave you alone (or maybe just mess with you a little bit, if you look particularly clueless). The violence can be horrific at times, but it's gang-on-gang violence.

It's another story when gangs are motivated by politics in addition to profit. This is where you'll see a lot of kidnapping of foreigners-- e.g. Libya, Lebanon, Iraq, Colombia, Venezuela.


Hmmmm.... smokescreening, to prevent tourists techies and transplants. I Like it. Say that reminds me-- it's Flooding outside! again

"It was a perfect conversation. It couldn't have been any better." --djtrumpfy

A financially, ethically, morally, and in-all-ways-bankrupft illegitimate "president" who couldn't tell the Truth, even if it'd save his ample ass, cannot distinguish between lawful and impeachable. Thnx, but no thanks, Repubs. ITMFA.


I feel this Rainier Infinity thing should be done so if your first traverse is say east-west, your second is north-south. So you're not repeating the route.


Imagine being so rich you could sue somebody. Wild.


@7 But then that wouldn’t be an infinity loop.



We hope the moderators delete your racists posts and close your accounts.
How dare you suggest things are not hopelessly violent in those countries;
are you suggesting that the throngs crossing our southern border seeking Asylum are exaggerating the level of risk they face?
Are you suggesting Mexico is not too dangerous for them to seek refuge there?
You are bad bad racists.


We are impressed that you Lefties are unfazed by a sitting VP using his office to strong-arm other countries into doing business with his son but call for The President who seeks investigation of the crimes to be impeached.
That is some world-class hypocrisy and evil.
Please do not be offended when we are unable to even feign surprise or sorrow when your leftist HellHoles implode on themselves.
The sooner the planet vomits you up the sooner the Human Race can begin healing.


@11, 12: Late start to your morning too, huh? We'll get through it.


According to the Senate and every dumb cracker in the GOP, carrying WMD into a crowded, enclosed entertainment facility is a jeBus-given right. How can this poor redneck enjoy the concert without WMD?


Just to refresh...
The US Congress had authorized $250 m in military aid to Ukraine.
The Trump administration had that money frozen.
Trump called the newly-elected President of Ukraine and informed him the funds would not be released until Ukraine initiated an 'investigation' into Trump's putative opponent in the 2020 election.
This is arguably the ugliest, most criminal abuse of power in American history.



If true, then the reality that these people aren't always fleeing violence, but instead are oftentimes simply seeking a more dignified and better quality of life for themselves and their children in a less deeply impoverished society is fucking scandalous.


@17 So true. We should just open the doors to 2/3s of the planet's population then.


Greta Thunberg addresses world leaders at the United Nations Climate Action Summit:

"People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosytems are collapsing. We are at the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth,"


@10.....Understand I (and presumably Ugurtha) were referring to Mexico and not the rest of Central America. Another thing, I don't have to "dare" to say anything in the slog. if what I write upsets you so much either quit reading or speak to the party's agit-prop committee about having me removed.



Just ignore it.


What's interesting is that the article (I'm referring to the US-Mexico one again) talks about people who live in Mexico and do just fine. People who wouldn't want to move to the US even if they were given a free ticket. Also, anecdotally, I've got two friends who say stories about Mexico being a poverty ridden, crime filled slum are simply incorrect. Like most other places on Earth, there are nice areas in Mexico and bad areas. Same with the US. The vast, overwhelming majority of Mexicans are happy there and would prefer to stay in Mexico. Just as most residents of other countries would prefer to stay in their own country. Of the few who do come to the US, they're mostly seeking work. Work that Americans will not do. I see no problem with that. The problem is with the companies/people who employ them.


@22, nothing like adults exploiting children for their own political means huh?


@10 Double plus ungood duckspeak




@26 First, she is 16. She should have the right to vote.

Second, It's also her future at stake so she is perfectly entitled to tell you to stop shitting the bed.


Just a reminder that when your iOS upgrades to 13.0, it's going to turn off all your privacy settings, turn on all the apps you disabled like Health that monitor you, and turn on your Bluetooth.

All without asking.

Also, the few apps you granted camera or microphone access to will suddenly not work.



"We should just open the doors to 2/3s of the planet's population then." --PC206er

Not to worry. When a scorched Earth shrugs off a couple billion, a few billions more are soon gonna be seeking relocation/ Habitation -- perhaps even here (wherever that is). All your guns will not protect you forever.


"We are at the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth." --Greata

She fucking NAILS it.


@33 People who are putting their wealth ahead of the earth climate are evil. What is cringe worthy is your constant apology for pillaging and trashing the only planet we have.


@32 Indeed, these are times when a 16 year old has to tell our economic and political elites their models are dangerous drivel.


@6 kristofarian: Agreed and seconded.
@16 Kallipugos: I know, right? ITMFA, and boot out Dencey Pencey, too!
Trump / Pence for Prison 2020.
@31 & @32 kristofarian and @34 & @35 anon1256 FOR THE WIN! Go, Greta!!
@33: Take it easy, Norman. I think your pearl clutching Mother is calling you.


The sophmoric venters' alternative is Certain Death for MOST of this Planet's inhabitants, ini what, 50, 100 years? If we follow the Koch's Model.

And, being Billionaires, they're free to spend at will -- even if their will drags this Planet into the Abyss.

But, WE won't be around to see it, so, it's not Really gonna happen.

Right? It's never happened before, so that just Proves it can't.

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