

Almost makes me want to sue Washington because I understood what the NO meant on I-976 and I was pissed off over my tabs. If you need that kind of money just be up front no need to be shitty like Sound Transit is.

Sure it'll hurt someone ... how many times as a Seattle voter have we voted for higher taxes to get our roads repaired and how's that going? Be thankful you don't have a car with a low undercarriage.

Should move as honestly Seattle's politics stink and the inaction makes me want to try being a republican which seems insane ... that's what you get for trying to track local politics


Tim Eyman can never get laid. This is partly because he hasn’t taken that shirt off for twenty years, and he smells really bad. It is also partly because nobody wants to be remembered as the guy that fucked Tim Euyman’s office chair flattened ass. A few years ago, he was spotted trying to blow passed out drunks on Volunteer Park benches, but even a blackout drunk can’t handle Tim Eyman’s smell.

The side effect of this is, he had become a bitter old incel, taking his rage out on anyone who has recently had an orgasm. Transit riders don’t drive, and therefore can safely get laid on the light rail. This is one reason why voters in Everett and Tacoma are so upset that they have been paying to join Seattlites in fucking on a train, and have yet to get a station. It’s like 16 years with no nookie, even though they’re paying for nookie. They want Sound Transit to hurry the fuck up and lay that goddamn track. Tacomans are HORNY, people. And while Tacoma is full of blue collar leather daddy tops, Seattle is a city full of twinky bottoms that Tacoma desperately wants to fuck. Especially on a train.

Tim Euyman, on the other hand, or, gland, cannot get laid. And therefore, he, like those sexless priests of the Catholic Church, will do anything to cock block the rolling orgy between Tacoma and Seattle. If he can’t cum, nobody else is allowed to either.


I-976 was on the ballot only to get stupid people out to vote, and then vote against Affirmative Action because they were there anyway.

Washingtonians are notably gullible.


I hope Tim Eyesore's disastrous I-976 is deemed unconstitutional and scrapped, along with educating stupid voters who only read "$30 car tabs! Whee!" at the ballot.
@3 Catalina Vel-DuRay: Fortunately, I am not one of them. Anything I see sponsored by Tim Eyesore is an automatic NO vote.


I can't be the only one who suspects Eyman writes these things to get tossed in court by design. That way, he can fleece his marks over and over again and doesn't even have to cook up a new batch of snake oil.


Yes Wandering Star, very certainly Eyeman has not got his noodle wet in the past 20 years, and that's probably why he is such a dickhead. You up to taking one for the team? It's a huge ask but think what you'd be doing for the great state of should be called Cascadia!


I-976 was on the ballot for one reason, and only one reason: to earn another grifting paycheck for Tim Eyman, the perpetual initiative pimp. He's made the initiative process into his only source of income for the last 20 years. If he were serious, or any good at his "job", he'd have known going into it that I-976 obviously would be ruled unconstitutional. He could have written an initiative that might actually withstand constitutional scrutiny, but why bother? He got what he wanted: another paycheck for pimping another initiative.

And it won't matter to him that this one gets tossed out by the courts either. He'll be back next year pimping another initiative to cash another paycheck.



I’d have to think about it.


@5 and @7
Yes, yes and yes!
Where's a financial incentive to toss the plates into the air- who cares how many are shot down?


"we’re the people that actually have the money"

... Yes. That's the point. That you (#notallboomers) got while the getting was good and now you're sitting smug, clueless about the current economy, and uncaring about the world the youths are going to live into.


@5 bingo. He's literally done this before and he'll keep doing it because why not? it's a more lucrative grift than shoplifting chairs can ever be.


@5, @7, @12, and @14: Bingo to all four of you. The trick is how to make Tim Eyesore's endless tide of evil initiative schemes unprofitable. Take his dirty money away and he's just a helpless, crying mama's boy.


If liberals want to kill I 976 by the courts, then they will get fucked over in the next election.

I voted against it I 976 but the voters said yes and trying to do it and run around them is going to create a lot of transfers


Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor told California Dem Eric Swalwell that the “holding up of security assistance that would go to a country that is fighting an aggression from Russia, for no good policy, no good substantive reason, no good national security reason, is wrong.”

I say sending US arms to Ukrainian neo-Nazis is wrong. Even Obama—whose administration helped put the Ukrainian neo-Nazis in power in 2014—wouldn't send them arms! Too late for a retroactive impeachment?


AARP: Baby Boomers have all the money
Retiree: Why are all the kids into socialism these days?
Everyone else: Ok, Boomer.


@19 Gen X’er here. My household is well on its way to a comfortable retirement in our 60s. College funds are flush, 401Ks and Roths moving along nicely.

Ok, millennial?


When you're so pathetic that you're reduced to wondering about Tim Eyman's sex life, you may have lost the argument.


@5 You're spot on. Eyman has lost on these grounds so often that I believe it's a racket. The single subject rule is easy to understand. But if he won an initiative and won on appeal, he'd be out of a job. If Ernest T. Bass were looking for a sustainable living, he wouldn't become a rock thrower. He'd become a glazier whose side-hustle was rock-throwing. That is Tim Eyman.


When you're so pathetic you're reduced to swinging an invisible, virtual, and more than likely nonexistent, dick around on blog forums from never ending sock puppet accounts, you may never have had an argument to begin with.


Eyman intends for these initiatives to be unconstitutional. If he passed something that made sense then he wouldn't be able to raise money on the outrage at it being overturned. Look at his record... oh, never mind. Send him a check. Dig deep. I hear he's resorted to stealing office chairs.

The new Sonic trailer is good. I watched it back to back with the old one and they look like different movies. Unfortunately whoever cut the second trailer didn't recut the whole movie so it probably will still suck.


@16 What are you going to do? Abolish the initiative system?

Maybe that's the right thing to do. More and more its becoming an implement for commercial interests - an inversion of its original intent. There was one down in Arizona posted up by the payday loan industry. Dunno if it passed.

I think probably its just something we'll have to endure as a symptom of our decadent society. The feeble institutions on which America hobbled through its first couple hundred years simply can't withstand the internet.



No. The military is about the only decent institution this country has left.


None of these initiatives are politics, they are about a paycheck for Tim. Hes been doing it for 20 years and he cant write an initiative that wont get thrown out? Yeah, that's the point. So he can get paid to do it again. It would be funny if it didn't cost taxpayers so much.. What could we have bought with all the legal fees?


@26 - What are you asking me for? I guess its something I could imagine Trump trying to do, but I can't quite believe anybody is really ready to die for Donald Trump. Its fun to imagine him re-enacting the final scenes of Scarface, but in the Oval Office.


" but we’re the people that actually have the money,"

Way to feed into the stupid inter-generational fighting while 1 boomer in 3 is in debt at the end of the month. All generations are affected by extreme wealth and power concentration at the top. Blaming each other, rather than presenting a common front, is really not the way to address these issues.


Yeah, I don't understand this intergenerational animous. It doesn't add up. Sure, a lot of the Boomers had it "easy" growing up during the post WWII boom, in a society that cared a bit more about its people. So I guess they seem spoiled by today's standards. And sure, enough of them swung to the right and embraced Reagan (and Clinton's) awful economic policies, but a lot of them didn't. As anon says, there are plenty of broke Boomers, too. And remember, it was the Boomers who practically invented civil disobedience, political protest movements that gave us civil rights legislasion and the anti-war movement which shead light on the dark dealings of the CIA.

I think it's silly to blame the economic inequalities and the gap in opportunity on Boomers. It remains a split between left and right. Yes, there are a lot of awful right-wing and "socially progressive but economically 'conservative'" assholes amongst the Boomers. But the GenX-ers and Millenials have their share of dreadful Libertarians looking out for number one and only number one. I actually fear these people more, as they don't see any value in the basic collectivist mechanics that gave the Boomers and their parents the "easy" life they had.


@25 Alden: I'm just saying--if we take away the dirty money away from the insanely wealthy and corrupt, they pretty much have no more power to abuse. I would truly love to see Tim Eyesore exiled from Washington State. HIs permanent exit is long overdue.
@30 anon1256 & @31 GasparFagel: Agreed and seconded. Well said.

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