

Best headline today: "Certain American man today are dying deaths of despair."
Good. I hope it's the entire Republikkkan Evil Empire.


@1: awww, shit! Make that: "Best headline today:"Certain American men today are dying deaths of despair."
The more that fall from this benighted Err of Trump, the better.


@ auntie gee
Looks like you're getting OUR Wish:

"The White House is currently trashing its own
top diplomat to Ukraine after his testimony today."

Let that be a Lesson to all trump employees, Planet-wide:
if you're close at hand, you're gonna get tossed under the fucking bus.

NEVER disagree with The Boss.


Auntie, I like what you have to say generally, but we cannot feed on the suffering of our fellow Americans, because as wrong as they are, as sinful as they are, we only become bottom feeders when we display the same vindictive propensities. I know I am a hypocrite to say this, but as a nation we must celebrate our unity and resist demoralization. When people are demoralized, they become vulnerable to normalization, and we can only resist that with upholding the common good of all Americans. It does feel good to see the people take the bucket challenge of cold hard reality, but we can't ignore the reason for such awareness in the first place. We must educate and not kick ourselves when we are down.


But hold those mofos accountable, shine the light of truth into your household, and keep the devil in the night.


@3 kristofarian: you've lost me. You do WANT the Trump / Pence Evil Empire to go down in flames, right?
@3 Devo fan: I prefer not to be hypocritical. Therefore, I stand behind what I speak / scream out.


@5 scream it loud and scream it proud. I'm just saying a house divided cannot stand is all.


I don’t actually care about Brexit. I just like watching Tories get kicked in the crotch.


Because I'm bored and Chase is lazy and/or drunk, here are the percentages from the chart given in this Slog PM (ballots returned out of "active registered" voters):
District 1: 3.65%
District 2: 2.38%
District 3: 3.38%
District 4: 3.11%
District 5: 3.22%
District 6: 2.56%
District 7: 2.85%

I'm not sure why any of this counts as "really, really wanted to vote" unless Chase thinks ~3% is a meaningful number for some reason.


@6: How is the House divided? We have more than enough incriminating evidence against Trumpty Dumpty ad nauseum. We need to flip the Senate and are on our way to doing just that. Mooch McDumbbell is jowl-faced shit on toast. The irony here is that if Hillary Clinton had been caught committing one twentieth of the heinous crimes Trumpty Dumpty is guilty of, she'd have been impeached and imprisoned instantly. Clinton won by the popular vote. She was ONLY candidate qualified for the job of #45. Trumpty Dumpty is nothing but a shit-spewing squatter illegally occupying the White House.

@9: ......says the resident troll who wants everyone down to the last three-year-old to bear arms, especially in a Wal-Mart, or just down the street from a public school, right? How are your triglycerides, lately, sugarlips? I'm surprised you can breathe at all. High fructose corn syrup is a silent killer.


Aging gristle, more like it.


@11 Seeing Stars: Isn't it past your bedtime?


@8 The full line: Really, really wanted to vote "right away"—because ballots just landed in mailboxes last Thursday & Friday. They voted as soon as they could. A+.


I sure hope the last (of the Skywalker story) Star Wars movie turns out well. The previous two movies with Rey & the Gang have been entertaining individually, but seem pretty lurching and disjointed when taken together. Here's hoping the third one brings it all together, because I'll inevitably be seeing it. Disney has been giving my family a very convenient choice of film to see together in the theater the last few years, and I'll miss that excuse when they're gone.


"Certain American men are dying deaths of despair" . . . Did you bother to read it?

The piece doesn't mention lack of access to adequate health care. Yes, it all comes back to our shitty, profit-driven, compassionless US health care system (pay up front or you have to leave). Being out of work in the states talked about means little to no health care. The Medicaid systems in those states are among the worst.

And since when are the Deep South states the Heartland? Whatever Yahoo at Yahoo that wrote the piece should be strung up by the balls or ovaries for that error. The term Heartland has always referred to the Midwestern agricultural states (Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Wisconsin, Minnesota, etc.).

The piece also fails to mention the long-term devastation that was wrought by Katrina in Mississippi and Alabama, where destroyed infrastructure still hasn't been fully replaced and many jobs were washed or blown away never to return.

God help anyone who relys on Yahoo Finance for hard news.


@16 "heartland" isn't a term of geography but of sociology. Or maybe even psychology.

Its similar to "working class" which, by any sensible definition in today's world would refer to a single mother working three minimum wage jobs but is instead used to describe white middle class roofing contractors with 20 employees.


@16, 17,

When you think "Heartland" you've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the New West. You know... Morons.


Don't even wanna try and picture the view of those living under the Bible Belt (the Taker States!). Seems the odor might could get to 'em, after a bit...


Oh the sick, demented irony of Witch McConnell schooling the Trurnp about using loaded racist language... oh my god-forsaken stars... Still, I take McComell's recent (bowel) moves to indicate that the tide is turning. Remember that the R's hate him too.

@3.1 -- "NEVER disagree with The Boss."
Except that's impossible, because the boss changes his mind hourly. Just knowing what not to disagree with is a full-time job. The poor dears are just exhausted!

3.2 -- That's why we need to start eating the rich. Talk about a morale booster! AND dinner.

I thought it was ""Captain America men are dying deaths of despair"" which sounds more darkly accurate.

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