It was a perfect call!
It was a perfect call! WIN MCNAMEE/GETTY

Good morning: Did you sleep well? Yes, impeachment is still in the works. No, you didn't dream it. There are even some developments! The Trump-Ukraine transcript has been released. The House is moving to formally object to the White House. And that's just impeachment. More about that in a second. In the meantime...

There are a lot of leadership shake-ups: Yesterday, WeWork announced its CEO was stepping down, which Chase told you all about (probably gleefully). Today, Juul announced it was replacing its CEO, Kevin Burns, and stopping all advertising thanks to this vaping crisis. Juul's crisis PR strategy is to lie low and comply with investigations and new policies around vaping.

Ocean levels are rising faster than ever: Sea levels are rising, fish are dying, and we're not doing enough to stop it. A report based on more than 7,000 studies read at the United Nations on Wednesday said that the oceans are expected to rise three feet by the end of the century if global temperature rise isn't halted. That would see wetter and more intense El Niños and more frequent and more intense hurricanes. It would kill fish species and weaken currents. There would be less snow, less ice. It's all bad. Maybe we should listen to Greta.

We should also congratulate Greta: Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old climate activist from Sweden, was just nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. She would be the youngest ever to receive the prize, just behind Malala Yousafzai who got the award when she was 17. Thunberg also received an award, the Right Livelihood Award, which has been dubbed an alternative Nobel Prize.

The transcript is here: Trump released notes from his July 25 call with Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky. In it, he "encouraged his Ukrainian counterpart to contact Attorney General William P. Barr about investigating a political rival." That included specifically naming Joe Biden. While Trump gleefully tweeted about the release and that Democrats seem to have been duped by this false smoking gun, there will be intense scrutiny of the transcript, which can easily be manipulated and tweaked by the White House.

Remember that Trump allegedly withheld military aid from Ukraine before this call...:

Democrats want the full complaint: The White House hasn't turned over the full whistle-blower complaint that jump-started this whole inquiry into Trump's call with Ukraine. And Congress wants it. Well, needs it. Democrats also want the whistle-blower to testify. It's going to be quite the day. Meanwhile, Trump said that impeachment proceedings will only help his reelection bid.

Black BMW is armed and angry: There were reports last night of a driver shooting at cars on northbound I-5 in Seattle. One driver said a black BMW zoomed aggressively past him and then someone fucking shot at him! This is not The Fast and the Furious, 2 Fast 2 Furious, Fast 4, or any other iteration of that franchise. The driver got off at the Lake City Way exit. State troopers believe the shootings may be connected to road rage.

Seattle police reformer receives MacArthur genius award: Lisa Daugaard created the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program that pairs low-level offenders to services instead of putting them in jail. She's also the executive director of the Public Defender Association and served on Seattle’s Community Police Commission since it was born in 2013 until 2019. Daugaard was shocked when she got the call saying she had received the genius award and the $625,000 that comes with it for her police-reform efforts.

Some weather whiplash: It's going to get cold starting this weekend.

Comcast is boosting our internet speeds: Supposedly—and I have no proof of this because my internet has been absolute ass for the past week—85 percent of users in Washington have seen their download speeds increase. Oh. I didn't read the next sentence before typing. Only people with certain packages got a boost. Those motherfuckers better not have Apple'd us and slowed down other internet speeds because there was something new and faster on the market.

Someone installed a fake speed-camera warning in West Seattle: It says: "Speed Limit 30. Photo Enforced." The Seattle Department of Transportation said that it didn't put that sign there. Is someone trying to slow traffic in their neighborhood? Just get a "Slow: Kids at Play" sign like the rest of us.

While we're on the topic of Ukraine: Last week, I mentioned my roommate's obsession with foreign children who can sing well. It's a niche interest. But she showed me this clip from the Ukrainian Voice competition. And, well, this 10-year-old Ukrainian girl is a force of nature:

Canadian proposes with a carrot: This man proposed to his girlfriend by growing a carrot inside a diamond ring. He had a green thumb, he could pull off growing a RING around a CARROT. He planted a seed in the middle of the ring in some soil. He waited 90 days (a different kind of 90-day fiancée, huh?) and had his girlfriend pull it out, not knowing whether the ring had successfully grown around the carrot. It had. They're engaged.

McDonald's is thirsty for tech: The fast-food chain is a glutton for new technology, and its CEO wants to turn it into "the Amazon of excess sodium." The newest development is that McDonald's is now using Alexa and Google Assistant in the application process. The CEO also wants to implement license-plate scanners in drive-throughs to better keep track of orders and use touch screens at kiosks that will suggest food items based on the weather.

Vox Media gobbles up New York magazine: And five related websites.

Gaming in North Korea: A new game released by North Korea for its new mobile phones is called King of Scoring 2019. It uses the likeness of Portuguese soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo. You can even play as him! The graphics aren't very good, though.

Today's EverOut picks are: A drag performance- and commentary-filled viewing of the pre-RuPaul's Drag Race treasure Starrbooty, BIG MOOD: A Night of Fat Fashion, and a chance to check out Leeds-based DJ/producer Nightmares on Wax. See more on our EverOut Things To Do calendar.