

Pfft. The Donald did not offer anyone a bribe. The Donald merely SOLICITED a bribe. And that's totally not bribery at all! The Donald did nothing wrong!


Total bribe.

That said, treaty rights are treaty rights (as Canada now has to deal with displaced First Nations who live in Washington State and never signed a treaty with Canada), so whaling is a right, not something you can negotiate, just like seals and narwhals.

Should we tell Bezos it won't work, that we'll just switch back to loving the Seattle Kraken NHL team as they win the Stanley Cup a second time?


Fatass is on record as saying he was gonna run the country like a business. And bribery is common practice amongst our noble businessmen. So yeah, I'm with robotslave, this is just solid business acumen. Good work, Fatass!


If Taylor Swift is a giraffe, then surely Donald Trump is a whale.


Or maybe a hippo. Sure, a hippo, that's the ticket.


animal rights activists can fuck right off.
grey whales are not endangered;
their brains are equivalent to a cow’s;
and as far as being ‘social’, so are ants.
this indigenous tribe has every right to hunt them and they don’t need your permission.
attempting to stop them is pure racism.


tough shit what you think about it


Chase, I do hope you understand that it's currently spring in Australia, since it's autumn here. So summer is indeed "still ahead of" them.


You mean Bezos hasn't screwed up Seattle enough?


Fun fact about "bribery":
"In fact, the Founders had a broader conception of bribery than what’s in the criminal code. Their understanding was derived from English law, under which bribery was understood as an officeholder’s abuse of the power of an office to obtain a private benefit rather than for the public interest."

I think Pelosi might have talked to a constitutional lawyer.


Pelosi: First impeachment testimony corroborated evidence of bribery.

Impeachment testimony viewers: No it didn't.

Pelosi: Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?


Owning the Seahawks would be cheap (profitable) and much needed PR for the Bezos brand


@14 In this case, foreign policy was endangered by the President's actions. That's very different from using some existing leverage to geopolitical advantage.

Trump solicited a bribe to pursue our nation's diplomatic goals. He should have been doing his job duties without seeking any extra personal gain.


14: Trump didn't bribe Ukraine to advance US foreign policy. He did it to advance his own campaign. The problem with Trumpfucks is they conflate national interests with Big Boss's interests. Trump compromised our national security for personal gain. So fuck him.


In further reflection, Bezos should buy out the Sonics and bring the NBA back to Seattle.


19: You're right, and that's my bad for not reading your post more carefully


Here's Tom Tomorrow's take on The Perfect phone call:


Bezos should buy the Trump administration and have it put down.

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