

Time to rewrite all those local, national, and international think pieces!


Ugh. Gross. It just goes to show that liberals can be as gullible as conservatives.


“Buh buh buh... duh will uh duh peeplz!”


Well. Even if she loses these narrow margins don’t really support the conservative groundswell revolt narrative from the usual dipshit brigade in here.

The worlds largest corporation blew obscene amounts of money and pulled out all the fear mongering PR stops in a pathetic local race against a very, very disliked politician and still couldn’t really budge turnout numbers or get anything close to a mandate.

All this race shows is luke-warm ambivalence for Sawant and the predictable poor effectiveness of Amazon’s amateur weight throwing.

But what do you expect from the worlds supposed richest dude who was stupid enough to be entrapped into texting dick pics to an obvious Republican aparachik — one not even hot enough to be spat out of a low grade soft core porn career — and costing him half his fortune in the process.


Millennials are killing the conservative groundswell industry.



Fuck off, Vel Du- Ray.

And Fuck you too, Katie Herzog.


@ 7 - fucking amen.


Whoa there. It's not over yet — them eggs haven't hatched all the way.

I'd curb the smug victory crowing as much as the dumbfucks in here should've on Wednesday. You never know. I'd wait at least four or five days. There could even be some legal challenge. You never know. Amazon has the money, after all.

AS much fun as it is to imagine the Slog trolls weeping in their morning corn flakes, their cognitive dissonance is astoundingly robust (and basements apartments don't even have breakfast nooks). And frankly they don't have to the attention spans to even appreciate the irony.


If nothing else, tensor's smug, spiteful assumption that Sawant was going to get blasted out of office in some sort of epic landslide defeat turned out to be...just silly.


@5: Probably cost him tons more than it would have to just accept the Amazon tax and pay it.


It's MRS. Vel-DuRay, Wandering Stars dear. Please make a note of it.

And I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I know how difficult it can be when one's catechism is challenged. But take comfort in the knowledge that your hero will have another term on the council to accomplish nothing for the people of her district. If you start to feel down, maybe you can add a few more protest buttons to your backpack. That always cheers people like you right up.


@13 Salty.


I'm glad Sawant won, mostly because Shaun Scott didn't. I'd gladly trade Sawant/Pedersen for Orion/Scott.


Hey, I found Egon Orion is for sale on amazon and comes with free prime shipping. He was going for a million and a half, but I guess he got deep discounted fatter they found out he couldn’t do anything.

And Vel Du-Ray, fuck you very much!


@13 I will never understand people who hold internet grudges. Good grief.

But the 3rd doesn't need a pork-barrel politician. it's one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the country, and the city already showers favors on it. An ideologue who puts her effort mainly into rousing speeches is perfect for a district that has everything, and if the ideology they're partial to up there isn't the flavor you'd prefer, well, where's the harm? Different strokes, you know.

She can't be a do-nothing and at the same time be a dire threat to society, can she?


“ Where will the sales and property taxes to fund the progressive agenda come from then?”

From that old socialist trick book, you just print money! Best wealth creation scheme ever invented.



Does that include Dennis Rodman's Weedcoin pitch to Kim Jong-un?


@18 Well, there's also oil revenue. That's how Norway does it, anyway.

The US government may end up owning all the domestic oil wells one of these days. The bean-counters have been saying there's a bubble in Fracking finance. The oil burns just fine, mind you, but the investment bankers have done way more coke than usual while funding it. If the recent past is any indicator, when the bubble pops, the economy will be propped back up by having the Feds buy up all the worthless paper, which would in theory nationalize a good chunk of the wells, if only temporarily.

A weird idea, I know, but we live in spectacularly weird times.


@ both 12 & 18: Are you two n00bs that slow on the uptick, or are you buffoons trolling for hollers? Close the loopyholes Bezos and the other Greedsters use to steal money from the Hoi Polloi ( & sales taxes are Morally Regressive in the USA: a Progressive income tax coupled with a wealth tax would fill the public coffers in short order if enough citizens bothered to grow a fucking conscience! --- & & 😁).


@21 I'm with you there, but I find the term "greedsters" embarrassing. That's how you get a reputation for talking down to people, you know? Working stiffs are already condescended to more than enough, and they can smell it a mile away. Save the baby-talk for congressional hearings.


It's Vel-DuRay, Wandering Stars, dear. Keep trying, one of these days you'll get it right.

And robotslave, one thing CM Sawant isn't is a "dire threat" to anything. She's a Leschi resident who took a fancy to politics and being on the TV. A more polite, less crazy version of Alex Zimmerman. She got the attention of the perpetual undergraduate set, and apparently there's enough of them left in District 3.

But, $15 minimum wage aside (which was done with a coalition, not by some imperial order on her part), tell me one thing she's accomplished.


@24 Thank you for noticing that Sawant catches flack for bandwagonning onto $15/hr, yet also gets villainized for championing the measure on the council. Pick a lane, as the kids used to say. You can't claim it's all her fault and also totally none of her doing.


24, and what exactly are you? You’ve never run for anything, never attempted to take on a leadership role beyond debutante. What exactly are you good for, anyway? A few catty remarks and some pancake makeup?

Darling, Tammy Faye is dead. I know it’s hard to let go. Especially when you’ve developed an addiction to Latisse and Aqua-Net


Wandering Stars dear, you're distraught. Why don't you lay down in a dark room and rub some Eau de Cologne on your temples? That always calms me right down.


Not a bad idea. See ya in the morning


It's MRS Vel-DuRay, Sargon dear. Please make a note of it.

And, as you know - being an old Slogger yourself - people can speak to me however they like. I'm no shrinking violet, and I love give-and-take.


Catalina, your anti-Sawant animus is unhinged.
Re-read your copy.
You and Katie H are opposed to Councilmember Sawant for the same basic reason-
you just don't like her.
This business about her 'not accomplishing anything'- ? In contrast to whom? Complete, transparent b.s.
Anyway, elections over. You need to get along with Kshama and we all need to get along with Amazon.
It's back to focusing on our real ideological opponents now and it is neither Sawant or Bezos.


@33 kallipugos: Thank you and bless you.


kallipugos dear, I am not at all unhinged. I am reality-based. And I have "gotten along" with CM Sawant all along, and will continue to do so (after all, she was duly elected, and in any event, I'm not in her district).

Indeed, I voted for her originally. But I observed her in her position - not just gushed over her performances - and I'm not impressed. If that makes you feel like I don't like her, that is your cross to bear. And while that was a lovely attempt at diversion by asking me to compare her non-performance to others non-performance, I'll just ask again: what has she done?

I guess the MAGA mentality comes in a variety of flavors. But none of them taste very good.



The family tree of aristos tend to get kinda telephone pole like after a few generations. Not too many branches, if you get my drift. Thats why hemophilia is such a problem.


38, fuck it, if they want out, then go, damn it. Get out. Quit whining like a little bitch and move as far away from this place as you can. We don’t need you, we don’t want you, and we don’t like you. We certainly will not miss you once you have left.


Won't Amazon's vacation leave
10,000 units begging for fulfillment?

I'm sensing Trickle-Down housing...


Raindrop dear, I come from a matriarchial society. Men take our names. Surely you've seen references to Mr. Vel-DuRay in my comments all these years?

But I have news for everyone: Even if Amazon were to leave tomorrow (which they won't), even if Amazon were to move everything to the eastside (which they won't), even if Amazon were broken up (which could happen), things will never go back to the way they were. You're crying over yesterday's rainbows if you think that.

The Seattle of the 70's and 80's was a slacker's paradise because Boeing had laid off half the state, and automation/consolodation/the internet had not yet begun to take its toll. Thus, you could get an apartment for $400 bucks a month in Pike/Pine, or a house for $35k, and pay for everything off of a unionized salesclerk job at one of our three department stores, or a teller at one of our 14 different banks.

That ship sailed, as Mother Vel-DuRay used to say, and it's not coming back to this port. Washington has a favorable business climate, is exceedingly kind to the wealthy, and beautiful scenery. Even if everything went to Bellevue, or Everett or Bremerton, people would still want to live in Seattle (no matter what the screaming meemees of KOMO say)

We can play at Socialist and congratulate ourselves for our moral superiority, or we can start looking at ways to provide a more equitable region. So far, we're choosing to play at Socialist.


@42 -- Landlords'll leave 'em empty?





We will get it without you. If you hate this place, and the people who live here, leave.



What’s keeping you? Git!


That bitch is dead. If you want to shag her corpse, go for it, I’m sure you’ll score points with the Goth crowd.



Can’t say that I have, although I imagine the lack of flesh might make the physical act kinda weak. They say 90% of sex is all in your head, but they never say which head, do they? And that other 10% is awfully damn good.

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