

2nd hand smoke's wiley pal synthetic fragrance--cologne, perfume, scented product--is an equally disturbing menace.


They both broke laws (smoking within 25ft of a restaurant entrance, assault) but no-one filed a police report? Good luck with the lawsuit, everyone.


The lawyers are smiling - as always!


"Coming from the perspective of someone whose loathing of cigarette smoke rivals anyone's on the planet"

I'm going to bet Dave is an ex-smoker.


Don't be an entitled douchebag and you won't get hosed down by street justice.


From the perspective of someone whose loathing of cigarette smoke rivals that of anyone..

Your treatment of parentheses is all over the place.

Good night.


The only time a vegan was right.


Nobody is going to sue. Dude looks homeless. Good luck getting him to all the court dates on time. Every time a chance to dismiss. No lawyer is going to want this headache. Plus its in SLC, everyone hates tobacco.


The committed smoker hired a lawyer who says that the smoker is suffering from "breathing problems, coughing", and is worried about the "long-term effects".


The worst person in this story is the filmer.


Smoking is a shitty habit, and also an addiction. I don't like doing it, and try to take other folks into account. Both did not come off well, true.

As far as your position regarding smokersĀ and meat eaters - point taken. You're not the first sanctimonious, tiresome, music critic to hold such an opinion. Regardless, go fuck yourself, Dave.


@7 I survived the days when smoking happened on planes and in restaurants routinely. My first job was helping out at Church bingo in the ā€˜70s, which probably will give me lung cancer in the next decade or two. I remember the days when going out to the bar meant coming home smelling like an ashtray.

As a non-smoker, I complained bitterly back then. And it is a nasty, disgusting habit that probably killed at least one of my grandparents. So I completely empathize with the hate.

That said, I think weā€™ve gone a bit to far to the opposite extreme. When smoking pot (which smells even worse to me) is more socially acceptable than smoking tobacco, thatā€™s a sign that things are out of whack.


Oh and if a vegan writes an article without sanctimoniously telling everyone not to eat meat, is he really a vegan?


Smoker was definitely being a dick. But I'm pretty sure the fire extinguisher sprayer committed assault and at the very least, he's lucky he didn't get beat up.


Smoking is an addiction that is very hard for people to quit; I'm not a smoker I just ask myself how would I feel if someone did that to me. Sure the smoker was in the wrong but the response is also wrong.

Were you not told as a child 2 wrongs don't make a right? it still holds true grow the fuck up.


@7 I've never smoked a cigarette in my life.



I stand corrected. My apologies.

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