

So there’s this puppet for sale on called Egon, and he comes with free two day shipping. He used to cost a million and a half dollars, but he has been deep discounted to zero dollars, owing to the fact that he can’t do a damn thing.

Kshama Sawant, oddly, is not for sale.



I wonder what flavor dipping sauce Katie will get to go with her crow McNuggets


This council is not more progressive than the one elected four years ago. Strauss is less liberal than O'Brien. Pedersen is a lot less liberal than Johnson. Lewis for Bagshaw is a wash. The only seat more liberal than 2015 is D2, swapping Morales for Harrell.


@1 Wandering Stars, @2 Sargon Bighorn, @4 Lissa, and @5 German Sausage: Agreed and seconded.
@1 Wandering Stars, @4 Lissa and @5 German Sausage in a 3-way tie for the WIN!
@4: Lissa; Sour Grape gets my vote.
@5 German Sausage: Our next step is to give Mooch McDumbbell the boot and flip the Senate, baybee!


Bret Stephens is a conservative that NYT allows to run the occasional column to keep up the charade of not being "totally liberal" (full disclosure: I love the NYT), so idk that I'd say he represents the entire island's opinions.
Based on the booing alone at Dem Debate watch parties here in NYC, no one in NYC likes candidates from NYC


Can't wait for Seattle to turn into PNWs version of skid row, homeless issue will continue to get worse as it has under Sawants influence. Honestly kudos to the Stranger for getting uneducated voters to think this whole election period was Progressives VS Amazon.



You have either a profound sense of irony or are entirely ignorant of PNW history.

Skid Row was an actual place in Seattle in the 1870’s. It’s the trail created by loggers as they drag fallen timber- a skid that dug a row into the ground over time.

Since you are fundamentally ignorant of Seattle, our history, culture and politics, kindly shut the fuck up and get the hell out.


As a rejoinder, that which is not from us, or by us, is nor for us. Seattle - and Cascadia more generally- is a unique culture in and of itself distinct from the United States. Neither the fronteirsmen of Fort Nisqually nor I would have recognized commonality with the US as anything other than a geographical accident. You are occupiers here, and unwelcome ones at that. Those who call this strange place home could do well without you, and many of us look forward to your future absence.

If you do not understand Cascadia, you cannot comment on her. Socialism is and has always been part and parcel of this land, as far back as the potlach, from Councilmember Piper to Councilmember Sawant, from the General Strike to Occupy. If you do not know what these strange words mean, you do not know our history. And without that fundamental basis of understanding, you are ill equipped to enter the political ring with us.

Reds are as much a part of the fabric of our culture as the trees themselves. This is our home.


@7: Correction: I agree with everyone above mentioned except @2 Sargon Bighorn.


12 The red and the black flag. Thank you wandering stars for your eloquent response. Remembering the early 20th century revolution in Seattle. People need to learn their history.


Once you get out of Seattle proper, Bellingham and Olympia it’s more like Washingtucky than it is the mythical free thinking bastion of Cascadia (nothwithstanding leaving PDX and BC out for the sake of this argument). I agree with the goals of Cascadia as a bioregion and the thinking behind it. The growth, transit, climate impact and ecological policies enacted in the state are more often than not completely opposite of what Cascadia hopes to accomplish.

Even in Seattle, thought by many to be one of the most progressive cities in the country, attempts to legislate Cascadia friendly initiatives have been fought at every level with the corporate interests winning most of the time. Transit, progressive taxation, housing density and worker’s rights are a few examples of where the city (and the country as a whole) have fallen short. The oligarchs in Seattle appear to be a bit more benevolent than the rest of the country.



Not even remotely true. Jefferson County, Island County and Whatcom County are all even more progressive than Seattle in many ways. Jefferson County has actual, bona fide socialized medicine- the local hospital chain is literally owned, lock stock and barrel, by the county government.

Centralia has a gay mayor. Tacoma has two gay city council members and a Black mayor (the second in a row), and has a very strong union presence, as does Everett.

Rural as it gets Skagit County ran progressive state legislature candidates this year in a by-election. Wahiakium County is run by the Grange, a group of progressive agriculturalists.

I don’t think you actually know anything about our state. Or maybe you just never ventured past Clark County. Or you’re just grasping at straws.


"47 states and the soviet of Washington!"


San Juan county has trounced every Republican't presidential candidate since at least Bush 1.


@17 The split has always been east/west, and I notice you don't mention a single district on the other side of the mountains.

Then again, people who invoke the imaginary land of "Cascadia" usually don't include eastern WA or the Oregon high desert in whatever they're blithering on about.



Cascadia, by definition, is everything west of the Cascades. Hence, the name.


@14; I'm not an emcee, sugarlips. You should know that. Besides, Sargon was trolling.


@22 You live in Washington State, not in an imaginary country. And you were berating The Old Soundman for his failure to "actually know anything about our state," not his failure to know anything about a make-believe land that doesn't exist. Actually.



It’s a bioregion, not yet a country. Someday, we will be an independent country. But for now, we are a bioregion.

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